Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Still Searching

It has been a week of transitioning. All of the kids are now in school, except of course Mikayla, and she is working all of the time, so I will be home alone quite a bit now. Mentally preparing for that solitude has made me over anxious for the past two years, but when the time finally comes, I have been surprised with how quickly the hours move in the day. I'm highly motivated to accomplish a lot while the kids are gone so I can focus on family when they come back, so I stay busy and school is out before I can ever finish everything in my Franklin. It's good for me to have a stopping point for cleaning and gardening.=)

We found out the first day of Abe's school that they had a stringent dress code. (Minor oversight=) Luckily, I hadn't purchased him any new clothes for school, except some sandals, because his summer wardrobe was still in great shape. He has to wear solid colored polo's and solid colored pants or shorts--no jeans. We had to run out that night and get him outfits. Luckily we found almost everything we needed at Savers. I'm glad he won't have the distraction of immodest girls at school or that "brand name" pressure that is so prevalent in the Middle School years. I think the dress code would be more of a disappointment to our girls, because style can be fun, but Abe is comfortable with it. He seems to be enjoying the Charter school, except the fact that he doesn't feel like he has time to dress down for P.E, which is outside, the last period of the day and the weather has been in the 90's. He also has to ride the bus,so he comes home hot and sometimes a little irritable. He is allowed to check out books as fast as he can read them and so far he has gone through one chapter book a night--and they aren't tiny, so that is his outlet.

I got serious about looking into going back to school and called BYU and talked to a counsellor. He verbally walked me through the process for getting my Bachelor Degree through Independent Study and I was getting so excited until I realized that one average class would cost $471 and then I had trouble breathing. I've been through the process of getting two children into college and so I'm not oblivious to the current costs of tuition, but somehow, in my mind I had this naive idea that taking one course at a time--over the computer-- would fall somewhere under $200. I have no idea where I came up with that number--it was just there, but close to $500 sounds so ominous and selfish and overwhelming and insurmountable right now. I started going through my mental calendar to see if there was a financial break somewhere, but with missions and college and braces and weddings continuously surfacing, who has a "break".The goal is still there and I haven't given up all hope, but I'm going to have to start thinking creatively. My friend suggested looking into Pell Grants and Scholarships, but Mikayla spent HOURS looking for Scholarships (in fact that was one of her 10 hour+++ projects to finish her Personal Progress goals, but the sifting is so tedius that she finally gave up on that idea. Spending so much time in the yard has made me wonder if I should maybe look into the Master Gardener program through the Extention Agency and glean knowledge there while I try to come up with a solution for finishing my traditional education. I am sure there are opportunities for non-traditional learning all around me to engage my mind while I am working toward other avenues and I know "where there's a will there's a way!" I haven't really planned this second phase of life yet. Raising a family has been my life's dream. But I guess I have to embrace adulthood and decide what I want to do that is really meaningful during these hours in my day or I will blink and they will be gone and all I'll have to show for them is a fairly clean house and a semi-manicured yard. Not very eternal.

Our friend's hosted a neighbor b-b-q last Monday to formally end the summer vacation. The younger kids swam in "schools" in their tiny pool and had fun running in packs through all the yards. Eden was the only teen, since Mikayla was working, and kept disappearing back home, but it was nice to be among friends. Though the conversation was focused, almost in it's entirety, on sports, which kept me an uninterested, quiet observer, we are truly blessed to be surrounded by such good neighbors. Every direction we turn are kind and thoughtful people. Friday, a neighbor came over with three gallon bags of cherries. Two weeks ago a different neighbor gave us a box of apricots. Today we were offered peaches. We haven't had any fruit in bulk this year, so it has been a blessing. We were all excited...it was better than candy. Way better! Tonight we will be service picking at the orchard and afterwards can glean off the ground, so maybe I will actually can something this year. That is one thing I will actually make the sacrifice for. I'm hoping that we still have enough warm weather for my mammoth tomato plants to ripen the hundreds of green tomatoes on their vines so we can "share back".

Mikayla went to a Branch campout over the weekend. The idea sounded a little concerning to me at first, but it was approved by Pres. Evans and the whole Branch presidency and their wives were there, so Mikayla went and had a blast. She said there were a few circumstances that "seemed a bit sketchy" when the chaperones weren't around, but I suppose those circumstances come up in any environment and you can only micromanage to a certain degree. After all, agency is ultimately the only true test. I feel like there are so many good kids just propelling the gospel forward in this branch, that it is a huge blessing here.

