Monday, December 14, 2009

Patches of Sunlight

It is so nice to have Fred back home.  I feel grounded again.  Friday all of my children were in school so I went to work with him and took a wooden dollhouse that we found months ago at a thrift store for $15 to the top floor of the Stevens-Henager building to work on restoring it.  The top floor isn't finished, so it is just a massive room with huge windows around the entire perimeter overlooking the city (The great and spacious building on one side (Edwards Cinema's) and the Temple on the other ;) (I'm not sure what that makes Stevens-Henager.......maybe the Mists of Darkness?:)  It is warmer than my garage (and much cleaner), so we put down a big piece of plastic and put the dollhouse in a large patch of sunlight coming in through one of the windows and spent a few hours transforming the poor house that was covered in ink and marker and big glue patches into a glittering castle.  Fred had work to do, so he was up on and off, but it was delightful.

Last night was the Young Artists Christmas concert.  Since all of my children at home are in one of the choirs, Fred and I were able to watch it in a dating atmosphere.  It was so much fun to experience that in that type of environment.  They all did such a fantastic job.  After our experience with our Primary program this year, I was concerned about how "involved" Abe, Lily and Sophie would be for this performance, but Aunt Linda is amazing with children and all of mine were completely engaged, which was so fulfilling to watch.  Of course they were still normal, active children.  Lily and Sophie are the youngest and smallest in their choir and were front row, dead center itching like crazy as they sang every word.  I couldn't help but giggle (and wish I had lotioned them up a bit ;)  Both they and Abe were very nervous in anticipation of the concert, not knowing what to expect and worried about standing up in front of a huge auditorium of people (they are VERY well attended), but they realized that it wasn't as scary as they had thought it might be and had fun.  Abe got in a snowball "fight" with our next door neighbors a few days ago, but a   There is a lot of explaining and talking to the audience in every concert, so in that way they aren't so dissimilar to a school music concert, but the music and venue are nothing like a school concert.  They are always held in beautifully decorated concert halls and Aunt Linda gets superb results out of these children and in that respect the concert is always exceptional!  I look forward to that part every year.  It is a festive part of our holiday season and I love what it gives my children.

Tonight is our stake's Christmas concert.   The community choir, which is conducted by a talented member of our ward, will be performing the "Hallelujah Chorus" and each ward will be singing a different carol interspersed with solo numbers and culminating in a Christmas address by our Stake president and the combined choirs finale of Oh Holy Night.   Mikayla and I will be singing and I am looking forward to a neat experience.  I can't imagine the Christmas season without powerful music.  Fred has suggested that our family start a tradition of singing along with the Tabernacle Choirs recording of the Hallelujah Chorus Christmas morning right after we read the Christmas Story.  The idea is noble and we have all agreed to try it this year, but I think the outcome could be interesting.  It might get relegated to a listening experience, but it's hard to listen to that song without wanting to participate isn't it.

Fred and I drive down to Rexburg this Friday and bring Jordan home on Saturday.  He will leave "the Spirit of Ricks" and immerse himself here in working and preparing for his mission.  The children are ecstatic about the idea of having him home for months.  I can't wait, but I also feel torn about him leaving that environment of "learning", and though I think it will be wise for him to separate himself gradually from Arianna so he can focus on immediate goals, I know his heart will be breaking as we drive him away from her and I do not look forward to the pain I know that is going to cause, but I feel confidant that as Jordan immerses himself in preparation he will be able to feel whole and focused.   I do worry about her heart initially. I know the hole Jordan's absence makes in my heart when he is gone.

As I look at my calendar I can't believe that Christmas is next week.  I still have a list of things to do, but I feel more peaceful that most years as we've tried hard to focus on this "on the tree" goal this year.  I desperately need to work on my patience levels, for when my stress levels do peak under pressure my children bear the brunt of my weaknesses and the older ones have the added weight of being teacher to their mother who is a very slow, prideful learner.  I am so grateful for repentance and the focus the world places this time of year on our Savior who made it all possible.

"Who's at the Ward Christmas party
 A Visit from Santa Clause
Our First Snow

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