Monday, August 24, 2009

Packing It All In

Harvest Season is upon us in all of it's 'glory'. Our gardens' abundance is flowing over to all of our neighbors and they now barely crack their doors when they see us coming, so we can't fit the yellow squash through the opening:) The kids snack on cucumbers and tomatoes and beans and raspberries all afternoon, so there is no need to make a formal lunch. The older girls and I canned peaches and froze corn and pickles are calling. I don't love preserving food and have gotten out of it for years with the excuse of having little children. Unfortunately that excuse is becoming quickly outdated and I am having to farm girl up since others have been generous enough to bless us with the bounty of their crops. Mikayla is convinced that I must also do pears and applesauce. All I know is that I need better tools to be efficient and a nanny/maid would be nice because the house tends to "fall down" when I am focused so intently on other things. There is going to be true "Harvest' celebration at the house come October. I will be celebrating being done! :)
We were able to squeeze in a short camping trip this weekend. We promised our children because we haven't done anything vacation wise this summer and time was running out. It wasn't convenient (I had to pull some very late nights/ early mornings to finish putting up the corn and peaches before we left, but it was a great opportunity to relax with our children, something neither Fred or I have done much of this past month. We drove off planning on staying at Anderson Ranch (a barren desert with a big lake), but we met a very friendly outdoorsman at a gas station who steered us to a campground in Pine that was perfect for our short stay. It had hot springs that were definitely a big highlight for everyone.
School starts tomorrow and I don't feel ready. Just the thought of getting back into a rigourous routine makes me feel a little melancholy as the evening hours have really been our only family time. However, the necessity of order always seems to re-motivate all of us to be "up and doing", so I am sure it will be a positive change.
Jordan will be coming back home with one of his roomates this Saturday or Sunday and the anticipation in the air is tangible. We can hardly wait!
So many things to do today--so little time--I'm off to the trenches!

Sunday Cookies

Cousin Temple Trip ("clean")
Mud Volley ball after they were sprayed off many, many times(not even close to clean!)
Eden's shirt was bright white before they started.
Thank heaven for lots of children to husk (a job that we enjoyed together, but my thumb and first two fingers were numb for 3 days from cutting while Eden and Mikayla bagged)

(Sunrise--Sunset) -- I made it through a week of monotony because Mikayla was my constant companion

What happens when you are too busy canning to be an attentive mother (Eden practicing on Abe the week we let her wear makeup)


Early morning "bath" in the hot springs



Soaking it in

Lily flossing with a tangle of fishing line she found on the rocks :( I took it away as soon as I took the picture;)


Lily and Sophie climbed into the same shirt while we were taking down camp and were "stuck" together for a good 30 minutes (jockeying for leader position, sitting on each other, trying to kiss and not be kissed and giggling like crazy-- there's no personal 'bubble' here. (Abe trying to get in on some of the camera action with one of his famous 'GQ' poses.)


City of Rocks
"Hurrah for Israel!"

Exhausted on the way back home

The only one who was semi conscious (barely)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Staying Afloat

This past week was school registration for Eden, Abe, Lily and Sophie; Mikayla's is this week. I guess there is no turning back now. I think the kids are ready to get back on a schedule and as Mikayla put it "feed her brain". I'm ready for a schedule, but I'm never ready for my children to be gone or for the cold weather that is already peeking around the corner. Abe wasn't sure if he wanted to play soccer this year so we waited to register and when he finally decided to go ahead the coach that he wanted to play for had a full roster, so we may not be doing the soccer thing this Fall, which is alright by me. Abe can take it or leave it, but we encourage him for the sake of learning to look outside of himself. I've pondered trying him in Aunt Linda's choir; he likes to sing but I don't know if his attention span would hold out (or if mine would sitting through another hour of practice:)