Mikayla has a friend from work whose family is catholic. He isn't actively involved but traditionally tied and has recently become discontented. He has been investigating Budaism and has found a listening ear in Mikayla (no surprise there). She says he has a good heart, though his lifestyle reflects the fact that he doesn't have an understanding of the principles of the gospel. The other day he found her in the cornfield, and was excited to share an experience with her. He told her that he had been "asking" to know if he should convert to Budaism and right there in the field, on a cloudless day, he asked to have a raindrop hit his cheek if the answer was yes and suddenly a black cloud covered the sky and huge raindrops started falling. We experienced that strange cloud cover here, without the rain, for just a few minutes. Mikayla wasn't quite sure how to respond, so she just listened, but as she shared the story with me I could tell that this was a boy who is searching for answers. He is trying to be in tune, even though he probably doesn't understand what that means. I'm sure he doesn't understand that Heavenly Father doesn't generally respond affirmatively to "sign seeking", but Satan knows that and he is the master of disguise and counterfeit and confusion. Right now, this young man is all about finding a religion of "freedom". He doesn't want anyone telling him what he "has" to do. Truly, none of us want that. The key is to understand the truth about freedom and bondage and make that "choice" for ourselves. He has a skewed perception of "Mormonism", but Mikayla is slowly redirecting those misperceptions, just through her example. He has some hard questions, that without a full understanding of the gospel, don't make sense to him, but she's planting a good seed. He floated the river with Mikayla and her best friend Tessia last week, so I got to meet him when the rendezvous point was our home. I was impressed by his manners. I know just continuing to go to work each day is a huge challenge for Mikayla because the environment, created by so many of the employees is at a moral low. She says it is spiritually draining. She tries to listen to books on tape or talk radio all day, but she has to keep one earphone out to listen to her team leaders, so she can't drown out the filth. That's a lonely position to be in, but maybe her decision to see it through will make a positive difference in the life of this young man. We just never know who is watching and with Mikayla, it seems like someone always is. I hope she can find a job where the environment is uplifting after the Harvest is in, but for now, her sacrifice is someone else's gain.

We watched the movie, "One Good Man" the other night. Jordan said his ward in Chile enjoyed it for an activity. I'll admit I have a hard time with most Mormon pop-culture media. This wasn't disrespectful like some, but it was still very cliché. I could relate to all of the circumstances and the missionary son experiences made me feel vulnerable, but it just felt flat. Why is that? Mikayla says it's because it's all "the culture", but none of "the Spirit". The scripting and acting were expectedly mediocre, but it wasn't offensive, and yet I think she's hit the nail on the head. You just can't contrive spiritual experiences. However, there have been times where I have been watching a movie that was actually produced by the church but also had mediocre scripting and acting but felt intense spiritual manifestations. What makes the difference? I really don't know...I'm still searching.

Quotes of the Week:
I asked Aunt Linda for a copy of her family's newsletter and these were some notes she took from BYU TV devotionals, that inspired me:

"We are not here to prove to the Lord that we can live the Gospel without making mistakes. That thought, that kind of pride will make it difficult to admit our mistakes and faults and to repent. We are here to prove to Heavenly Father that we will search out our sins and repent and with our whole hearts, strive to continually do better in keeping His commandments."(Byu devotional "Finding Joy in Progress"  Doug Prawitt, July 19th)

"We can use Satan's temptations and our trials to propel us into the presence of God. When we are tempted or discouraged, if we fight back and turn our hearts to God in prayer and hymn singing, in service and study of the words of the prophets etc. then the very thing that Satan tried to use to damage us will turn to our good just as it did to Adam and Eve's when Satan tried to thwart the plan of God in the Garden of Eden, for it will turn us to God. If we are really committed to go with the Lord's plan, if we are really seeking to become like the Savior in learning to submit ourselves to the will of the Lord, if we are sincerely striving to recognize and overcome our faults, if becoming perfect is really our goal, the Lord will put us in positions or situations that will make our weaknesses more clear and will stimulate our growth as we work to overcome them." (BYU Hawaii devotional, Quinn, 2011)

Back to School Portraits:

Eden Camilla
Abrahm Jeffrey
Lily Elise
Sophia Grace
Double the Fun!

