Sunday, January 23, 2011

Letter From Jordan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jordan Bloomquist
Date: Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 4:08 PM

Dear the best family in the world,
                                 It sounds like you have been having a wonderful sumwhat difficult week.  Bueno, para yo, este semana fue un poco rado, extraño porque hay muchas diferente sentemientos, entonces a veses es difícil a saber que cosa yo nesicito hacer.  Pero este es la cosa que no me preocupe porque se Dios me ama mucho y el sabe what things I can handle and what I can not.   I have some bad news that was depressing but I have worked through.  Some one stole my camera with all my pictures from the MTC and everything yeah it stunk but then I got to thinking that we are here to learn and grow so I can choose to be all put out and angry with the person or I can choose to stay happy and not worry about it porque it is a temporal thing.  When I was 10 I was riding with Grandpa in the tractor, when he was done he parked, turned it off and got out to go inside for the night,  but he left the keys in the ignition.  I asked him why he did that, because someone might steal it.  He told me that if someone need the tractor more than he did, to come and steal it he was happy to give it to them.  I don´t know if he was joking or not but it stuck in my mind until now.  Maybe who ever stole my camera has a family to feed, or maybe not but still Christ gave of everything he had and that is who we are trying to become like so why not start somewhere right. 
    Another experience and Mom do not worry,  but this week we gave a blessing to a girl that got stabbed It was really a powerful experience.  She was laying in her bed in pain while we gave her the blessing during the blessing there was a calm peaceful feeling that everything would be ok.  The next day when we passed by her house she was outside walking around like nothing had even happened.  
   This week commited two people to baptism,  one and older man who lives alone and the other a 18 year old kid.  They both have things that we will have to work out but there hearts are good and want to change, which is the start.  With good intentions lead to good actions.  BAPTISM !   We have found a lot of good people, and many of them are progressing.  This week I have been reading in Predicad Mi Evangelio sobre El Libro de Mormon en Capitulo 5.  El dice, that the book of Mormon is what we need to teach to everyone in every setting because if they recieve a testimony of the book of mormon then they recieve a testimony of everything else.  This is something I need to work on a little bit more.  As well this week we have a goal to contact 10 people in the street every day, it´s a little bit difficult and I am always afraid to talk to random people because I don´t want them to start talking really fast and then just stand there with a dumb look on my face.  When Elder Scott came and talked at the MTC he gave a really good quote.  " To accomplish things never before accompished we have to do things never before done." So this year I am moving to la proximo neivel.  Woot woot 
    On tuesday I got a stack of letters which was fun, one from eden and Mikayla, one from the Jorgensens one from Tessia and one from the primary kids and sister Jensen.  No Eden I have not yet recieved a care packedge yet, am I supposed to, if so what does that mean, a care package is that kind of like an essencials package does it have food shelter and LOVE?  I will right back an actual letter to each of you.  Lily and Sophie I have a favor to ask of you, would you mind righting Elder Grillone a letter or a poem he has not had mail for a while and his Christmas packages still have not gotten here.  It might take a while for your letters to get here but he would love it so so so much he still talks about your poems.  His address is the same exact as mine, Just put his name on it,  Elder Grillone.
    Ok so here they have something called "Manjar" that is now my favorite, I eat it with everything, it is cooked sweetend condenced milk.  That turns almost into carmel but more creamy so it is deliosious with crunchy peanut butter into a sandwich.  Its almost like someone saying " Hey I will pay you a billion dollars if you take this million dollars off my hands"  need I explain more?
  Mother I am pretty sure that the picture is that you are just young because first of all when we are knocking a veces we ask people to guess our age and they guess around 20 to 24 but the legend of the picture still remains I have shown it well over 100 times to people young and old and the same results every time "tan joven" or so young I have yet to show someone and those words do not come out of their mouth. 
     Hey dad if the car does break down again just buy everyone rollerblades and a bunch of ropes and with you bike you will be all set.  Aw dang, LUCKY.
    Mikayla I thought you were going to the tip off with Jared, no ? esta bien boys are rediculous anyways.
    Eden perdon a me por Manzie el es muy chueco!!!  Gracias por la direction significa,  thank you for the address
    Abe I miss you too keep being a good boy playing nice with the other kids eating all of your vegtebles and of course giving Eden a hard time, but not too hard.
    Lily and Sophie I just want to let you know that when ever I should your pictures to the chileans they always say "que lindo" or how cute,  you are pretty much famous in Chile now.

UNtil the next week I love you all around the world 720934852983475982347598273459827340 billion times
Love Elder Bloomquist

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