Monday, June 21, 2010


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From: Bloomers <>
Date: Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:17 AM

Eden was called Tuesday night and asked to give a talk on Optimism in Sacrament mtg. yesterday.  We all forgot until we walked into the chapel yesterday and opened the program; it was 15 minutes before the mtg.  You can imagine the reaction of a very vocal, stressed out 14 year old.  I rushed her out to the car, grabbed Jordan and Mikayla and told them it was "missionary prep time".  Jordan had a scripture mastery immediatley that fit the topic,  Mikayla found 2 more within minutes and gave her insight on "bridging the gap".  Eden was prepared with a personal experience because she had thought of it earlier in the week.  I encouraged her to bear her testimony to sum it all up and 5 minutes before the meeting we got out of the car and Eden went into an empty classroom to pray and was on the stand before the meeting started.  She did a beautiful job of bringing the Spirit and sharing a message from the heart and even tied in the pre-talk experience with her topic.  I was so proud of her.

Fred made "healthy" cookies yesterday evening.  He has been going through some "treat" withdrawls as our family has been trying to be supportive of Jordan and Mikayla's goal to go without sugar.  He or Jordan traditionally make chocolate chip cookies on Sunday evening, but these were more like unsweetened muffins, not altogether bad, but not that enticing either.  This supportive exercise has really made it apparent how often we eat treats, and I have always considered us to be healthy eaters.  We are becoming much more aware and are starting to become fastidious label readers.  Jordan and Mikayla have been amazingly self disciplined with their goal.  Jordan will be finished at the end of April, but Mikayla continues on with the Middleton Health challenge for 6 more weeks.  She has accomplished 100% of the goals so far and already reached her 6 mile running goal and beyond.  She has set a new goal for 8 miles, but is having some pain in her knees, so is doing other exercises for a little while.  She says the hardest part of the whole challenge is drinking all of the water.  She is drinking 80+ oz. every day, but a few times had to stay up late to get it all down.  I'm not being as conscientious, but so far I haven't made it through more than 50 ounces.

Jordan's last day working at Cookies and Cream was Saturday.  I guess things didn't work out with the man that was looking into buying the store, but Jordan was really enjoying his enthusiasm and looking forward to going to work.  He was sad to give up the anticipation of something fun and exciting.  We're all sad that it didn't work out for Chris and Lori.  It is back to looking for more part time work for Jordan. All of these experiences of continually having to take initiative in order to move forward are good for him and will hopefully help him to continually set new goals and readjust to circumstances around him in positive ways.  I know the Lord fits our challenges for our individual needs and life goes on.

Fred was released from his calling as the Scout Advancement leader and asked to be the scout leader as well as the Sunday school teacher of the 11 year old boys. He has 3 boys on Sunday, one during the activities. Had it not seemed inappropriate to celebrate a "release", we would have had a huge party, but he is relieved.  It has been some long, arduous years in that position, but we are grateful he was there while Jordan was working on his scouting requirements or the whole process would have seemed quite overwhelming.

Eden is deeply immersed in "Song of Years" and is quickly approaching the part where most of my family has dug in there heels and refused to go on.  We called her out of her room Friday evening for prayers and she emerged quite agitated, with the book in her hand saying, "no one in this book is doing what they are supposed to do!"  Then last night she came down for scriptures, book in hand, and when Fred asked her how it was going, she said, with starry eyes, "everything is better now".  I asked where she was and was not surprised to here her say that "the train just stopped".  Fred and Mikayla and I are just waiting now.........waiting..........waiting.  Will I have to convince her to continue like I had to convince Fred and Mikayla, who both closed the book for day,s or will she go on quietly, locked in her room or will we hear "wailing and gnashing of teeth?"  I am interested.......and waiting.

I am just trying to stay above water as we prepare for the busy season in Y.W. and plan for leadership trainings and Girls Camp.  It is a challenge trying to balance my responsibilities at home and the seemingly never ending war with dirt and chaos and the constant spiritual preparation that seems necessary.  I guess in the end it all comes down to the battle between temporal and spiritual, but some days I'm not sure that either side is winning.

Posted By Bloomers to KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES at 4/26/2010 08:17:00 AM

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