Monday, April 30, 2012

From Mikayla

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From: Mikayla Bloomquist
Date: Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 1:32 PM

I am so happy to hear that the weather has been so nice in Middleton! Here It was really hot and nice for two days. I think I told you but last Saturday it was so hot that he all got pretty bad sunburns, especially me. I would say it was mid 80's on Saturday and then Sunday and Monday probably more like 70's... so nice, On Tuesday I opened the door to see snow pouring out of the sky in a nice big windy blizzard and then a little larger than pea sized hail stones came out of the sky like paint-balls from a paintball gun. Rexburg is back, in full strength!

Working outside! Oh I miss it! Good times! So I'm guessing you have probably put some things out in the garden now, judging by dads eagerness when I was home. haha =). Oh silly Dallas, who does he think he is haha. I don't think anyone I went on a date with ever had to have a "study talk" how did that go?

Old parents? Haha I feel like you guys have always been the same age! Weird how that happens hu? People you know never seem to get older! Well i guess kids do, but that's because they grow too fast to not notice. 

You guys are so great out there cleaning up Middleton and making it a better place! Way to go kids! I hope you didn't have to wear those orange suits though, because I mean that would be pretty amazingly cool... maybe it would be a fun experience...

I have a sad sad situation- I think I will have to go back and try for that custodial job on Monday because I got let go... me and two others because they were overstaffed and we were the last three hired =(... early mornings here I come! Oh well, maybe it will be a good thing in disguise, because late at night its not like we do much anyway except go to apt #__ and sit around while they make gay jokes to each other... which I have to say "isn't very interesting" But it seems like the popular thing to do up at BYU-I, its like the stigma that only straight guys act gay or something, like your not really confident in your manhood if you don't... some weird reason. 

Anyway its fast Sunday again, I feel like it just was fast Sunday last week... I don't remember, but oh well =) I guess a double fast will make us double strong. I wish you a wonderous week, love you,


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