Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Happy Dance

A month can feel like a long, long time...The past month and a half has felt slightly eternal here at the Bloomers! 

Jordan and I started... painting my kitchen cabinets. Mikayla came home from her mission sick. Jordan and Katie got engaged, set a date...postponed...set another date. My birthday came and went. Darling family friends were married. Eden played Powder Puff and went to Homecoming. All of my girls participated in the Middleton Color Run. Abrahm had a week long Fall Break. I canned grape juice and all of my gardens froze. General Conference came and LEFT significant, spiritual impressions in our lives. I got sick for three weeks and had an emergency surgery.Our extended family Harvest party came and went, with all of it's costuming and bonding, ushering in the cozy season of family and friends. And this week? Endless doctors appointments, choir concerts, PT conferences, and a senior picture photo shoot.

I'm entirely ready for a dash of monotony, but I have an inkling, with the holidays around the corner, that won't be my lot any time soon. I guess that is life--challenges and blessings have a tendency to keep the pendulum swinging to and fro, continually reminding us of what matters most.

KITCHEN CABINETS: Painting everything white with glazing. Jordan got me started and then this month and a half put a quick stop to the start. But,with Mikayla's brawn I plan to pick this project back up this week, then move on to bathroom cabinets and get rid of all this dated oak.

Braiden and Tessia White--married on September 28th
MIKAYLA AND ME: Lots of doctors and medicine and poking and prodding and general discomfort. Psychiatrists and Psychologists for Mikayla--Obgyn's and Nurses and Hospital stays for me. Long stories short--Still looking for permanent solutions for Mikayla and she's getting awfully tired of talking, but we continue to have options to pursue so we keep pressing forward. For me, 4 weeks of blood loss+nagging phrases from Elder Nelsons conference talk=trip to the doctor and then blood transfusions, surgery and LONG recuperation. Can't lift, push or pull anything 10 pounds or over. EVERYTHING weighs 10 pounds or over--groceries, laundry, vacuums, lawn mowers, dirt, Sunbeams! I can't sweep either...doctors orders. What's up with that? What broom do you know that weighs over 10 pounds. I think my doctor is just making up things to force me to be "good" ! =( I'm getting tired of being at the mercy of other people (though they are so kind and helpful). BUT, we are both on the mend--just wishing it was sooner than later. Both leaning heavily on the conference talk by Elder Holland...and so many others.
Missionary Blisters
Best Friends--Tessia SO HAPPY to have Mikayla home for her wedding.
Our family so happy to have her home for EVERYTHING.
You have to look like this...
...to get bowers of flowers
My doctor told me I get to "do the happy dance" every month.
Fred bought me this to remind me...=)
EDEN: Trying to do every possible thing her Senior year and paying prices for it. She plays hard--she sleeps hard...and long!
Powder Puff
Big things come in little packages
Homecoming Dance--the Girls
COLOR RUN: Mikayla and Eden ran the 5K--Lily and Sophie joined in at the last mile. Lots of stained clothing and lots of fun.
Starting Line
Finish Line
HARVEST: Every year my brother and his family throw an amazing family party with good food, games, indoor trick or treating, hayride, visiting, a movie and an Amazon jump house. It's a highlight of the year in our family and costumes are a big deal to my children--the younger of which use them all year for dress-ups.
Lily as a Southern Belle
Sophia as a pretty peacock
Cousin Annalie as the cutest Egyptian princess
Eden as...only Eden can be--hilarious!
Abrahm as the 11th Doctor
Mikayla as River Song (from the same British show)

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