Monday, October 12, 2009

Week At A Glance... or a Gaze... or a Grueling Going-Over

When I started this blog, I set a goal to write every week, no matter what, because this is my journal and my letter to Mom and Dad, and usually pictures for Jordan, but some weeks there is just seems to be nothing there, so I'm going with the unsubstantial list today:

Last Monday
--Finally finished curtains for the playroom.  Since our couch in that room is atrocious (Fred's dad's 1970's gold and brown floral), I didn't even try to match it, but am using the curtains as my starting palette and will eventually work everything around them.  Right now the paint shade in the room is too cool to compliment their shade of green and red and the lavendar based decorations are clashing for sure, so it really looks quite pathetic, BUT I found a steal on fabric that I could make floor to ceiling curtains for $30, so that was the "change" I could afford and I can see the potential of the gradual progression of new paint, then new decorations, then new furniture so I am content for the time being.  Not sure how content Fred is :)

--Sent all of my children (minus Jordan of course) off to choir on their own so I could work on the homefront, which was in dire need of attention, and worried the entire time.  I don't like children in cars, or in town without parents!

---Took Olive in for her annual shots, which she didn't seem to mind, but she was very mad at me for the medicine I syringed into her mouth when we got home. 
--Visited one of the wards in our stake for mutual where we learned some hair tricks and then styled the girls hair.  The new Bishop from that ward and one of his counselors came in near the end and I watched one of the girls, who is very awkward come up and show them her new hairdo.  They talked with her for a few minutes and I heard her tell them that she had really wanted it braided and the next time I looked over the counselor what braiding pigtails.  I thought it was a very sweet gesture and re-inpired me to look for the little acts of service that make such a big difference.

--Had a brain lapse and forgot to go to Eden's Parent/Teacher openhouse.

--Unwilling to miss out on my weekly date, I skipped my wards R.S. Retreat (party) that night and Fred and I had fun pre-Christmas idea shopping.  At home we watched "Breakfast at Tiffany's" with Eden, and were sad to find that it is really just a commentary on disfunctional relationships and exactly what not to do if you want to find any semblence of happiness.  I'll take the substancial, morally grounded, romance of Jane Austin  anyday :) 
--Mikayla went to a "study" party (which is an oxymoron anyway) and amazingly never got around the studying at all but she had fun and returned home safe and before curfew, so we were happy.

--Early morning Fred headed to the farm to replace the water heater and I headed to the morning "session" of the R.S. retreat which was a great, spiritual way to start a Saturday. 
--Of course we spent the rest of the day cleaning and then thouroughly enjoyed listening to the children laugh while Mikayla, Abe, Lily, Sophie and I watched Ice Age.
--Eden spent the evening upstairs, giggling, playing with Maunzy and peforming "makeovers" with freinds.

--And Fred locked himself in Abe's room to finish putting together his Chemistry class, which he anxiouslystarts today.

--Attended a missionary "homecoming" in our ward for our previous Bishop's son and the church was filled to the stage.  Fun to see so many familiar faces back in the building. 
--Received a wedding invitation from one of my YW.  Aaaaaaaaaaaagh--that's the second one!  Jordan, you just remember that you still have a good 3 years!
--Talked to Jordan on the web cam.  He has the flu--again!  I think this living on his own thing is taking his immune system for a ride (lots of stress).  We noticed a bruise on his head and found out he was in another car accident on Saturday.  He and his roomate and their dates were driving back from Yellowstone and his roomate quickly turned around to put something in the back seat and drove off a windy road.  His roomate had to get 4 stitches in his head and his date has some back pain.  Jordan hit the window with his head and has a bruise on his temple but his date was uninjured.  I am trying to have any location other than campus and any transportation other than his bike banned; two stikes is too close!  My immune system isn't doing so well while he's on his own either!
--Had Stake YW Standards Night.  With minor guidance, the YW from the stake YM/YW youth committe planned and conducted the meeting.  They chose youth who have taken the opportunity (since it became available this past summer) to attend the temple weekly, to bear thier testimonies.  The youth chose and assigned and performed the two musical numbers and then they asked our stake president to be the keynote speaker.  It was a powerful reminder to "the strength of youth".  Great turnout--great Spirit--great meeting!  Parents were invited, but because we have other children, Fred stayed home and made traditional Sunday cookies with them and put them to bed before we got home rather late.

--I still need to make bread, clean the refridgerator, set some appointments, prepare the lesson for F.H.E., walk my dog, write up a menu and grocery list, Cook dinner for the missionaries ........oh, and get dressed!

Love all,

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