The Missionaries are Here

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From: Elder Jordan

     ...This week we found a family incredible.  We were walking to one of our appointments and Elder Romero decided to talk to a lady that was on the side of the street.  She seemed super nice and we taught half of lesson 1 to her and asked if we could pass by her house during the week, she said she worked a lot but that maybe we could pass by for 20 minutes one day.  When we were ready to leave her 2 kids of 7 and 9 años ran up and were super excited to see us.  When their mom told them that we were coming over on tuesday they became hysterical with excitement.  I don´t know if they had us confused with someone else or if they just were sweet souls with a lot of energy.  I found out they were definitely sweet soul of to much energy, because when we got to there house,  we rang the door bell and the boy of 7 Jorge swung the window open and screamed "the missionaries are here" so that the whole world could here.  We then heard many opening and slamming of doors and then scampering of feet.  When they came to greet us Elder Romero was in front of me and the almost knocked him over.  We went in and their mom and dad were there, we told them about the Book of Mormon and how it was written in the Americas they were excited to read about it and we will go back and see what happens next...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

He Is Aware

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From: Elder Jordan

     ...Ok so this week I had another interesting experience, well actually I had many but this is one of my favorite. 
     On Tuesday we had just gotten done with lunch and left the house...  We went to the visit that we had but depresingly it fell through, we had made a good contact with them a couple days before and so I became disapointed  not having any planned meetings we went to a street close and decided to knock.  As I opened my mouth to call at the house I felt a ... instant urge to use the bathroom.  It was indeed an emergency.  We walked very quickly back to the house in which we had lunch, but they had left...We found the next closest member on the map and did a nice little jog which also ended up problematic...  After what seemed like a good billion and 3 hours we made it to the members house.  They were not there.  Right then Elder Romero remembered a menos activo that lived in the next appartements over.  We got there, and woot woot she was there...
     Ok so that part was the not so fun part. This next part is the part that matters.
     When I got out the Hermana had made dounuts and told us to sit down and eat one.  She was super busy and was hurring quickly around the house to get things done before she had to leave for work.  We asked her if we could pray with her before we left.  She hesitated and then consented.  And we asked her if she would like to offer it.  She again paused and then broke into tears.  We listend with intent as she then told us of problems that she was having with her family and in the home and that every time misionarys would pass by and ask to pray with her.  She then offered a beautiful prayer asking for help and giving thanks for those things that helped her learn. My eyes became moist as I realize that God knows every last one of his Children and will and can help them.  Sometimes that means a missionary needs to suffer to find a bathroom, but he is aware.
     I want to testify that I know God loves us and I am seeing it more and more every day...

 3 Idahoens and a Mexican   SAAAAAAAAAWEEET
Add caption
Me and Gasper

Monday, August 22, 2011

Personal Ponderings

Eden received her Patriarchal Blessing last Sunday and invited Fred and I to accompany her. She was spiritually prepared and it was a unique and tender experience as so much of her blessing seemed to mirror my own in so many ways. And though of course it was personal to her, it almost felt as though I was hearing Elder Porter speak those words again, to me. I shared my blessing with Eden when we got home and she was surprised to see the similarities. It was a bonding moment and a reaffirmation that blessings are inspired and come from our Heavenly Father.

Abe dejectedly started school last Wednesday and stayed dejected until Friday when he was finally unleashed in a classroom that was wall-to-wall full of books and connected with the teacher who shares his passion for them. The same day he came home with the "exciting" news that his school would host a 6th grade sleepover at the school for an end of year party next May. Of course the word "sleepover" raises all my warning flags and the words "11 year olds" and "co-ed" and "school-sponsored" start the crashing mother meter symbols, so I eased him into that disappointment with talk of me chaperoning and maybe staying until 10PM and then going home and he seemed alright with that compromise. The same day I went with Eden to pick up her High School schedule and pay registration fees and ended up in an hour long line, in front of a young man and young woman who had just met and were comparing their views on religion, sexuality, medications, politics, philosophy and family, friend and every other kind of relationships. It was not an enlightening conversation and a reminder that summer break is over and I am once again sending my children into the front lines of the battlefield. I hope their armour is in good condition! I hope mine is!

Fred and I were able to go on a fun date last Friday. Elder Walker's son Brett (who I knew well from High School) was in town with his wife and children performing a bluegrass/country concert. Five years ago one of their daughters asked for a guitar, which Brett found at a garage sale for $30, then another asked for a banjo and it exploded from there. Four and a half years ago, they sold their brand new house, bought a 30 foot motor home, packed in their 7 children and started travelling the country looking for the roots of bluegrass and the people who could teach their children. They are still living in their motor home, but have finally decided to settle down in Nashville and their 4 oldest daughters, who have started a band called "The Red Head Express" are professionally recording an album the end of this year. It was such a fun concert. Half of the audience was Walker family, so many of whom we love, so that added to the experience. Their whole family participated and it was impressive to see what can be accomplished in that short amount of time if you spend 7-8 hours a day practising. Except for the piano, none of them had ever played another musical instrument and now they are playing guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, bass and some instrument I've never even seen and are singing 4 part harmony, to many other people's songs and have written 50 of their own. As the mother of "musicians" I was blown away. I wish we could have afforded to take all of our kids--especially Mikayla and Eden.

