Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"The Tongue of Angels"

Mom and Dad were right, at least about the Bloomquists; we have been watching the Olympics.  We did end up biting the bullet and sinking money into a t.v. converter that we won't use again until conference, in order to be nightly Olympic fans.  It hasn't been good for bedtime or date nights or even traditional F.H.E., but we are enjoying the comradery or whatever it is that draws you into the Olympics even when you aren't especially fond of watching athletics.  We have even been learning some good lessons from our experiences.  Many of us, including Mikayla's seminary teacher, had been having a hard time with some of the athletes in men's figure skating, and the night of the short program he made the comment to his wife, that he hoped one particular athlete didn't win (I had made a similiar comment) and Bro. Angels wife gave him a lecture about being Christlike and fair, which he brought to the students the next morning, and which Mikayla brought home to us.  We have been trying to be more kind with our words and appreciative of talent and less "idle tongued". It's good to keep being reminded day by day, sometimes minute by minute, of who we are and where our hearts should be.  There is much of "the world's" influence that surfaces on the screen, among all that is inspiring about these kinds of physical performances, and it is an effort to seperate attitudes and dress and actions from individuals and try to keep proper perspective.  In some cases during the ice dancing we just had to forego watching the programs altogether because there was too much of the "world" overshadowing the talents, but for the most part it has been enjoyable for our family.

Jordan is still searching for a job.  He got a few bites this week, but as soon as anyone hears he won't work Sundays and won't be here long term, their interest dissipates quickly.  He is running out of ideas, but doesn't want to give up so has turned to nonconventional places like Craigslist for leads.  He found one person willing to hire him on a "finders fee" basis for real estate, but that is a world he is so little acquainted with and all of the jargon and concepts being explained to him so foreign that he has been completely indimidated about pursuing that avenue.  He was also offered an interview for a modeling agency, but they wanted 6 months to train him, so that didn't pan out either.  I will admit that though I don't want to discourage him from finding work, I was happy that option was unsuccessful.  Jordan has always been an attractive boy and has been told that by other people for years and somehow has been able to remain very humble about that gift, but I know modeling would attach an importance to that trait that isn't important and I would be so sad to see any cockiness creep into his personality.  The agency encouraged him to come back after his mission, but I hope he will find other opportunities more enticing at that time.  There were some art modeling jobs on campus at BYU-I that Jordan's girlfriend considered until she found out that she had to "be comfortable standing in front of the class in shorts and sports bra". This was considerably confusing for her and for Jordan and I will admit for me as well, and I had absolutely no explanation at all for him.  I just know it's not a world I'm familiar with nor comfortable in.  He is off today to help on one of his freinds ranches, so that's one good day in his pocket, and I have painting jobs for him the rest of the week to help keep him busy.  I'm starting to get nervous about trying to support a missionary and put a daughter through college in a year all at the same time, when there seems to be no student work to be had, but things have always worked out before and I am sure they will continue to work out if we keep trying our best.

The youth had a missionary fireside Sunday night.  The elders in our area organized it and the mission president spoke along with a YW who has been recently baptized in our community and the friend who introduced her to the gospel. The youth here are on fire and have had much success with their friends and the elders want to continue to motivate and teach them about their positive roles as missionaries.  It was a beautiful eveining full of the testimonies of youth who are so courageous in sharing the gospel and changing lives in such positive and drastic ways. They are such good examples to those of us who "lead" them..

I am looking forward to getting together as family this coming weekend before Josey leaves.  I was talking to Mindy the other night and she was feeling so sad that Laura was no longer around and she could no longer talk to her every day.  It made me sad that I haven't taken the time to invest that kind of effort into my relationship with my siblings who live so close.  I am realizing that I am not much of an investor outside of my little home bubble and those small returns are starting to become apparent to me in my life.  I know that if I don't learn to reach out more, that one day I will "reap disappointment by and by".

Well, it's one of those rare days home without children, so there is much to be done and I've barely begun.  I am blessed with work; I know that!

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