Sunday, March 15, 2009

This Week With The Bloomers

I left the house at 7:10 this morning and have been in 3 different buildings, for 5 different meetings, visiting 3 different wards and I don't have anything left to say, but the heat from the laptop is soothing and the foot massager is relaxing, so I will sit here until something comes or I'm forced to get back up. I'm not whining--this isn't a typical Sunday and I'm sure that there are many people with busier callings than mine who aren't even home yet, but it feels good to put on slippers.

The twins birthday lived up to their expectations which made it fun for me. Lily and Sophie each ordered the color of cake and frosting they wanted and we made them together and then I cut primroses in 3 different colors and let them each decorate their own cakes however they wanted. I thought they turned out lovely and reminded me of the cakes my mom used to decorate when we werer all still living on the farm, though at a 5 year old stage.

I can't wait for Spring Break coming up. We have a lot of fun, simple things planned around town with friends and family, (we're also in major crunch mode for Jordan to finish up his Eagle scout requirements and I had nightmares about it all night, so I hope he gets that squared away ASAP so I can stop worrying.)

Lily and Sophie's birthday party:

Sophie's cake:

Lily's Cake:

Planet Kid for their birthday date:

Treats at my sisters store-- "Cookie's and Cream"
Double Pleasure/ Double Trouble:

Jordan's finished sign:

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