Friday, October 29, 2010

I Love You

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jordan Bloomquist
Date: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 12:14 PM
To: Rachel Bloomquist <>

Dearesteringerst Family,
 I got the pictures to work and I love them but if you have not already sent the vest you should slip a couple of those family shots in so I can hang them up, as well as Mikayla's senior pictures.  I don't have all your letters with me right now I forgot them in my room so I will tell you about my week in this letter and answer questions in my hand written one, esta bien?   This week has been so amazing and humbling for me,  I  have felt at times that I wasn't working as hard as I wanted to, so I prayed that I would be able to work harder.  Lo and behold prayers are answer but maybe not always in the way you want them to be.  Elder Pew and I were called as zone leaders on Sunday and it has been intresting trying to find out where we are supposed to be when and what are responcibilitys are.  I love it so much though,  I was talking to Elder Pew after we were called and we both had this intence filling of love for all those in our zone.  We just got a new district yesterday and even though I barely met them I love them too.  The MTC is a powerful place and you can have a love for someone ,that normally would take a couple years to develop, in a matter of days.  Also this week Elder Richard G. Scott came and spoke to us about feeling the spirit.  He gave each of a sheet of paper that had inspiration on how to listen to the spirit.  It was things that he had learned throughout his life.  The spirit was so strong in that meeting and in our district devotional afterwards that I could never deny what I felt.  Elder Scott ended his talk by saying " If you remember nothing else I want you to remeber this; Jesus Christ lives.  He is a personage of perfect love.  He is our Redeemer. He is our intermedian with the Father.  I love hime.  I solemnly declare that he lives.  I know he lives because I know him."   Mother, Father, Mikayla, Eden, Abe, Sophie and Lily I want to let you know that I love all of you so much.  You mean the world to me nothing is more important to me than my Father in Heaven.  I know that our Father in Heaven loves us and I know that he sent his son down to earth because he loves us.  I know that Jesus Christ willingly suffered for our sins, our afflictions our grief and our pain because he loves us.  I know that Joseph Smith restored the gospel to this earth through God.   I know the Book of Mormon is true and it is because I have prayed and recieved that comformation.  I know that this Church is the true and original Church of Christ, and I will never deny it. 
Alma 26:35 " Now have we not reason to rejoice?  Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those wo will repent and believe on his name."
I love you
Elder Jordan Bloomquist

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"All is Well, All is Well"

I apologize beforehand for this essay length narrative, but I had such a sweet, spiritual experience yesterday, that I wanted to remember, and which needs a detailed preface to give it depth.
For over a month I have had some serious concerns on my mind; things of great eternal significance. They are personal trials, but weighty enough to be crushing, if handled without a spiritual perspective, and somehow—miraculously, I have kept my focus where it needs to be and have been guided so specifically through inspired council in stake and general conferences and through personal scripture study that I have felt amazing peace in the midst of these personal tempests. And then, this past week, at the height of feeling that life was once again moving in the right direction, I got sick with the flu, which should have been a minor thing.  I don't usually let sickness beat me. Even with the body aches and congested head I fast walked my 2 miles with Olive the 1st and 2nd day, determined to fight it, but by day 3, when it hadn't let up at all, I stayed in my pajamas all day and canceled my mutual visit that evening.  Looking back now I see that was the start of chinks in my armor. I didn't recognize them for what they were then, but I can see now that when I gave in to physical frustrations, the adversary saw an opportunity to sneak in some punches, while I was down. That morning, during scripture study I read over my patriarchal blessing and the defeating thought came to me that had I been more strictly obedient about certain council in there that I wouldn't be struggling with specific trials right now, that it was my own fault and I deserved what I got. And as the week progressed, other, unimportant things started to seem very important and I started having thoughts like, "I've done everything I was supposed to do and look where it's gotten me emotionally, spiritually, financially etc. By Sunday morning, the flu still hadn't let up and the physical exhaustion started giving way to spiritual exhaustion as I pondered my full day of continuous mtgs. from 1:00-6:00. In that state, even the mirror became an enemy and all it took was for Fred to walk in and make a positive comment about how I looked, for me to come completely apart at the seams and then I  had the discouraging experience of having to get ready all over again.

