Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Onward, Ever Onward"

Jordan went through the temple to receive his endowments yesterday.  It was such a sweet, peaceful experience to sit in the celestial room with our son.  The temple was so busy yesterday, partly because it was a Saturday, and partly because it was the last day before a 2 week closure.  There were wedding dresses being carried in continuously and quite a few personal endowments scheduled.  The weighty feeling of "important things" taking place was tangible, but I experienced something yesterday that I haven't before.  As the three of us walked out of the temple, after almost four hours inside, there were wedding parties all over the temple grounds and right outside the door stood three young men, two in black tuxes and purple vests and one (I presume the "best man") wearing black tux pants, a white dinner jacket, lime green vest and sunglasses.  They were very nice looking young men and the colors were beautiful, but I had the immediate feeling that we had walked out "into the world", not in a bad sense, but just into the realm of fluff.  Of course I didn't say anything, but as the three of us got into the car and drove away, Jordan seemed contemplative and so I asked him how he was feeling and he said he was just thinking about his memories of standing outside the temple in wedding parties, with all of the excitement of the bride and groom coming out, never realizing what they were experiencing on the inside and then he shared similar feelings to what I had felt walking out of the temple, as did Fred.  It was an insightful moment, not that we suddenly had aspirations to eliminate all fluff in our lives, but the poignant recognition of it and the desire to put more focus on things of eternity was motivating and testimony strengthening.

It's been a roller-coaster week of emotions.  I have had friends, who are missionary moms warn me of this, but it's hard to know how to  prepare for experiencing it.  We have been trying to plan a special family vacation this summer, since there is the possibility that this could be the last Bloomquist vacation with this family dynamic.  I have been agonizing over how to make the vacation money we've saved up stretch, and still be able to experience something magical.  We toyed around with the idea of a "staycation", but every time we tried to have a family council and headed towards the heavy planning stages,  I ended up anxious and emotional and my family ended up frustrated.  I LOVE staying home; most years I have to be slowly "lulled" into vacation planning, but somehow this year I feel this overwhelming need to spend time somewhere, away from distractions and interference from family time.  We have had to rule out hotels as fire codes make it mandatory to have at least two rooms and we couldn't agree on camping, so I have spent hours searching the Internet looking for solutions, and finally found a rental home a few blocks away from the beach in Oregon that will accomodate us, so we are slipping away, one week before school,  to savor this last milestone memory.  A melancholy thought, but we are all looking forward to it.

This summer has felt different somehow-- fleeting, and as August rears its head, I feel myself grasping in vain as time slip through my fingers and I hear the rhythm of "onward, ever onward" beating inside my head.  Some days, good days, I feel empowered to embrace it and march upward, and other days, more seemingly frequent days, I feel unequal to the challenge of who I am supposed to be and what I have to do to achieve that potential.  I am grateful that every day is a new chance to try, try again.

Posted By Bloomers to KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES at 8/02/2010 07:33:00 AM

Learning Diversity

Jordan went in for his temple recommend interview with the Bishop last Sunday.  He will go to the stake president today and then schedule a date to go through the temple to receive his endowment.  Receiving his mission call seemed like such a landmark, but it is an awe inspiring feeling to have a child reach this point in their life.  It is difficult to realize the implications of it all; overwhelming really.  I look forward to that fast approaching day with such tender thoughts.  It seems like such a wide step from boy to man and yet happens with such quiet, unassuming power.  It's a beautiful yet melancholy feeling, that dawning realization that the apron strings have snapped.  We're both ready.

I've invested quite a bit of time into reading and analyzing "The Color Code" by Dr. Taylor Hartman.  What began as fun and games has become mesmerizing and insightful and self discerning.  These last few months I have become fascinated with anything that propels me out of my tight little world and forces me to face the amazing diversity that is Heavenly Father's creation.  Seeing it has been enlightening; accepting it is less natural because it goes against who I have become, but desiring to accept it is a breakthrough for me and I am finding much peace and joy in the journey.  The new launched on July 14.  Two thousand people have added "profiles"; 14,000 are in progress (mine among them).  I spent a good half hour watching profile videos of human diversity on the site yesterday and realizing that the "mormon stereotypes" that Elder Ballard keeps warning us about are not created so much by people not of our faith, but by small minds (like mine) within the church.  Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people".  I would submit that the same is true about our thoughts, but the only way to progress towards great minds and ideas is to first "understand" people.  I am working on that one and it feels like coming home (a movie quote comes to mind here:) "only to no home [I've] ever known".  I have to immerse myself in it because it doesn't come naturally.  Some people would, I suppose, call that obsession.  I like to call it driven :)

Along the same "know thyself" theme, Fred had a co-worker suggest that he buy a book called, "The Five Languages of Love".  We purchased it for our date last night and took the "tests" while eating ice cream on the library lawn last.  GREAT date! I'm so grateful that date night is still a priority 20 years in.  Some weeks it's that light at the end of the tunnel that keeps me going.

We are tossing around the idea of having a "Staycation" this year.  We just can't seem to make anything else work.  I don't want to camp, unless it's at the ocean and then the destination is a big enough boon that I can see some motivation.  Fred is willing to camp around here, but doesn't want to camp at the ocean because the weather is too volatile.  Our family has gotten big enough that staying in a hotel on the beach is unaffordable.  We are looking into hotels off of the beach, but that changes the vacation considerably.  The kids came up with the "Staycation" idea while we were on our date.  Everybody gets work off.  We unplug phones and do something really fun in town every day; possibly even stay in a hotel a couple of nights to completely get away.  I'm still pondering the idea.  We do have a scheduled week on the calendar, so no matter what we will be together that week.  Summer has just flown by this year.  I see signs of school starting everywhere and none of us are ready.  This will be the real year of my initiation into the part time empty nest syndrome.  It is such a strange feeling to watch my little birds fly away.

