Wednesday, November 30, 2016

30 Days of Conscientious Gratitude. Day 30: I Am Grateful for...Prophets, Past and Present

"The Lord has placed prophets in the land. They speak the truth. 
In whatever subject the prophets choose to speak, LISTEN.  Listen with your ears, 
with your minds, and with your hearts. Do not analyze their mortal preparation to speak upon the subject. That's not where their strength comes from. It is the power of God coupled with his call to them that qualifies them to speak--on any subject. The united voice of the First Presidency and the Twelve will never, never, never lead us astray."
--L. Aldin Porter
Both personally, and with my family I am coming to the end of a challenge to read the Book of Mormon, in its entirety this year. It is a goal that I have fulfilled at least once every year, for many years. The words of the Lords early prophets, on those pages, have been a boon to my soul, in sunshine and deep waters, as have the counsels of His latter-day prophets who I have been listening to, studying from, and pondering, since my youth. As mouthpieces of the Lord, they have anchored my testimony, strengthened my faith and helped me to feel, understand and cherish my place and purpose as a child of God, who I know, undeniably, is a personal and loving heavenly Father. How I love and honor Him and His Son. How I love and trust these inspired men who have led me to Them!

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