Fred and Abe went on a self planned Father/Son camping trip Friday-Saturday and we had a Girl Party (well, at least Friday night). We went to the paddle boats and walked through the Rose Garden in Julia Davis park and watched a movie together in my bed. Mikayla and Eden left for their own beds to sleep but the twins slept with me; it was fun!
Mikayla made a goal to attend our stake humanitarian work days (every Wednesday morning) until school started for one of her 10 hour projects in Personal Progress and so I, and often the other kids have been going with her to tie quilts or sand toys etc. Last Friday, one of the sisters there offered us as many peaches as we could take, if we would come pick them off her trees that are breaking under the weight. So, Friday morning we picked as many as we dared pile on top of each other in the containers that we had and canned until 5:00PM on Friday and all day Saturday. I put up everything that was ripe (21 quarts) and have the bottom of 5 large laundry baskets filled with peaches waiting to ripen. Come Monday, it's back to the grind--I am a very slow canner, but I'm grateful for blessings that always come back a hundred fold when we serve someone else.
Mikayla has been walking with me in the mornings all summer--she has now decided that we need to run instead (because she can't keep up with me walking:) and now the balances have shifted and she is dragging me along. I ran every morning when we moved here, just so I could keep up with Olive, but we only went a mile. Now we are running 2-3 "and it's no fun either!" Ben said he ran with Renee (who just finished running in a half marathon) on their anniversary retreat and there is a point where you hit euphoria. I can't remember how many miles to that point, but I know it's farther than I am running and I have no desire to find out! I enjoy walking really fast, but running pushes me. I keep doing it because it makes me feel better after the fact and I accomplish so much more in the morning and also because I don't want to turn into a large mormon mama--the big 40 is just a month away and I can feel it coming on. Mikayla wants to keep running before school which would mean at 6:00 in the dark and cold. I would prefer to do a workout in my living room, but I can't find any instruction videos where anyone is clothed enough to allow into my house. Anyone have any good ideas? I'm sure there aren't any "For the strength of Youth" standard videos out there but it needs to at least be modest enough not to make my husband or sons uncomfortable and eliminate the twins from screaming "naked baby!" and we have to be able to do the entire routine in 20-30 minutes. I'll be waiting for your suggestions.
I get to hug my son in 15 days--and counting!!!
Mom and Dad, I would love for you to find out the name of the "progressing" young man. I feel a strong interest in him and would love for my family to pray for him by name. And being surrounded by all these young, worthy priesthood holders, what a great opportunity for Dad to ask for a priesthood blessing from some of the Elders for his wrist. Healing for Dad; faith promoting for them.
One of Fred's bosses has asked (well not really asked-- more like told) him to take over one of her classes because she is completely overloaded (much more than he is, if that is possible). It is twice a week and is supposed to be from 6-10PM. Fred doesn't feel qualified to teach it--it's not even directly in his field and it is such an infringement on our very precious family time as it is, but short of quitting he doesn't know what else to do. They simply do not have enough staff to accomplish all that needs to be done. He is trying to see if he can put together an online course or get a T.A. to take over after he gets the class started or something else creative. I don't know how much harder they can push him. His capacity seems to be unlimited-- he just keeps stretching and stretching, but I know there is an elasticity peak and beyond that he can only weaken or snap in half. I just keep praying that he'll be strong enough to carry the load, that I'll be strong enough to support him and that his superiors will be guided by inspiration and compassion. I've said it before, but it is a good thing that I married this amazing man--we balance each other out. He doesn't like to rock the boat and I'm prone to capsize it--together we just might stay afloat:)

Fred and Abe heading out for Father/Son

Paddle Boats for Girl Party

Strange ducks in the pond

Sophie and Lily 'trying' to pet the geese
'Looking' at the fountain in the Rose Garden

Taking time to smell the roses
Relaxing in the Rose Garden

Monday, August 10, 2009


I can feel the downslide of summer break gaining momentum. This past week has been filled with "inventory" and back to school shopping and that entails leaving my house for a few hours every day which I am not fond of. But, we are almost done and that makes me happy. Next weekend will be our father/son--mother/daughter parties (Fred and Abe are going camping and the "girls" are staying here and still planning our extravaganza). The following weekend will be a family campout (the extent of our summer vacation this year)and the weekend after that we go get Jordan and bring him home for a week. Previous to his accident he and Dillon had planned on going on a extended mountain climbing expedition (they were going to climb 9 different mountains!), but Jordan has had to pull out (much to my relief, though I am sad that he is disappointed) because he feels an added urgency to stay at work as long as possible before heading off to school. We haven't quite figured out all of the travel, since our younger children will already have started school during that period and Jordan no longer has a car, but it will all work out and I will be so glad to touch him for just a few days. I feel like this summer has just been a waiting period for him to finally come home and yesterday it finally sunk in that there is no finale--his time at home is over and visits are all that remain. I don't like to think about it; my heart gets all tied up in knots. (I better talk about something else.)

