Monday, June 28, 2010

"Sunshine on My Shoulders Makes Me Happy"

Is that sunshine that I feel on my face and sweet sweat as I work in the yard for hours?  Was it possible that I fell asleep in the hammock, without a sweater, during story time?  Is summer actually here?  I look around me this morning and see signs everywhere that there are 6 very active children on vacation here, so I think it must be.  I came home from girls camp last Saturday to the most immaculately clean house I've had in ages.  Even the shower curtains had been laundered; it was the greatest gift of selfless love.  Unfortunately, it has deteriorated quickly again and we are due, every day it seems, for a laundry party (folding and a movie:) and deep cleaning.

Mikayla has been doing geneological work like crazy.  She gets up every morning at 6:00 and works until we go walking at 8:00 or 8:30, recording life histories and uploading ancestral photos onto a personal web page.  Right now she is focusing on Great Grandma Nielson and I am learning so much about her just through tidbits that she shares and questions that she asks.  She's had the spirit of Elijah since Trek, but since being called as a family history consultant in our ward, "a fire is burning".  Her efforts and example have been such a blessing to our family and to her personally.  She has also just been called as the Laurel class president and as a member of the Aaronic Priesthood Young Women Stake Committee, so she is going to be a busy girl.

Jordan's missionary papers were sent off to Salt Lake this morning, so we are anxiously anticipating a mission call soon.  What a blessing this preparation time has been.  My feelings about letting go of my boy have taken such a drastic turn from this time a year ago.  I can't wait for him to fly.  The direction from our stake president to all preparing missionaries in our boundaries are that they are to stop all dating as soon as their mission call arrives and start incorporating the mission rules into their lives.  I have a feeling he will be playing big this week.:)

We're still trying to figure out what to do for a conservative vacation this last summer all together as a family.  Fred suggested camping (which I'm not sure I'm up for), I suggested a stay-cation (which never really works because everyone else doesn't realize that you are on vacation--so you aren't), some of the kids suggested the Ocean (which is only seems conservative if you are camping).  The options feel few and complicated this year, but I think it is important to get away from everything and focus on our family for at least a few days.  "Think, think, think".

Last Thursday as Abrahm, Sophie and Lily all got dressed and came out for breakfast it became very apparent that a clothes shopping trip was long overdue.  Abe was wearing high waters with holes in both knees and a t-shirt that should have fit the twins.  The twins were both wearing skinny jeans that weren't meant to be.  We were able to find everything we needed at Savers without even venturing toward any other stores, so I was happy, and the twins were happy, but by Saturday, when Abe was still wearing clothes from the bottom of the bucket, I had to step in start taking away wardrobe options.  Unfortunately that ended in tears, when I produced a pair of shorts that I had made from some of his holey pants and he informed me that "those were [his] best winter pants!"  Sometimes it's hard not to be a mean mom, when you don't even know you are!  I'm trying to be sensitive and I'm sure we'll make it through this summer trial in one piece.

Aaah, I'm ready for another morning, with "sunshine on my shoulders".

Posted By Bloomers to KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES at 6/28/2010 07:59:00 AM

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