Monday, September 14, 2009

Homecoming Week--Full Speed Ahead

Mikayla got asked to Homecoming on Thursday. All of the children and I were "debriefing" and having snacks at the bar after school and in true Mikayla fashion she just casually mentions, "Oh, Mom, I got asked to Homecoming today." This is her first date, her first formal dance and she's just mentioning it as a sideline. She's not prone to dramatically expressive communication (she used that all up as a baby I guess), unless she's coughing, sneezing or scared ;), so I'm used to those flat affect kinds of announcements, but this is a big one that she's really looked forward to, so I'm bracing myself thinking maybe she's disappointed with who asked her. Come to find out it is a young man that I worked with last year on the stake YM/YW committee and was very impressed with. He's spiritually mature, kind, respectful, cute and fun...and a senior. He's a mother's dream for a daughters first date............ Mikayla is pretty excited as well :), you just have to pry to find that out. In two years, when it's Eden's turn, there will be no prying, but lot's of screaming I'm sure;) Aren't the different personalities of our children so intriguing.

We had fun answering him Friday afternoon and then Fred and I did some preliminary dress scoping for our date that night, seeing if we could find anything with potential at the thrift stores. We did find a few possibilities at Goodwill. Saturday morning Mikayla and I headed to town. I showed her what we had found the night before and she thought there was some potential but nothing that seemed quite perfect, so we decided to see if we could find anything at Ross and we did--for only $25! Of course it was strapless, so we went to JoAnn's to find a shrug pattern and some cloth and found something we both thought was cute. We also found some Cinderella (glass looking) shoes at Savers for $6.99. They are Mikayla's first real heels and are 4" high. Watching her walk through the store on them was quite comedic (she just thinks I'm rude), but she fell in love with them and so will be 'practicing' all week in she can steal them back from Lily and Sophie who are bound to break their ankles before the week is up; so far, so good.

We were able to talk with Jordan today after his first week at BYU-I and got to meet his roommates on the web cam. They seem like very fun, nice young men and Jordan is really happy with them, which is a great start. He has only had classes for two days, but already has an assignment in his Mission Prep. class to read the entire Book of Mormon in 2 weeks. Welcome to college! He and Zoey auditioned for the campus talent show with 40 other applicants to perform their "Spamalot" duet and made it in with only 9other acts. They performed in the Hart Auditorium which seats over 3000, and though he said it wasn't filled to capacity, there was a huge number in attendance. He said performing that night to that huge crowd, which was very receptive, was one of the most exciting things he has ever done. What a fun opportunity--I wish we could have been there to see it! He has already had dinner at some girl's apartments and reciprocated the invitation the next day. What a fantastically fun, stressful, learning time of life. I would love to go back and 'revisit' brief moments of it but I most definitely want to 'live' in my time of life. I guess that is one of the great blessings of children and grandchildren--they provide all of the joy of those "visiting" moments without leaving the comfort of experience.

Because Abe won't be playing soccer this year, and because we are continually looking for that outlet that will help pull out his talent potential, I asked if he would be willing to audition for Young Artists. His immediate response to almost anything is that it will take away from his "free time". I promised him that I would not pressure him to actually join the choir, I just wanted to know what his singing potential is, because he is exuberant about it in Family Home Evening and during daily devotionals, and because choir was such a great instigation in giving Jordan the confidence he needed to take advantage of the musical opportunities that which give him so much joy now. With that promise he agreed, unenthusiastically, to go. Choir doesn't normally start until age 6, but because the 4th child + are tuition free, Aunt Linda said I might as well bring the twins along to auditions, if they were interested, and she would be willing to test them as well. It was fun to watch Abe's demeanor change as he went through auditions with Aunt Linda. He did very well and she is very good about making children feel great about themselves when they do things correctly. So the more she praised, the more he became engaged, and when he had done everything she had asked, she told him she was going to try and mess him up, which then became a challenge, and when he succeeded at overcoming that, he was beaming and she had gotten consent from him to join the choir before he even knew what hit him. She's very good at that too;) However, because I had made a promise to him, I told her we couldn't decide right then, I had to give him time to think and talk it over outside of that environment, which I did and he decided he would like to give it a try this semester. Lily and Sophie needed a bit more support to perform the skills tests, but they did well, while Aunt Linda was singing with them and she felt like they were mature enough so we enrolled them as well. Last week was their first week and they all seemed to enjoy it. My older children originally dubbed that day "Terrible Tuesday" because of the crazy rush from school and packing dinner for the car and the 3 hour stretch, but they have all loved the actual choir experience, so I hope that continues.

Forty is looming awfully close and "I feel great."

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