Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Day of School - Fall 2015

Sophia's first day of Middle School - 6th Grade
Lily's first day of Middle School - 6th Grade
Abrahm's first day of sophomore year - 10th Grade

Monday, September 7, 2015

Summer Camping at Baumgartner

Hauled in "everything but the kitchen sink"...
The scenic bike ride to the river
At out campsite
Little brother towering
Smoke follows beauty
Abe captured the gorgeous lighting at our campsite view.
A friendly visitor
Rock Jumping
Burying their feet in the "hot spots" to keep warm
Abe...ever helping and protecting his sisters
Enjoying the sun
5:30 AM hike to see the sunrise...while Fred and I are still snoozing in our cots.
It was early...it was dark...it was cold... and in Sophie's words, "it wasn't that fun!"
Never did get to see the sun rise because the mountains were in the way...
...but they said the view was beautiful anyway.
Love these kids...LOVE that they love each other!
Fishing with Dad...
...and a makeshift pole
Hot rock spa...for free!
More fishing with Dad. Persistence.
trying her hand with a real pole
Making a hot pool
Skipping stones
Abe trying to help Mikayla across the slippery rocks
The current was feeling a little swift, so she hung on for extra support
Abe fell down and Mikayla tried to save him...only saved the shirt...kind of
Trying to get re-dressed
Watching this through the camera was hilarious
Almost to the other side and Eden mentions that Mikayla left her rain poncho on the other side
Turn around and go back...Abe still helping...
...kind of
Rain poncho retrieved
Skipping more rocks
Crossing #3...as effective as the first two.
No one came back dry
A laugh a minute
Warming their feet back up in the hot pool
The beautiful bend in the river
Lily and her stick pole
Giving each other "grief"
Admiring her pretty rock collection before she set them free
Mikayla needing to be set free
"My life is harrrrrrrrrrd!"
Mud bogging
Found a snake skin. BOYS!
Changing fishing spots
Heading back to camp...we had to hurdle these two, huge downed trees over the path, every time.
Trying to salvage any dry wood after a full day of rain.
Improvising a bellows
Nature napping
Ready to head back home. GOOD MEMORIES!
A week later...these little plants sprouted in Abe's camp shoes.