Speaking of Mikayla--I am not at all sure I am going to make it through this phase of the dating years in any form of stability. High School was a security of sorts--all of my high school kids have had a goal of not pairing off and I've known all of their dates well. Now "older" young men--strangers to me-- are asking Mikayla out and I have suddenly become a Facebook Stalker--checking their backgrounds--their pictures--their posts, wanting to meet them at the door with a check-list, but restraining myself....barely. This past Thursday, Friday and Saturday, she was with a different young man each of the three days and only one passed my mother radar, which is set on ultra hyper-sensitive. It's not emotionally pretty!

On the subject of young men, I was at a reception last weekend and was talking to a friend, when I noticed her son (whom I haven't seen in awhile) sitting with a table of girls. It was obvious that he had been working out significantly and grown quite physically handsome over the past few years. I made a complimentary comment about it to his mother and not seeming at all pleased, she lamented that it seemed that his body and "the ladies" were the most important things to him right now and that he had no plans to serve a mission and I realized that I have been worrying too much about the wrong things. It sounds awful, but I've been worrying and stressing over Jordan's physical health--superficially traumatized that my "Adonis" son would disappear in 2 years and would come back a different person, but that conversation was a bold reminder that he should come back different in two years! I am extremely blessed that he is in the right place--at the right time--focusing on the right things--and I am so grateful for how beautiful he is becoming spiritually, as we bask in the lessons of his letters. No doubt about it, our bodies are important, but need to be balanced with our spirits and it is obvious that he is hard at work on that. What a blessing to watch him be humble and teachable, to see him serving selflessly, for his obedience this past year. I am so proud of the choices he is making now and the choices that he made previously to get him where he is. I can see the blessings in his life and so hugely in ours. He keeps teaching me valuable life lessons through his example and the personal ponderings that pre-occupy my thoughts because of his absence. The gospel is a beautiful thing! My grasp of it is still so embryonic but I am so grateful for my children who force me out of my "protected" environment and encourage me to find out who I am and who I really want to BE!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Choice To Be Happy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elder Jordan...
Date: Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 4:51 PM

My dear family,
    Over and over I am reminded how blessed I am to have a family who is sealed together forever and that has the knowledge of the gosple of Jesus Christ in our lives.  I loved the quotes that you all sent, good words are always good motivation.  Today were changes and I am a little bit more up north where there are many humble homes.  It feels like I am in Nocedal again and so I am excited to work here.  My new companion is Elder Romero from Mexico he has been on the mission for about 4 months making me feel old here.  He is super great though, I know he will help me stay in line.
   This past week I went on divisions with Elder Johnson our zone leader and we went to the house of an investigator that they had. Elder Johnson and his companion had already taught her all of the lessons but she, being a 17 year old girl named Dominic, still was not sure if she wanted to be baptised because she didn´t want to find something out about the church that she didn´t like and then go inactive.  The other night Elder Johnson and his companion had the great idea to give her Preach My Gosple because it had almost everything in it.  When we passed by the other day she said that, that night she stayed up until 5 in the morning reading it, at one point she became tired and decided to lay down while reading but she got to a part where it says that missionaries, while studying should not lay down.  She got back up and sat in a chair in the front room for the
rest of the night until she finished it.  After she was done she said a prayer asking to know if these things were true.  She said she felt something so powerful and wonderful overcome her whole body letting her know that with no doubt these things were true.
  It was a wonderful incredible experience, once again testifying to me that God loves and knows each one of us individualy.
  These are the moments that make up the mission, that make up life, a life full of joy and happiness.  The best part about it is we have the choice to be happy.  Pretty Sa weet right.
I love you calete mas que puede imaginar
Con mucho mucho Amor
Elder ...

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Holding My Tongue And Miracles

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From: Jordan Bloomquist
Date: Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 5:13 PM

Alright ya crazy hoodlums,
¿How goes the work?  It is kind of weird to think that school is already starting for you guys, it seemed like you just got out.  Loco !!!!!!! But of course learning is awesome its just all how you think about it........ right??

