Friday, October 29, 2010

I Love You

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jordan Bloomquist
Date: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 12:14 PM
To: Rachel Bloomquist <>

Dearesteringerst Family,
 I got the pictures to work and I love them but if you have not already sent the vest you should slip a couple of those family shots in so I can hang them up, as well as Mikayla's senior pictures.  I don't have all your letters with me right now I forgot them in my room so I will tell you about my week in this letter and answer questions in my hand written one, esta bien?   This week has been so amazing and humbling for me,  I  have felt at times that I wasn't working as hard as I wanted to, so I prayed that I would be able to work harder.  Lo and behold prayers are answer but maybe not always in the way you want them to be.  Elder Pew and I were called as zone leaders on Sunday and it has been intresting trying to find out where we are supposed to be when and what are responcibilitys are.  I love it so much though,  I was talking to Elder Pew after we were called and we both had this intence filling of love for all those in our zone.  We just got a new district yesterday and even though I barely met them I love them too.  The MTC is a powerful place and you can have a love for someone ,that normally would take a couple years to develop, in a matter of days.  Also this week Elder Richard G. Scott came and spoke to us about feeling the spirit.  He gave each of a sheet of paper that had inspiration on how to listen to the spirit.  It was things that he had learned throughout his life.  The spirit was so strong in that meeting and in our district devotional afterwards that I could never deny what I felt.  Elder Scott ended his talk by saying " If you remember nothing else I want you to remeber this; Jesus Christ lives.  He is a personage of perfect love.  He is our Redeemer. He is our intermedian with the Father.  I love hime.  I solemnly declare that he lives.  I know he lives because I know him."   Mother, Father, Mikayla, Eden, Abe, Sophie and Lily I want to let you know that I love all of you so much.  You mean the world to me nothing is more important to me than my Father in Heaven.  I know that our Father in Heaven loves us and I know that he sent his son down to earth because he loves us.  I know that Jesus Christ willingly suffered for our sins, our afflictions our grief and our pain because he loves us.  I know that Joseph Smith restored the gospel to this earth through God.   I know the Book of Mormon is true and it is because I have prayed and recieved that comformation.  I know that this Church is the true and original Church of Christ, and I will never deny it. 
Alma 26:35 " Now have we not reason to rejoice?  Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those wo will repent and believe on his name."
I love you
Elder Jordan Bloomquist

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