We gleaned apricots at the orchard two weeks ago and I dried some, (which we grazed on for a week and a half and finished off yesterday), froze some and made lots of runny apricot jam (the kind that Mom used to make to pour over pancakes). I even tried to make some freezer jam with pectin (because Mikayla wanted some) which was a failure because even though I got the "low sugar" pectin there was NO WAY I could force myself to put as much sugar as they say you have to put in to get the pectin to set up, so it didn't set up AND it is still too sweet. I only put in 1/4 c. sugar in each quart of pancake jam and I wouldn't go any more; I like it tart and relatively healthy. Anyone know how to make spreading jam without more sugar than that? The "regular" sugar pectin said to put in more sugar than fruit--YUCK!!! Peach season is upon us and though the thought of it fills me with dread, I'll be canning soon if there are any to glean at the church orchard. We actually have some on our tree this year, but those will never make it to jars :)

We've been doing a little decorating in the bedrooms this week. Mom, I know you thought Mikayla and Eden's room was bright in it's original theme, but you would be horrified now. The girls fell in love with some clearance fabric a month ago that is silky but has a marbled/tie dyed/ hot pink and lime green pattern with tiny silver glitter jewels on it and yesterday I made it into curtains. They have a lime saucer chair in the corner with a chocolate brown and white striped pillow, a cream short plush pillow and a hot pink shag fur pillow. They still have their white bunk beds and a white desk which doesn't fit the style, but there are no traces of "little girls" left. It is "becoming" very hip or hippy (as Jordan says). They still have a lot of plans in the works:) It is a fun room, but I couldn't live there. Lily and Sophie's room has accumulated all of the "garden hand-me-downs" so their bedroom is evolving as well and that fills my "sweet, innocent, old fashioned" needs. Fred, of course, is ever my go to man. He stands with his power tools ready, waiting for instructions, complaining about the "working conditions" and just raises his eyebrows at our choices. He says he doesn't know anything about "that decorating stuff", but I know better. That's just his wise way of saying, "I'm keeping my mouth shut":)

We went to an "adopted Fred family" reunion yesterday to a place near Fruitland/Parma, where a farmer has built the funnest water area in a very large pond on his property. There are two long docks and one of them ends in a tower that has a rope kind of swing on the 2nd level and a zip line on the third level. Water is shooting out continuously, from a huge PVC pipe sticking way up out of the ground right below the start of the zip line. On the other side of the pond is a twirly slide and the family brought 5 or 6 canoes. The kids (and most of the adults) played in the water for hours. It was so fun to watch them. Greg Jones was there because he married into this adopted family of Fred's. It's a small, small world.

Well, it is Monday, which unfortunately means that my house is a disaster and I need to find the shovel and dig out.

Love you all,

P.S. Mom, what a fun story about "Kolipoki". I haven't read any of Elder Groberg's books. I'll have to see if I can't find some in some library around here. I'd love to read about his experiences.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Peas and Pole Bean Vines

So much has happened these last two weeks and so many thoughts have been going through my mind, that they have all started to intertwine like the peas and pole beans in my garden, but I need to write them down so I can try and make sense of it all and remember, again and again, how all of these recent experiences have made me search, ponder and pray and have ultimately strengthened my testimony.

Two Fridays ago Lori, Renee, Marg, Liz and I went out to lunch to very belatedly celebrate the twins birthday. It was fun to get together and talk about what is going on in each others lives, though it seems like these outings always end too quickly and we are so distracted by the lunch itself that we never really get to talk about anything deeply and it leaves me feeling unfilled. But, the confused young man that Mom and Dad have seen at church and around town came up, and it got me thinking about my reactions and judgments of people.

I grew up sheltered and as I have become independent I have continued to consciously shelter myself from the "world". I had to take Mikayla to a 3 day Boise Youth Spectacular at B.S.U. on the Thursday previous to the luncheon and so I had taken the rest of my children with me so we could go to Julia Davis park for a few hours, since we rarely take the kids to Boise. However, I realized as soon as I stepped out of my car that my comfort level plummeted. I didn't know any of the hundreds of people there, but all of the skin and tattoo's and language immediately made me want to protect my family. From what? I didn't feel danger; it was just that the sphere of the Spirit felt so small and I noticed that I felt very vulnerable, like a little child who's in a strange place. That probably doesn't make any sense, but there it is.

