Monday, July 20, 2009


Mikayla was asked out on her first date this evening by a boy she doesn't know and is not attracted to in any way. It was an extremely awkward phone conversation as she had a difficult time trying to place a name with a face and, sad but true, a disappointment when she realized that she was free on Friday and then awkward again when she asked who they would be doubling with and he told her he was just planning on going on their own and she told him she couldn't single date and he tried to tell her it wasn't a date. She ended up letting him know that whatever "it" was she couldn't go alone, so he said he'd try to get some of his friends and call her tomorrow. It wasn't the fairy tale phone call that every 16 year old girl dreams of, but those will come too. Fred and I just encouraged her that 16 was all about meeting new people and learning to communicate and seeing what characteristics interest you and what characteristics are dissatisfying (and if you get a free movie out of the deal, then that's a bonus). After Mikayla confided in her 17 year old best friend at the Bishop's fireside tonight, Tessia made the comment that ALL dates are awkward unless you are going out with a very close friend, which I thought was a very realistic comment. I have to admit that I am a little apprehensive because although I guess this young man is in our stake I don't know him or anything about him. If he finds a "double" and this date materializes on Friday night, he won't be getting out my door without a "mother chat".
Mikayla will be attending the Boise Youth Spectacular, which is an E.F.Y. appendage at B.S.U. Tuesday-Thursday. She'll be staying in the dorms and having all kinds of fun, uplifting experiences and she is excited. I get to help serve dinner on Wednesday evening, right before the big dance and I am looking forward to sharing that opportunity with her.
Eden is proving to have the "Bloomquist sleep gene" and is spending much of her summer days in bed. Mikayla is proving to have the "Jones" non-compassionate gene and spends much of her summer days pulling her out. It's a precarious tug of war and Eden is a good sport. She is mastering the art of enjoying enthusiasm for life with a smile on her face and a pillow under her head. Like every 13 year old girl, she is trying to hone into the most appropriate areas to channel her zeal and recognize exactly who she is, but once she locks in those coordinates, there will be no stopping her.
Abe's birthday is tomorrow and he has furnished me with written reminders all over the house; a large post it note on my calendar with the time he wants breakfast in bed (Cocoa Roos and grapefruit--a more disgusting combination I can't imagine), piles of highly re-worked pages of notes on date, dinner, refreshment, and party plans plastered all over the refrigerator and strewn on the kitchen table. He gave me at least 10 different "last goodnight hugs from an 8 year old" before I finally coaxed him into bed tonight. I think he is swimming in reservoirs of anticipation.
I have decided to enroll Lily and Sophie in the public school and volunteer as a classroom helper while we all adjust this Fall. It will be a new experience to have that opportunity without younger children to worry about at home. If the sporadic schedule gets too inconsistent for them, I can always pull them out. I am hoping that I can start trying to figure out a school plan for me as well, as I'd really like to finish my bachelors degree from BYU Independent study.
Fred got back from Florida late Saturday night as the twins were keeping sentinel at the front window. It's good to have him home; I know he is glad to be here. I think he felt like it was a lonely, unproductive week as approval for accreditation was pushed back once more as they asked for more detailed documentation that he couldn't work on until he got back to the office and social time was uncomfortable because people resorted to getting drunk and acting foolish. It's too bad that he traveled to a physical paradise of sorts and wasn't able to experience that mentally. It was beautiful and he got to swim in a warm ocean and walk on the beach, picking up shells, and go out to eat at extravagantly overpriced restaurants but he just couldn't wait to come home. We missed him too!
View from lobby of Marriott in Florida

Miles of shells on the beach

Marriot Hotel courtyard

View from Fred's balcony

On the beach

Pathway along the beach

The Marriot Hotel where Fred stayed on the beachfront

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