Monday, October 11, 2010

Frolic and Faith

It has been a good week; one of regaining a little control of my home. Mikayla, Eden and I went on a massive grocery shopping trip Saturday, to restock much of our 3 month pantry storage, which had almost waned considerably with my focus on getting Jordan out in the field. It made for a long morning and putting it all away made for a long afternoon, but it felt good to get a small portion of the things I have let slide organized again. I can tell you I got quite a few odd looks in the bulk aisle of the store:) Fred spent the day cleaning and re-organizing the garage so we could store all of Jordan's things and Abe could regain his room. I was very proud of myself. I remained composed  during the entire process. In fact I was more than just composed--it felt like beginnings instead of endings, which I think is a big step for me. We worked hard all day, I even got Eden to mow the lawn which isn't an usual task for her and while she did got the job done, Truman has nothing on her! I was glad that I had done the front yard the day before as her artistic sensibilities got the best of her. I now have diamond, circle, cross patterns and who knows what else mowed in permanently for a week. Doctor Seuss would have been proud!:) As a treat we decided to take the kids on an outing as Toy Story 3 was playing at our discount theatre. We had the bright idea to go to the 9:20 showing as we were working up until then. As an afterthought, that is awfully late to be out on the town if you're not  on a teenager clock. We were all tired and frankly I was caught a little off guard and not  prepared to be sobbing in the last few minutes of a Pixar film, but there is the sad truth. A mother was sending her son off to college and I related a little too closely. So much for my celebrated stability, but it is getting easier, now that we are able to hear back from Jordan. He sounds so happy and I am truly elated, despite my emotional inconsistency.

It came to me the other night, just out of thin air, that I have an Eleanor and a Maryanne in my family. Mikayla's selfless, emotionally reserved, integrity and Eden's passion, verbal expressiveness, and spontaneous zeal for life. Not to mention their sisterly loyalties and affection. Eden said she didn't want to be Maryanne, she wanted to be Eleanor, but we need the Austenian virtues of both. What fun diversity is in this family!

Last night was YW Standards Night. As usual, the stake president was the only adult on the program and it was amazing! He has said before, "You put the youth on the stand and they will perform miracles." and they did. The theme was "I Have A Purpose" and Mikayla was one of the two youth speakers. Public speaking is not in her comfort zone because she has deep thoughts and often a hard time verbalizing them accurately. It's a constant frustration to her, but with this calling on the stake youth committee she is being pushed considerably. She was prepared spiritually last night and taught with poise and eloquence and such mature, spiritual clarity that I sat behind her on the stand in awe. The whole congregation felt it as there were crowds around her the rest of the evening. It was truly a gift of the Spirit and I was so profoundly grateful and inspired. I had two different sisters come up after the meeting and tell me that the look on my face, while Mikayla was speaking was "priceless". I realized this morning, when my personal scripture happened to start with 3 Nephi:26, and as I read through verse 14, why! It took on a whole new meaning and I realized that I had just witnessed a most similar experience, literally.

I keep waiting for the wind to die down so I can walk Olive without winter gear, but I don't think it is going to happen today. So, off I go to find my fluffy red hat!:) Isn't it great that it is Oct.11 and we're just easing out of summer clothes. What we lost in June, we are basking in now!

Mona-Mikayla (by Mikayla-for Grandma's benefit)

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