Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Georgie Porgie...No More

Most people know the nursery rhyme, but it is a Bloomers legend.
"Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry,
When the boys came out to play
Georgie Porgie ran away."
The name neither derived  nor survived because it's accurate--it's not-- it's ironic, tongue in cheek, inversed. The nickname emerged in 5th grade when my Jordan, who had friend girls from birth and NEVER went through the "cooties" stage, received his first kiss...on the cheek. Because it was the last day of school, and because she was moving, a little blond girl approached him, told him she had a surprise and asked him to close his eyes. He did and she gave him a quick peck and fled to her bus. I'm glad to be able to say that was his one and only kiss until college, but the girls have always crowded round and he has so enjoyed those good friendships. Now he's found the cream of the crop--a girl who is the perfect fit--in his eyes and in a mother's eyes and we are all so happy. It's a HUGE responsibility, this responsibility to "preside" "provide" and "protect"--this clarion call to "nurture", but faith always conquers fear and I have all the confidence in the world that these two returned missionaries know how to work hard and have their eyes set on the big goal. I'm so proud of them both.

It's been said that "a son is a son, 'til he takes a wife, but your daughter's a daughter the rest of her life." I don't believe it! I feel like I'm gaining a daughter for eternity. I love my kids--Katie makes 7!

Jordan and Katie Jo Engaged--September 20, 2013
(A Birthday Eve gift--Jordan always goes for the sentimental edge.) =)
Mikayla and I got to go along on the two week hunt for the perfect ring. FUN TIMES!
On top of their mountain
"On top of the world"
The eyes tell it all!
You can breath now Jorge! We all can. =)

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