We did finally make it to church and after the second time of having to leave sacrament mtg., because I couldn't stop coughing, I started to feel sorry for myself and think about going home and skipping all of my mtgs.  And then the little, destructive thoughts started…(I don't have the stamina for this—it's asking too much of me— it won't make any difference if I'm there or not, because I don't have anything valuable to contribute anyway.) But, because it was easier to stay than to figure out transportation, I stayed—and because Mikayla also had to go to the preceeding mtgs. I followed her. Then, as the ward conference we were attending ended I remembered that I had a temple recommend interview with a councilor in our bishopric, in our building, which was downtown. I told my YW President I would be right back, hopefully before I had to report on my assignment, and I rushed over to the other building in our truck, with the cold air streaming in the door because it no longer has a seal and the windshield wipers on because the knob is broken and I couldn't find the pliers to turn them off. The interview with Bro. Wagoner was short and I somehow stayed composed, but as I left his office I realized that this was the last week that the stake would be holding temple recommend interviews before October was over and if I didn't go up there my recommend would be expired for a week in November. And suddenly the words, "the bridegroom cometh" came so forcefully into my mind with the image of the unprepared virgins that I knew I had to go straight to the stake center, even though I was supposed to be at another mtg., where they would be waiting for my report. Interviews are set from 3:30-5:30 and it was 4:45 when I left our building. I managed to finally get the windshield wipers off, right as it began to rain and even though I pulled over and tried with all my might I couldn't get them back on. It didn't really matter because even if I could have seen through the windshield my eyes were blurry anyway. I made it to the stake center, went straight to the bathroom and dried my face and then walked to the stake waiting area which was filled and overflowing out into the hall. The stake executive secretary, gave me a number card (#16) and I sat down to wait. As is usual, only the councilors were doing recommend interviews as the stake president was busy with other things, one of which was setting an Elder apart. I know, because Pres. Evans came out looking for a box of Kleenex and then a few minutes later a weeping mother came out of his office followed by her husband and a sharp looking 19 year old young man whom I recognized. How I held it together as they walked past I'll never know, but I did and then Bro. Baker called for the person who had #10 to go into one of the councilors offices and then, ahead of 5, other people he came out and said, "Sister Bloomquist, Pres. Evans would like to see you in his office."  Of course, Pres. Evans doesn't know my struggles of the past month—there is no need for him to know, and I'm sure in his mind he may have thought this was just an opportune time to get some insight about the young women from a stake leader who happened to be sitting in the foyer, because as I came into his office he asked me questions about my concerns for the young women and then he asked me input into council for the young men in our stake and then proceeded with my temple recommend interview.  I answered all of the questions, and then he held my recommend out in front of me and said, "this recommend has two great purposes—one is obviously that it will get you into the temple, where I council you to go as often as possible, but the other is that it is the Lord's recommend and is an absolute witness to you that he finds you worthy. Because of that, Satan will try to deceive you and tell you that you aren't worthy enough, that your service isn't enough, that other people's bad choices are your fault. That is a lie! Don't you listen to his lies, because you have answered these questions truthfully and the Lord has found you worthy." I left his office weepy, something I am sure he sees continually from emotional women, and I'm sure he had no idea that he had been a direct answer to prayer by being so specific in his words that I could not deny their impact, that his inspired council was the means of restoring light and clarity to my mind and giving renewed purpose and vision enough for me to say, "Get thee hence, Satan!" It was more than a tender mercy and will be another concrete evidence to hold onto that my Heavenly Father is uniquely mindful of me and loves me individually and wants us to have no part in discouragement or despair.

