Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Armies of Helaman

Saturday started out fun, with a quick visit to Liz and Nate's to pick up a couch they generously gave us that has been a blessing to us already.We have been blessed so many times from family thinking of us and we are grateful. Our playroom is actually starting to look like it has potential and that is fun.

Saturday afternoon Jet called to tell us he didn't need a ride to his baptism, which was a fun message to receive because it meant he was getting more support from family. We showed up at the stake center at the same time that he drove up with his father. I have been nervous to meet his family because they haven't been exactly pleased with his association with the church and I was afraid there might be hard feelings toward us. My worries were heightened when I saw the serious look on his father's face and the wall that seemed to be up when he entered the church, but I forced myself out of my comfort zone and introduced myself to each of his family and friends as they began to arrive and found no open hostility. I could tell Jet was nervous, but excited. He had four friends, who were not of our faith, sitting in the row in front of him teasing and heckling before the meeting started so I was nervous too, but  a few minutes before the meeting started the youth from our ward and stake started to flow in, and as I turned around and watched these beautiful and strong young men and young women walk through the door and then looked over at my own strong, beautiful young women I knew the "armies of Helaman" were in our midst and the Spirit would be powerful in that room.....and it was! The Releif Society room was full to overflowing and the opening song was sung with heartfelt conviction and my concerns of sacred things being taken lightly were quelled as I looked at the row of friends who minutes before had been so loud and sarcastic and saw respect and reverence. The ward mission leader and Mikayla both gave beautiful, profoundly simple talks and I was so pleased to see Jet's father move to the front of the room with the youngest children before Jet was baptized. While he was getting dressed, the meeting was opened up to testimonies and was filled back to back by these amazing youth among us. I love Middleton for a lot of reasons, but first and foremost I love it for it's numbers and depth of young people.

Many members and friends stayed for quite awhile after the baptism to visit with Jet and I spent a good deal of time embarrassing him by taking endless pictures (unfortunately much of the "Army" left before I could get them on camera). It really was a beautiful day inside and out. There were blue skies, the sun was out and for one day it felt like Spring. Symbolically it was. Jet had asked to come over after the baptism and showed up after he dropped off his dad. He ate dinner with us and stayed for a game of Risk with Fred and Mikayla and then watched the Ultimate Gift before finally going home. He had expected contention at home after his baptism--he was surprised that there was none. After that meeting, I wasn't, but I am glad he enjoys the environment in our home.

The Young Men's president confirmed Jet this morning in Sacrament meeting and gave him a beautiful blessing. I had such a peaceful feeling as I looked down the row and witnessed Jet take the sacrament for the first time. Amazing things can happen when one person is courageous enough to open their mouth. I admire Mikayla for being that one. I know there will be ripples.

A return missionary from a new family in our ward bore his testimony today. It was deep and pure and confidant and I am sure there were an abundance of mothers that sat up and took note:) I was so excited to learn that he is one of the young men that Fred and I have been asked to work with. I talked with him after the meeting and unfortunately he will only be here for a month, but what joy to associate, even for brief moments with bright lights. Both Mikayla and Eden noticed the glow as well;)

Elder Navarette and Jet

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