Monday, November 24, 2008


I went to another ward last Wednesday for a stake assignment and was talking to the Y.W. president who commented that she couldn't wait until Christmas was over. It was November 19th! Come to find out that her husband had just volunteered their home for his works Christmas party and she was feeling a little overwhelmed. I told her she should probably reword her thoughts to, "I can't wait until my husband's work Christmas party is over", so everyone didn't think the Grinch had already been unleashed. As for me, I am so excited about the season. I am itching to put up decorations and play Christmas music. I have my Netflix queue full of old Christmas movies starting next week.

Every year, I plan to be done with shopping before Thanksgiving, so I can spend December doing meaningful things, but it never happens; it's not that I'm unorganized, though that is also true, but I'm just not very creative with coming up with gift ideas. It's especially hard when I have this anti-technology phobia. There have been some years where Fred talked me into buying something with batteries, but almost always the gift is broken before the next year, which is very frustrating. I like gifts that encourage wise use of time, talent building, unity etc. and something that is affordable, which is a hard mix. It happens sometimes. Last year we bought Mikayla a camera and she spent all kinds of time learning to be creative with photography, but like everything else it broke and we couldn't find the receipt that I had so carefully saved and it was another $140 down the drain, not to mention the very disappointed daughter. Young children are simple. You sew or build things for them, they love it, and it lasts forever. We still have wooden barns, playhouses, dress-ups, easels, stools, puppet theatres etc. from when Jordan and Mikayla were little that are still used continuously. Why can't I think of anything like that for people over 12?

Well, be that what it may, I am looking forward to my traditional date with Fred right after Thanksgiving where we choose a Christmas picture book for our story advent. Sometimes we even find a good Christmas CD. Maybe we'll come into Cookies and Cream for some hot chocolate if we're over that way. I'm hoping to re-make some of my dough nativity and add to it with my children this year. We've already broken out the board games, with the end of daylight savings and the cold weather, and we're preparing for all of the upcoming Christmas concerts. Mikayla and Eden will be singing with Young Artists and Jordan will be singing and dancing with the FX Show Choir. It's definitely getting festive. I LOVE TRADITIONS!

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