I still don't feel at my physical prime. I know I need to be vigilant, that Satan won't ease his onslaught, just because I had a spiritual experience and could see things as they were, so clearly for a moment. That was made apparent to me early this morning as the girls headed to the temple, before any of us thought about it being closed on Mondays, and the car's engine seemed to seize as they were headed back.  I could once again feel the adversary's discouraging influence working on my mind, but even though I don't have all the solutions in front of me, I can feel the Lord's hand as the words from the hymn go through my mind, "I will not doubt, I will not fear, Gods love and strength are always near. His promised gift helps me to find, an inner strength and peace of mind…" And I remember so many of my blessings; that I have an incredible, worthy, 19 year old son on a mission, giving 2 years of his life to the Lord and an amazing 17 year old daughter who I know is prepared to soon make her way in the world and teaching me life lessons every day--that I have a 14 year old ray of sunshine, who is striving to do what is right, and making great strides in discovering her divinity and helping me to discover mine-- at a time when so many youth are falling away to the weighty influences of the world--that I have 10 year old son who often exhibits the compassion of Christ in my behalf--and 6 year old daughters who have been a true gift, and every day, validate my role as mother--that I have a husband who is humble and meek, and teachable and who instills within me the desire to overcome my weaknesses—that my temporal comforts are abundant, no matter how poorly my cars run and how many times my budget won't work on paper—and  most important of all that the atonement is accessible and personal and vibrantly at work in my life. "All is well, all is well".

Friday, October 22, 2010

From Jordan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jordan Bloomquist <>
Date: Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:17 PM
To: Rachel Bloomquist <>

Im sorry that these letters are so short I am going to answer as many questions as I can.  Those I don't answer I will send a hand written letter.
Sophie the Elder that wrote you is Elder Grillone you say his name like (Gruh Lohn).  The picture that I sent and drew is just for fun and because I do what I want. : )
My P-Day goes as follows first I wake up at 6:30 then at seven I have personal study like read my scriptures and study the language.  Then at 8:15 I have breakfast at the caffiteria. 
At 8:45 we have companion study where Elder Pew and I talk about what we learned in personal study.  At 10:00 we get to go to the temple which just obviously makes the rest of the day great.  I then get to get on the computer and write to all of you crazy whoodalums.  At 1:00 I eat lunch.  At 1:45 I have personal time to write you more letters or write in my journal or take pictures.  At 3:00 I have Laundry time where we go to a huge room just full of washers and dryers and while I wait for my clothes I either draw crazy pictures and send them to you guys or I write more letters or just talk to my district.  At 6:00 I get back dressed into my suit and go to dinner.  At 6:45 I go to class and learn spanish and lessons from preach my gospel.  At 8:00 I have Language study, and then at 9:00 I Plan for the next day.  9:30 I we go back to our rooms and at 10:30 we go to sleep.
Lily and Sophie I am having an awesome time at the MTC and I miss both of you.  
Abe Sorry I messed up the code I am sending a letter with the correct code.
Eden I am so glad you are having fun in Student Council,  I loved it, it was so much fun to see the "Behind the scenes" and watch it come together
Mikayla Senior Year is the Bomb ( Lo Máximo) have fun and learn as much as you can because soon It will be over.
A little something about this week, for devotional Elder Russel M. Nelson came to speak and I was only like thirty yards away it was so neat though.  I got to sing in the choir at that devotional and boy was that AWESOME.
Some things he said " It is better to have character than to be one",   and he said to all the missionaries that we are safer on our missions than any of our friends that are back at home."  Food for thought : )
 Love all of you so much,  I will send another hand written letter this week.
Elder Jordan Bloomquist
Ps mom when does braiden come in date and time

Friday, October 15, 2010

Woot Woot

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jordan Bloomquist <>
Date: Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 1:30 PM
Subject: woot woot
To: Rachel Bloomquist <>