Thus the start of intermingling vines. So with this Thursday experience in mind, as we are talking on Friday, I listened to the thoughts of my sisters and wondered what I would do if I were Mom and Dad--how would I react to behavior that is so estranged from knowledge of individual worth and divine nature. Would I recoil and turn inward, like I'm prone to do with media influences or would I act differently if it were up front and personal. It was disturbing me. By Friday night all those thoughts had left my mind as it became filled with concern for Jordan. Luke, one of his roommates, called scared, and told us that Jordan kept losing consciousness and was becoming disoriented. Fred talked with him and found that Jordan had gone home from work early on Thursday because he was feeling ill. He became extremely nauseous that night and didn't get much rest and stayed home from work on Friday, not being able to keep anything, including water, down the entire time. Fred assessed that he must be extremely dehydrated and asked the boys to give him a blessing and then rush him in to the emergency room to get some fluids back in his body. The entire ordeal took about 3 hours as Luke continued to call us and report on what was happening until he was discharged.and what the doctors were saying. I was just holding my breath, feeling so helpless and hoping that they wouldn't find something serious. The doctors had told us that he just had a very bad stomach flu and sent him home with an anti-nausea prescription, so that he would be able to stay hydrated. I know he is an 18 year old young man and that he was in such good hands with his roommates who are dear, loyal friends, but I wanted to hold his hand and take care of him and yet I couldn't rationalize the cost of rushing down when he didn't need me (I just needed him).

Saturday morning Fred and I had a temple assignment, and I had such a hard time keeping my thoughts from wandering to Jordan and for some reason to this young man in Mom and Dad's mission--back and forth--back and forth. And when I finally got into the celestial room where I wasn't fighting those thoughts a scripture came into my mind, "the well need no physician", and for a few minutes I felt for this young man what I was feeling for my boy and was so grateful that Jordan had not been left on his own--that kind and concerned people were surrounding him making sure to offer whatever they could to heal him--that his roommates were more concerned a bout his recovery than avoiding his germs and that they stayed by him until there was nothing more that they could do. I shared my thoughts with Fred on the drive back home and he shared with me how his love for people, "whether they be a bum in the alley or a man of power filled with pride and haughtiness" by the end of his mission had been the same as a dear friend and how it was seared into his heart that he was to try and save all souls. We finally ended up in the parking lot of stores where we had errands, me with tears of gratitude for being blessed to feel a little bit of Heavenly Father's love for all his children and with the weight of knowing that I am a selfish coward when it comes to sharing the gospel. I have not gained courage from that experience but I have a deeper understanding of my duty as I have pondered over and over a talk that Fred reminded me that Pres. Eyring gave about my brothers and sisters coming to me on the other side and asking me why I didn't share what I had. It has pricked my hard heart and given me the desire to pray for courage and compassion.

Weaving back in-- Jordan remained home over the weekend with us checking on him daily and Fred reminding him to drink lots of gator aid, so he could keep his electrolytes up to a healthy level. The flu just seemed to go on and on and he still had no appetite on Monday, but decided he needed to cowboy up and get back to work. By Tuesday he was still feeling poorly and when Dillon (another roommate) called me for an unrelated reason, late Tuesday afternoon, he said Jordan was out working but had been having dizzy spells. Not 30 minutes later, Dillon called back and told Fred that he had just been informed that Jordan was involved in a car accident. He said he was on his way to the scene and didn't know anything except that the firemen had told him Jordan was talking. Of course my mind was frantic, but Fred's calm, methodical presence kept me rooted. Dillon called back 10 minutes later and said that he was at the scene but the whole area was blocked off and they wouldn't let anyone in, but had been told that Jordan had driven off the road, that no one else was involved, that the car was totaled and that they were going to have to cut him out, but he was still talking and seemed to be fine. He called back again when they had Jordan out and told us that he was strapped to a gurney and had just been put in an ambulance. As they were traveling, the paramedics called and talked to Fred and reassured us that he seemed to be stable but they were going to take him in for tests to make sure he hadn't sustained internal injuries. After he had undergone lab work and a CT scan, he was cleared for release with only a bruise and swelling on one side of his forehead, a bruise on his hip and some cuts on his forearm that were glued shut. The policemen said he shouldn't have come out of there at all. Dillion called back at that point and put his phone on speaker so Jordan could talk to us and then all of my brave faces cracked and the flood gates came flying open. You want to be the strong one and be able to give comfort--after all, I am a Mother! And yet, I am a Mother. He said he was fine--he sounded vulnerable. He said he was fine--he sounded humble. I didn't say I was fine--I wasn't. And still he said, "don't come". How could I not! The next morning he said, "don't come, I'm fine"--he sounded good. I didn't. He said, get on the web cam and you can see that I'm fine". I tried, it wouldn't work. I called Fred and told him I thought we should go down and he said I needed to respect Jordan's wishes, that Jordan would feel responsible for the cost of the trip, when it wasn't "necessary" and that I needed to let Jordan make these choices. But I am a Mother!!!.......and I know he's right....... and I don't want him to be right. So I gathered up my children and we went to the temple. Mikayla and Eden went in and did a baptismal session and Abrahm, Lily, Sophie and I sat on the temple grounds admiring the beauty and peace that is there and marveling at ants. Fred met us there and we sat for a few moments together being grateful for eternal families and for loving hands that guide and protect us. I sat there trying to imagine how I would feel had things not turned out as miraculously positive as they did, and I felt so grateful that I didn't need to know, but experienced such a confirmation to my deep testimony that whatever happens in our lives, our Heavenly Father hands are in all things. That night we were able to get the web cam to work and see for ourselves that Jordan was "fine".

