Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Aah...Spring Break

Yesterday was the first day of Spring Break for the kids and what
beautiful, tempting weather!  I spent 4 hours on Tuesday pruning
rosebushes and deciding (as I do every year) that roses are way too
much maintenance and I am going to rip them all out and put in
landscaping that is more interesting, artistic and less painful to
maintain!  I actually ventured out without a jacket a few times on
walks with Olive and my children and on Wednesday I was tempted to
shed my long sleeves, but never actually succumbed.  I did mow my
entire lawn, which only needed a perimeter trim, just because I could.
 It was my reward for cleaning a few rooms in my house.  When the warm
weather comes, house neglect kicks in and I have to pace myself or
I'll never go back inside.  I'm kind of black and white that way.
Cold weather equals hibernation.  Warm weather equals
"naturalization".  I'm afraid I've never been very good with grey.
Fred is barely treading water.  I don't know how he deals with the
pressure of trying to please "two masters" (Education vs. Business) ,
who both want him to perform opposing miracles, day after day.
Sometimes I have this fiery indignation that swells up inside me and I
want to go down to that tower in the sky and use my tongue as a double
edged sword, but Mys says that is not how we "win friends and
influence people", and of course it is not my place.  So, I will try
to keep a civil tongue and be supportive and Fred with continue to be
a peacemaker and perform amazing feats, all the while downing cases of
Tums, and people will continue to love and admire him, while he moves
monumental mountains, inch by inch, assuming all the while that he is
progressing in nothing well.  I learn much of endurance and doing hard
things from him and am so grateful for his sacrifices for our family.
Jordan is working at Cookies and Cream this weekend and is VERY happy
for the work.  (Thanks Chris and Lori.)  He also meets with the Stake
President this Sunday and we are hoping for guidance to earn a bit
more  money before he leaves, but we'll see what happens.  We would
have never "planned" for his papers to take this long, but it has been
such a blessing as we never "planned" that getting a job would be this
hard either.  We are learning to be patient (it is so hard on Jordan)
and just follow where the Lord leads us.  I see his hand in our lives
every day.
Mikayla is up before most of us, trying to finish up homework and
exercising and reading her scriptures.  I'm just trying to hang onto
her coattails.  Yesterday she spent the whole day grocery shopping and
re-organizing the fridge and pantry.  I loathe shopping and because I
keep my pantry pretty well stocked I usually fall into the trap of
using it all up before I go again, which really defeats the purpose of
having a 3 month supply and makes the restocking procedure quite
painful.  It's kind  of how I approach laundry folding as well.  I
really am so much happier when I just "keep up", so I don't know why I
can't seem to be consistent with that concept; one of those natural
man abominations I suppose.  I guess I will stay in the rut until I
learn it in my heart not just in my head.
Eden has started reading "Song of Years".  There have been a few times
over the past few years when she wanted to read it, because Fred and
Mikayla and I talk about it so much, but I have persuaded her not to
until I thought she was "ready".  A few weeks ago, she stopped reading
a book she had started with the explanation, "all I ever read is
princess books....I'm tired of princess books", and then she grabbed
"Song of Years".  She's ready and I'm excited.  It's kind of a right
of passage in our family.  Even Jordan has started reading it, but
he's a bit distracted with mission prep right now, so I doubt he will
make it through.
Abe and Lily and Sophie are looking so forward to a full week of
freedom to ride bikes, bask in the sun, watch nightly movies and
PARTY!!!  I hate to break it to them that there will still be cleaning
(always cleaning :) and some homework and piano practice for Abe, but
they have had a few nice days of relaxation.
As has happened EVERY year, as long as I or my children can remember,
the weekend leading up to Spring Break week is gorgeous and then it is
cold and rainy the entire week of.  The forecast seems to be leaning
in that direction and though none of us are surprised (after
all..."Tradition, Tradition!") we are all quite disappointed, as
usual.  BUT... we are going to LUXURIATE in the sun this weekend!
Posted By Bloomers to KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES at 3/19/2010 11:48:00 AM

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