Well you crazy bunch of Bloomers,
   This week has just flown by, and I have loved every minute of it.  Elder Pew and I are trying to work as hard as we can and sometimes, ... no most of the time that can be difficult.  Yesterday we had an appointment at the TE which stands for teacher evaluation.  A volunteer will come in and we get to practice on them.  I have come to find out that it is easy to explain the gospel and get details and scriptures, the hard part is getting the investiagtor to care or how they can apply it to themselves, that is were the spirit comes in.  When we got in the room to teach this person we explained it to him but he just sat their with a blank stare on his face.  He told us to stop and for the last 5 minutes that we were there to just only speak in questions.  It was so amazing how it just helped us to understand what he was feeling and for him to open up to what we were talking about.  
  Anyway spanish is moving forward bit by bit but it help so much that many people around us are speaking and we speak it as much as we can.  During lunch time we have a rule that we can't speak any english.  It is pretty hard but is so fun and helps very much.  We also do activities call contacting which is where we walk up to random people as, if they were on the streets of Chile, and try to share a message with them about the gospel.  It is so cool I love it. 
 Every P day we get to go to the temple.  That is where I just got back from, and I have noticed that every time I come out the weather seams so perfect even if it is cloudy or rainy or sunny.  
  Oh another thing about spanish every week we have to write a 5 minute talk in spanish for sacrament meeting and have it prepared, because the branch president will get up and just choose 2 people out of the audience.  Now if that doesn't scare you I don't know what will.  I have a hard time writting in english, so you know it just make spanish that more funner!! 
I love all of you so much, keep being yourself and doing what is right,
                                   Love, Elder Jordan Bloomquist
P. S. Mom could you send me some of those pictures that you sent me on the email they wouldn't open up so I couldn't see anything.  Oh and Lily and Sophie I got your glue project it is hanging on my bulletin board above my desk.  I love it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Frolic and Faith

It has been a good week; one of regaining a little control of my home. Mikayla, Eden and I went on a massive grocery shopping trip Saturday, to restock much of our 3 month pantry storage, which had almost waned considerably with my focus on getting Jordan out in the field. It made for a long morning and putting it all away made for a long afternoon, but it felt good to get a small portion of the things I have let slide organized again. I can tell you I got quite a few odd looks in the bulk aisle of the store:) Fred spent the day cleaning and re-organizing the garage so we could store all of Jordan's things and Abe could regain his room. I was very proud of myself. I remained composed  during the entire process. In fact I was more than just composed--it felt like beginnings instead of endings, which I think is a big step for me. We worked hard all day, I even got Eden to mow the lawn which isn't an usual task for her and while she did got the job done, Truman has nothing on her! I was glad that I had done the front yard the day before as her artistic sensibilities got the best of her. I now have diamond, circle, cross patterns and who knows what else mowed in permanently for a week. Doctor Seuss would have been proud!:) As a treat we decided to take the kids on an outing as Toy Story 3 was playing at our discount theatre. We had the bright idea to go to the 9:20 showing as we were working up until then. As an afterthought, that is awfully late to be out on the town if you're not  on a teenager clock. We were all tired and frankly I was caught a little off guard and not  prepared to be sobbing in the last few minutes of a Pixar film, but there is the sad truth. A mother was sending her son off to college and I related a little too closely. So much for my celebrated stability, but it is getting easier, now that we are able to hear back from Jordan. He sounds so happy and I am truly elated, despite my emotional inconsistency.

It came to me the other night, just out of thin air, that I have an Eleanor and a Maryanne in my family. Mikayla's selfless, emotionally reserved, integrity and Eden's passion, verbal expressiveness, and spontaneous zeal for life. Not to mention their sisterly loyalties and affection. Eden said she didn't want to be Maryanne, she wanted to be Eleanor, but we need the Austenian virtues of both. What fun diversity is in this family!

Last night was YW Standards Night. As usual, the stake president was the only adult on the program and it was amazing! He has said before, "You put the youth on the stand and they will perform miracles." and they did. The theme was "I Have A Purpose" and Mikayla was one of the two youth speakers. Public speaking is not in her comfort zone because she has deep thoughts and often a hard time verbalizing them accurately. It's a constant frustration to her, but with this calling on the stake youth committee she is being pushed considerably. She was prepared spiritually last night and taught with poise and eloquence and such mature, spiritual clarity that I sat behind her on the stand in awe. The whole congregation felt it as there were crowds around her the rest of the evening. It was truly a gift of the Spirit and I was so profoundly grateful and inspired. I had two different sisters come up after the meeting and tell me that the look on my face, while Mikayla was speaking was "priceless". I realized this morning, when my personal scripture happened to start with 3 Nephi:26, and as I read through verse 14, why! It took on a whole new meaning and I realized that I had just witnessed a most similar experience, literally.