Mikayla and Eden spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Boise Youth Spectacular, which is a smaller version of an E.F.Y. type experience.  They LOVED it.  Among their favorite experiences were talks/performances by Jon Schmidt and Alex Boye, and a devotional with Elder Gary Walker.  I am so grateful that we have these opportunities so close to home.

Fred had to take the 11 year old scouts on a overnighter Friday and Saturday.  He and Abe have been planning a camping trip all summer and the time has just been eaten up, so Fred took Abe with him.  It turned out to be a great experience for both of them to be together.  This whole scouts and camping thing is a new experience for Fred and he said he learned a lot through hard experience.  We've only been tailgate camping all of our married life and he tried to take all of those same amenities into a hike in campground.  He paid for that.  He said next year he'll know better.

Jordan, and the twins and I spent a few days alone, together.  It was a very different dynamic than usual, but was relaxing and enjoyable just the same.  It's been a good weekend for all of us.

Fourth of July with Ben and Renee's Family

Mikayla's Birthday

At Wahooz for a Birthday Date

Abe's Birthday (forgot the camera for his Birthday date)

Goofy Girls

Shadows on the Wall

Posted By Bloomers to KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES at 7/25/2010 11:41:00 AM

Fwd: [KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES] Jordan's Mission Call

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From: Bloomers <>
Date: Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 6:59 AM
Subject: [KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES] Jordan's Mission Call

Posted By Bloomers to KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES at 7/16/2010 06:59:00 AM

It's Here!!!

Lily and Sophie have made it a tradition at our house to get the mail each day and then ding-dong-ditch us as many times as there are pieces of mail and leave one piece at a time on the doorstep.  It's a fun game for them and I usually play along, but I've been very conscious of the mailbox today.  They were more conscious of it and when the doorbell rang and Eden answered it, finding an envelope of junk mail on the front porch I panicked and went running out to find them, but they were nowhere to be found.  We finally had to go back inside and shut the door, so they would come out of hiding and continue their game, but when Mikayla saw Lily sneaking up to the door, she flung open the door and Lily ran..... holding a big white envelope in her hand!  She was in no mood to end the game and I had to carefully coax her back until I had it safe and sound in my hands.  Jordan is gone, so he hasn't seen it yet, but I think I'm more nervous than he is!  Can't wait until he opens it at 7:00 tonight!

Posted By Bloomers to KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES at 7/15/2010 02:03:00 PM

Anxiously Engaged

It is pretty certain that Jordan will receive his mission call this Thursday.  At least I hear that it is rare to wait longer than 2 weeks.  It's an interesting experience, this waiting, as a mother.  Different, I imagine, from waiting as a missionary, but it's hard to tell because Jordan doesn't devulge much detail about his emotions or feelings. I've been trying to prepare myself mentally.  I printed off a map of the world and a list of all of the missions, so I could be aware and informed.   It was comforting to see so many familiar names (almost half in North America), but I have also enjoyed learning a bit of geography as I've tried to track down names that I am not familiar with.  I started researching right after listening to a radio show commemorating the 50 year anniversary of the publishing of "To Kill A Mockingbird" and I noticed that one of the missions is in Macon, Georgia.  That was fun.  I keep picturing Pres. Eyring in a room with Jordan's picture on his computer.  I'm anxious to see where the Lord wants him to be.  People keep asking us where he wants to go.  It's a little like people asking you if you want a boy or a girl when you are expecting.  You usually do have an initial preference for one reason or another, but in the end it doesn't really matter what the preference was, because you'd never change it for the world.  We joke about it often, but Jordan assures me that if he gets called to Pocatello,  he won't be disappointed, because he says he knows "there'll be a reason".  I'm not sure there won't be an initial let down but it will never matter in the end.  I know it, and more importantly he knows it, we just can't wait for him to move ahead on this part of his journey, in whatever direction it may be taking him, because ultimately it's only the spiritual destination that has significance, no matter how adventurous remote and foreign places may sound.  One of Jordan's close friends wanted to go foreign, English speaking--he was called stateside, Spanish speaking.  A young man in our ward who just received his call wanted to stay stateside and he was called to Honduras.  In both cases there was a brief adjustment period, but confirmation always comes when your heart is in the right place.

Mikayla is now seventeen.  It's strange because she has felt seventeen to me for so long.  She wanted to go to Wahooz to play miniature golf for her birthday.  It's fun to have those rare times to spend individual time with our children.  That doesn't happen much with many of them, but this past year Mikayla has been my "morning friend" and we read and walk and garden for hours before anyone else is up (except Fred of course who is already at work).  She is so good for me.  She continually motivates me to be more self disciplined and sets a good example of using her time wisely.  She has been captivated by the personality "Color Code" this past month and it has been insightful to take that information and put it to good use in our family.  Fred has used it at work and has had some very positive results with both co workers and students.  It is helping in my quest of learning to understand other people and as a byproduct I am learning to better understand myself.  I'd love to see what "colors" we have in our family.  Mikayla has put some kind of link on Cousin Connection and I am going to have her help me put one on this blog.  It would be fun and enlightening to post the color results on the "Did You Know" for next month.  Anyone game?  If so, go to this link, take the test (It's a fun F.H.E.) and then submit your colors.

Posted By Bloomers to KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES at 7/11/2010 08:35:00 PM