I called Wednesday and Thursday to make sure he was still alright and just because I needed to hear his voice. Wednesday night Braden's (another of Jordan's roommates) mother showed up our doorstep with warm zuchinni bread and homemade freezer jam. She said that Braden was worried about me and wanted me to know that people were thinking about me and asked if she would make us some treats since he couldn't. What sweet young men--and still I am not the one giving comfort. Thursday, Jordan said he was going back to work on Friday (after a 2 day doctor ordered rest) Friday I tried to call him all day and tried to reach him by e-mail, but I heard nothing and when I couldn't contact him all day on Saturday I started fretting. When he finally called Saturday night I was overly anxious. His phone had died, but he was doing good. The swelling on his head was going down and his headache was diminishing and he said he'd be home in 30 days. I don't know if I can wait that long to touch him. So many people have called, that love Jordan, to tell us how grateful they are that he was protected. Family and friends are such a blessing in our lives and I need to be better about reaching back out to those who are so kind to us.
Amidst all of this we received notification that Jordan's Eagle ranking had been approved by the Scout Council and Fred was able to pick up his awards, which is actually the only one of his scout awards that has been really meaningful for me.

Mikayla took and passed both drivers license tests on Friday and now has her drivers license, which her parents are now, due to some specific reservations and also to the recent happenings, terrified to let her use outside of a square mile radius.

Eden started wearing makeup today in preparation for her eighth year of middle school. I'm always sad about that transition, but she was very subtle and it felt so comfortable to let her walk out the door without having leaped very far into the grown-up crowd.

Abe is persistently planning a last ditch Father/Son camp out and a subsequent Family camp out this month before school starts. We haven't had any kind of family vacation because Fred has been so busy and honestly the life just went out of planning anything when I realized it would be a part-family vacation. However, we have realized how much we need to continue making family memories, even when the family isn't all at home, so we are trying to fit in overCheck Spellingnighters on the weekends, which is the only time Fred has off anymore. (I keep trying to figure out how we could go on an overnight camp out to Spokane :)

Lily and Sophie, who were feeling so nervous about school, are now getting very impatient as they anticipate wearing their new school clothes and wearing their little backpacks.

Fred is ever working. It is that student mentality all over again where you are never done and it is always with you. He continues to make time for us, but misses those respites of time to work on home projects and hobbies. He tried working on his car radio last night in between some Saturday house jobs and ended up slicing his finger to the bone. He is now wearing a finger splint on his left hand and wondering when those days of leisure will ever return. Is he still grateful for this job? YES! It is fulfilling, but he'll be happy if the pressure would ease up at bit. Maybe it will once all the initial groundwork is laid and he can hire a teacher.

And I? I am wondering what this new school year will bring. After all of the challenges of this summer will the plans and goals of Jordan attending BYU-I really be able to materialize? Will I be able to find my niche with all of my children off at school? Will I be brave enough to stretch? As Mr. Magorium says, "Life is an occasion--rise to it!" I want to.--

Jordan's Miracle

Jordan in the E.R. Friday, July24
After losing consciousness from dehydration

Jordan in the E.R. Tuesday, July28 After his car accident

The Car in the Impound Lot

Some of Jordan's Angels
(Luke, Dillon, Braden)

Slices of Life

Abe's Cabbage

Abe's 9th Birthday


Sophie "Harvesting" Beans

"Sunlit" Memories

Lily and Sophie