Monday, February 15, 2010

Olympic Panic and other "Needful" things

Growing up in an Olympic fan club family, I am feeling like I am missing out on something HUGE right now.  Because we rarely watch television, we never invested in the digital converter boxes when that whole analog/digital changeover took place.  Since we could watch conference online, we just didn't see the need, but we realized on Friday that you couldn't watch the Olympics online because of rigid copyright protection, so we missed the opening ceremonies and everything else up to this point.  Fred called around to see how much it would cost to convert out television, but it came out to around $70 and we haven't be able to bring ourselves to take the plunge for a one time use, but we are SO DISAPPOINTED.   Today we were able to watch highlights on the computer of events that had already taken place, but it wasn't the same.  Jordan is looking into hooking up cable for a month to see if that is a less expensive option.  We may convince ourselves by tomorrow that we've got to do something, but I am sure Dave Ramsey would not approve. :)  My stake YW president's son made it onto the U.S. Olympic Alpine ski team and there has been a lot of buzz and excitement around here.  We found out Saturday that he didn't make it through eliminations, but we saw him twice, in the crowd, on the computer highlights and that was fun.

I had some things weighing heavy on my heart this week, so I forced myself to take Olive on a walk, (something I haven't done often enough this Winter) finding that to be a sure way to "be still" and "listen" to the silence that isn't in my head.  It had rained all night and I noticed green growth everywhere, which is a sure sign that Spring is peeping.  I am eager for all types of renewal, and with Alma 5 much on my mind these past few days, natures rebirth seems to be the perfect forerunner.  I know there are still many rainy days ahead, but I feel the sun coming out and the beginnings of an accompanying deep thaw.

It has been a happy Valentines weekend.  Lots of meetings on Sunday, unfortunately, but still time to spend enjoying the company of this unique group of people who make up my precious family.  Because of the accompanying Presidents day holiday today we stayed up way too late last night and tonight also because of F.H.E.  Fred has spent much of the day preparing curriculum, and Mikayla, Eden and I spent a few hours in town looking for jeans and other errands.  The younger children just enjoyed an extra day of playtime and Jordan spent time looking for a job and hanging with friends who were in town from college.  It looks to be a very busy week, so I am glad for this day of breathing room to gear up and get a few extra things taken care of.

Our family insurance paperwork has still not been finalized, but I am going to stop worrying and turn the timing of all of this missionary prep. over to the Lord.  Maybe it's all a blessing to give Jordan time to find a job and earn some money.  Whatever it is, I realize that I am certainly not in control and there are just some things you can't rush.  "We'll get there when we get there!"

Dancing in the Kitchen

Bendaroo Fun on Saturday

Waiting for Valentines Breakfast

The Chef's Cook

The Table
The Food
The Flowers

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