Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When I Grow Up

Elder Uchtdorf said, "Let's be honest; it's rather easy to be busy". So many little things can so quickly add up to so little time. It is a constant effort to reign back in and take time to "be still". By the time Friday rolled around, Fred and I just wanted to stay home for date night (and that's big for me!) We told Mikayla she was in charge for 45 minutes and went upstairs and read "Jesus the Christ" together as we have been falling behind on the challenge to read it in it's entirety with Mikayla this year. It was a great date and the kids were all respectful about "leaving us alone". 

We had a fun girls day on Wednesday, to celebrate Lori's birthday. Make came up with a cute, simple craft that we could make while we visited and ate cake. We were all only there together for a couple of hours, but it feels good to touch bases in our busy lives.

This morning Fred took our car into the shop AGAIN! The fuel pump and some other major thing need fixed and we have to replace all of the tires and the windsheild. It's no fun to keep putting money into a broken down heap, but it's a heap that we own. Our goal is not to go into debt again and saving cash for a car takes a bit of time, so we'll keep driving heaps 1,2, and 3 until we reach that goal. Hopefully those goals will cooperate and coincide:)

The good news is, that cars are temporal and we are way too spoiled temporally anyway and much more eternal things are taking place this weekend as Jet will be baptized on Saturday. He's a good kid, so willing to change his perceptions and desirous to follow counsel. He's got a lot of opposition right now with his friends and family but they have all said they will be at his baptism, which I think is a good sign that they support him, even though they don't like what he is doing. He did say that one of his friends told him that if anyone tried to convert him that night he would punch out a priest. We are hoping he is all bluff:) I don't think he realizes that the "priests" in our church are actually his peers. The missionaries asked Jet last week if he had any questions left and he asked the missionaries what music he was allowed to listen to and mentioned a band in particular that I didn't recognize but you could tell he was concerned about (which means he really already knows). The missionaries told him that was his choice which is true, but he was seeking counsel so I thought it only fair to give him counsel and explained that he should be choosing media that was uplifting, that was in accordance with the standards of the church and talked about the guidelines in "For the Strength of Youth". I told him the only really specific media guidance we were given was not to watch R-rated movies. He laughed and thought I was joking, but when he realized I wasn't I think he lost a few pounds. Of course, I told him it was still all his decision but it has been interesting watching him grab hold of the truth and the light and hold on tight. Change takes time, but he is moving in the right direction. The youth in this stake are all in shock as they hear he is taking the discussions or getting baptized. He's been a bit of a "disturber" among the LDS kids at high school and there have been some jaws dropping. I think he will be surprised at how many of them turn up at his baptism. We will be sure to include pictures next week. And just for the record, because the whole experience has been an odd one for Mikayla, Jet and Mikayla are just friends. He has sat with our family, by Mikayla, in church since the last couple weeks in October and I assume will continue to do so until he is deployed in June. They have been quite thrown together because she is his support system right now and people at school and at church talk, but there is no basis to all of the talk and it makes Mikayla uncomfortable and I am positive would make Jet uncomfortable if he knew the extent of the talk. They have a gospel tie and she is a kind, non judgmental girl at school, which attracts people who are unsure and looking for something better and he has a bright mind and depth intrigues her. Thus, an unlikely friendship has endured, but no  progressed beyond that.

Our Angel Maid got accepted into BYU-I this week, but hasn't received her track assignment yet. She has Senior-itis in a big way and is ready to "Fly". It's hard for me to prepare to let another fledgling go.

Mylisa said that as the oldest child in the house leaves, it just creates a bigger place for the next in line and she has been so right. Mikayla has blossomed in amazing ways since Jordan started testing his wings and I'm sure Eden will do the same, but I will miss my Mikayla Dawn.

Jordan is coming up on his 20th birthday in March. It is a landmark is so many ways and I can't believe I have an adult child who will no longer be classified as a teenager. How did that happen? I'm still preparing for "when I grow up" but I guess I am "up". This changes everything! :)

Below is a picture Lily drew yesterday of Fred and I throwing she and Sophie in the air as babies. We all thought is was supremely charming (though not  especially physically flattering:)  I love the minds of children!

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