I keep waiting for the wind to die down so I can walk Olive without winter gear, but I don't think it is going to happen today. So, off I go to find my fluffy red hat!:) Isn't it great that it is Oct.11 and we're just easing out of summer clothes. What we lost in June, we are basking in now!

Mona-Mikayla (by Mikayla-for Grandma's benefit)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Love, Elder Bloomquist

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jordan Bloomquist <>
Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: First Family E-Mail
To: Rachel Bloomquist <>

My dearest most wonderful family,
 First of all I would like to say that I love you all so very much,
  The MTC is amazing it is non stop eating hear first you feast on the words of Christ, then you nibble on rediculous spanish words and then they stuff your face with much comida (food).   Abe I can't wait for you to be able to experience this you will love it it is so awesome.   So far my usual day is Elder Pew and I wake up at 5:30 or 6:00 so that we can do some push ups or go run.  Then around 6:15 we go to the showers they aren't really prikely dad, just a little bit surprising, keeps you on your toes.  Just at random the water will turn into lava and then smack you in your face with a round of ice cubes "isss the besss I luve it".  At 7:00 we go to class have personal study and companion study. At 8:00  we have breakfast and dad there is as much lucky charms as you can eat.  So if I come back weighing 348 lbs don't judge me because it is the inside that counts. : )   We then head back to class and learn spanish or preach my gospel, or both.  It is so awesome.  5 hours later we eat lunch and usually I get a coustom wrap it is so deliousious.  we then have class and dinner later and gym which is a blast they have an in door track and cool things like that.  I havn't seen Kimble yet but I met someone who knows him so I am going to keep looking.  Sorry this is so short I only have 30 minutes on the computer and it is timed.  So if you wouldn't mind could you just send things through dear elder because I don't have a lot of time to read and write.  I am so grateful that you have written so much mail hear is like waiting for Christmas so if any one asks tell them they should write mail if they are not doing anything else with their time. : )   Also ties are like gold here so if you have any old ties that you want traded dad just send them on down and I can trade them for some sweet ones.  I love you all so much. I will try to write more in a letter and mail it.   I know the gospel is true, familys are evidence of Gods love.
Love Elder Bloomquist

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Missionary Send Off

Preparing for and sending off  a missionary is an experience of a lifetime. I tried so hard to prepare myself emotionally, but I guess there are just some things you can't adequately brace yourself for--you just have to let them come, and hold on.

The Saturday before Jordan left, our family spent the day in the park, away from all distractions, so we could focus on just being together. It was a gorgeous day to play and visit and enjoy each other. It was one of those days where, as a mother, you look around with gratitude at the righteous family that you've been blessed with and know there is nothing more valuable in the world than your husband and children.

Sunday, Jordan was set apart as a full time missionary. What a beautiful experience that was. The mantle of that calling is a clearly visible thing. Thank you to so many family members for supporting Jordan that evening with your company. Our family felt deeply loved because of your presence.

Monday, was a day of last minute errands and packing and Jordan took his role as a missionary seriously as he made sure he had a companion with him at all times. There were a few times, where I would forget and go downstairs without him and he would coming running down behind me, with a mouth full of toothpaste, wondering where I was going:) It was a neat experience to have him so close by those last few days.

Tuesday was difficult. We were all doing good until the younger children had to say goodbye before they left for school. That was a tender parting. The deep emotions were a tribute to Jordan for the vast, positive role he has played in our family and the immense hole his departure leaves in our family dynamics. Those last goodbyes, including us driving away from home and neighbors was emotionally heightened for me because I can't seem to help being sentimental. We made two more stops to say goodbye to dear friends of Jordan's and as we drove out of Boise, Fred turned on some dramatic Mormon Tabernacle Choir music and Jordan became immersed in writing letters. I put on my sunglasses and with the feeling that I was driving toward emotional execution, cried all the way to Jerome, where we stopped for lunch, turned off the music and I was able to refocus and get control of my emotions. We had planned on driving to temple square, but we were supposed to meet Taylor and Scott at 6:00, so we drove straight to Prove and spent a fun hour, over dinner, with fun boys, talking about Chile and family and girls (one in particular:) I'm so glad we did that. Jordan couldn't help but be pumped after talking with Taylor who is still so fresh from the field, and it was a sweet, rare tie in to the "Larsen life". That night we drove back into Salt Lake and stayed in a hotel close to temple square.

