Monday, March 31, 2014

March in Pictures

Dr. Seuss day at School--What do you want to be when you grow up?
Fashion Designer
Katie's Bridal Shower--veil and flowers compliments of the younger cousins
Just A few of the artists
Lily & Sophie's B-day dinner prepping
Chicken/Spinach Taquitos
Chef's in training
Lily's choice instead of cake--Fresh kiwi on a stick...
...covered in chocolate. Sophie's choice--Strawberry/Pretzel dessert
The hardest part--waiting to open gifts.
Sophie sharing her dessert for candles--it's difficult to put them in frozen kiwi pops =)
Wishes always come true.
Kites from Abrahm
...and hula hoop from Eden
Sketch pads and watercolors from Jordan & Katie
Cupcake kit from Mikayla
The cutest little cases...
...for the prettiest little watches

Family clean-up--Jordan & Mikayla doing "their thing"
Jordan doing his...
Spontaneous group bear hug--you can't get out of this one until he lets go. =)
This pretty girl--soon to be one of us.
Sunday night...and sharing technology.
Celebrating Jordan's birthday--without him--Carmelita style.
Named by him--"scrumptious nuggets of pure joy"
sticky pirate fingers--called them in from playing "dress up"

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Break--Projects and Playtime

Nice weather--Spring weeds--and Creativity!