Sunday, January 20, 2013

There is Sunshine in my Soul Today

Best. Day. Ever! I was called to be the Sunbeam teacher in our ward! I will miss our Gospel Principles class, which has been an amazing, spiritual perk of being a ward missionary, but I am so excited to be serving somewhere that I can actually see and feel that I am making an immediate difference (and which isn't so scary and guilt ridden.) I wasn't supposed to start teaching until next week, but I was so excited that I went into the primary room to peak at "my kids", a few of who were crying, and I felt instant love and concern. I am excited to go visit each of them this week (and of course take a treat :) so that they will feel a comfortable connection and positive anticipation to attend class on Sunday. I know the start of the new year is a difficult time of transition, especially at this age where they are just coming from the looser structure of nursery and strangers can be so terrifying, but I am so confident that I can make it a haven. I know it will be one for me.

Ironically, right after church I ran into my dear friend, and previous Stake YW Pres, who was making a quick bee-line for the nursery room because she has just been called to serve as the Nursery Leader in her ward. We were both basking in that glow that serving little children brings. This church abounds in such diversity of opportunity for growth, both for us and from us.

I have been thinking quite a bit about Elder Uchtdorf's talk on truth from the YSA fireside last week. It was given on the heels of Fred taking me on a date to see the movie, "The Life of Pi", which was hard, but contemplative. Of course a prophet of God has a firm grasp on the meaning and source of all truth and Hollywood rarely does, but what the movie did importantly remind me was that truth can be found in so many places, and we should diligently search for it everywhere, but (and this was not its intended lesson) the source of truth can be found in only one place and that place is authentic, not just "the better story". I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ which proffers me the measuring rod by which to extract truth in pieces from so many places, sometimes where the whole isn't understood, and add them to the holes of my own understanding. So much of the world is seeking truth--we are seeking it individually--together. I am so grateful for the gift of the Spirit which confirms to me truth when I find it and encourages me to continuously reach for it. I loved Renee's wise comments on my post last week and referring to that topic, Mikayla reminded me today of a quote by Sis. Dalton, who said, "Talking about standards is not about rules; standards are about qualifying for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Standards are about standing in holy places so you're worthy to have the companionship of the third member of the Godhead."

That is a hefty responsibility, but it is refreshing to anticipate, that at the age of 4 not a single little sunbeam will  be openly opposing that companionship...or truth, creating such a conduit for learning and oh so rewarding an experience. And in case any of you are smirking, thinking that in my idealistic sentimentality, that I have forgotten the reality of teaching sunbeams, I am also looking forward to adding an exercise regime into my Sunday block schedule, learning about all the latest news in the ward, feeling so grateful if I can be helpful in even one principle sinking deeply and looking enormously forward to being loved without reservation. I can hardly wait! =)

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