Wednesday I was so proud of myself.  We woke up at 6:30, got ready for the day, ate breakfast and were on temple square by 9:00--with no tears! We walked around, took lots of pictures and soaked up the peace of that place.  There were a few other families doing the same.  Our guide in the conference center was on her 3rd or 4th mission with her husband, but had just recently returned from serving a mission in the Santiago Chile temple, so that was a fun experience to talk to her. The highlight of that morning was standing in front of the Christus, finally knowing that I could give my boy away for Him, and only for Him. It gave me great strength and peace and assurance that everything would be alright, and that not only was Jordan in His hands, so was I. At 10:30 we headed back to Provo, in a very quiet car, and had an hour to spare before Jordan's check-in time. We parked at the Provo temple and walked around those grounds, with many other new missionaries all "saying goodbye" to their families. We could see teams of missionaries playing soccer on the MTC fields, and other groups walking up to attend the temple and their was a great feeling of comraderie and unity of purpose there. We actually ran into a sister missionary going to Jordan's same mission and we and her parents got so excited we put them together and were taking pictures. I realized afterwards that maybe that wasn't the best preparation for the MTC, since he shouldn't even be touching girls, but they were both good sports and it made us feel like they were going in with a friend. We had been warned, repeatedly, that goodbyes needed to be said prior to dropping Jordan off, that it wasn't a time for pictures, that it would be a very quick process, so though not excited I had prepared myself for a 5 minute parting, but the emotions of that drive into the MTC, lined with hundreds of missionaries waving and welcoming, is overwhelming. We pulled in and rolled down our window as an elderly gentleman stopped us and gave us a kind welcome and directions to a distant curb where we stopped the car. We got out of the car, unloaded Jordan's luggage and a host missionary took ahold of a suitcase and asked if he was ready. He gave us brief hugs and was gone. It was so fast that I panicked and grabbed my camera which was right beside me, but only got his suitcase as he was engulfed by missionaries. It was so fast that in that moment I forgot to tell him I loved him. I had tried to prepare for 5 minutes, but I'm sure it was less than that and had felt like 5 seconds. He was gone so fast that only the greeting missionaries saw the flood of tears that started as Fred took me away. I think that was a tender mercy for Jordan, and my tender mercy was a compassionate, understanding husband who pulled over to the side of the road and let me weep in his arms, as my heart was breaking. I have never done anything that hard and yet I know Jordan is where he is supposed to be. I am excited for him and so proud of him know that nothing will be quite as positively life changing for him and for us.

The drive back was such a blessing as Fred and I talked for six hours about life and goals and we anticipated coming home to our other children, who we found out later had been protectively watched over by dear neighbors who went out of their way to be there at the crossroads, to provide them with snacks and dinner (even though they knew I had left them with those things) and be a loving support, during an emotional time for them as well.

It is now Monday and I am feeling a little less vulnerable. There have been some hard moments (when I had to put back a place setting on the table, when I walked into Abe's room and saw a small basket of Jordan's dirty clothes, when we came back from our Friday night date and I saw the car in the driveway and had that brief excitement that Jordan was home from work already), but for the most part I feel joyful, especially during conference, as so many messages were about missionary work. We write Jordan everyday on an e-mail service that prints and hand delivers mail straight to the MTC, but have yet to hear back from him as we don't yet know when his P-day will be. We can already feel the blessings in our family from his service and I am so grateful for this gospel in our lives. I love the Lord and I love my family.


Sweet catch!  You'll have to trust me on that.

Tackling is always more fun when the ball is out of play!

And my beautiful Angel Maid leaves next...
...Thank Heaven for my husband to cling to

And he's down

Another one bites the dust

A big brother's apologies

A tackle and a touchdown
High Five
Abe's namesake


How we love this big brother!

Hearts breaking!


Elder Bloomquist

Temple Square