Mikayla if you need an outlet of music and need a guitar feel free to take Rogan up to school as long as you´re careful with him which I know you will be.  It helped me relax and you will need all the money you can get up there.  I also want you to know that you have now technically received your first kiss.  Here's the story,  so the other day we went to teach some less actives.  They are an elderly married couple and have two sons of 26 years that have Autism.  We started the lesson talking to the mother, in the mean while one of the boys named Fernando started rummaging through my bag.  He found my Book of Mormon ,in which I always carry my pictures, opened it up and stared looking through them.  He flipped through them relatively fast until he got to one of your Senior fotos and stopped for a good while just staring, the out of no where, while we were in the middle of the lesson he spoke loudly saying " Permiso, Besitos"  Which is to say " Excuse me, little kisses.  And then he went at it,  I was trying not to laugh because the mother was telling us a story about her life and she had no idea what was going on because she was a little bit hard of hearing and her back was toward him.  So I´m sorry but that is the story of how you got your first kiss.

The other day I met twins that had 8 years and one of them was named Sophie, crazy right.  Right now we are living 4 missionaries in the same apartment and 3 of us are from Idaho and 2 of us are from the Treasure Valley.  Me and Elder Erickson, Brady Ericson.  He lives in Eagle and knows Jancen and Uncle Jeff and Mindy and his Older Sister is really good friends with Jennifer.  Pretty sa weet right.  He has younger sisters as well that Christina might know.  You should as her, Eden if she knows any Ericksons in Eagle.

On Saturday I had an amazing experience, I was on divisions with an older guy from our stake and we went to knock doors.  For about the First hour were were not able to converse with many people, they were not home, they didn´t want anything to do with us or they simple slammed the door.  I admit that I was feeling a little bit smashed around.  We then knocked on a house and a lady came out, we told her who we were and that we had a message.  She told us in a sort of bothered manner that she was busy, and started walking back to her house.  I could vaguely see through the fence that she was wearing gardening gloves, so I asked her if we might be able to come in and help her with what she was doing.  She stopped, turned around and said, "first of all why would I let complete strangers into my house, and second of all who are you guy, those Mormons? because I do not fall well with any of you and want nothing to do with you or your church."  She then started telling me of a time when Mormons were not nice or helpful in the time of a earthquake, she ended with so you can leave now and don´t come back.  I regret to say in this momement I had some not very nice feelings toward this lady and had some desires to tell her what was up.  But I then thought that maybe she was having a rough day and simply I said,  I am sorry but I wan´t to let you know that we are always here when ever you need help we would be more than happy to pass by.  We then parted our both ways and kept knocking 10 minutes later she came around the corner and humbley said, I´m sorry please forgive me my son said that maybe you guys were just trying to help, we are kind of busy but if you want you can come in right back.

We went back and entered into the house and were able to share with them lesson 1 about the restoration, they had many questions and were very intersted.

I imagine what would have happend if I had chosen not to hold my tounge and I know God could not have caused a miracle to take place.

What a marvolous example Christ is to me when he was beaten scourged and nailed to a cross and simply said Father forgive them for they know not what they do.   The magnificant thing is that he did not have any feelings of hatred or even a small bad feeling toward them. It was a pure feeling of love.

I love you guys have a wonderful week.
Elder Bloomquist

Me and my companion
doing zip line
a school in TOMA

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

From Elder Jordan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elder Jordan...
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 6:56 PM

My dear famskies,
   I have reasently added to my nicknames  Elder bomarang and Elder Bloo Bloo.  I was so delighted to hear about the family reunion what a blast.  80 degree weather also sounds spectacular I felt a little part of it on monday we went to the house of an Hermano in our ward.  He had a zipline as well we cooked Chori pan which is the most delishious thing known to man,  you will have to ask Taylor if he ever had it. 
Hey so about the whole eating smaller portions like eden suggested, great idea but I can´t,  not that I don´t want to but they serve you and expect you to eat all of it for example this last week.  Lunch started out with a salad followed by a small soup followed by a mountain of rice and two slabs of pork, followed by a big scoop of Ice Cream, followed by Hot chocolate and a nice big slice of apple pie,  I am in fat boy heaven.
  This week the rain was laughing at us and playing with our minds for example one day it was raining super hard so we decided to go back to the pention real quick to put on our rubbler boots and get our umbrellas, we were in the house for about 10 minutes and during the whole time it was raining cats and dogs but the minute that we stepped out of the house and I mean the very minute we stepped out it stopped rainning... good joke right, so I went around stomping in the puddles and not even getting wet because I had on my knee high rubber boots... ya what now rain whose the boss. 
  This week we had a sector slam which means all the missionaries in our zone, 14, go to one sector and knock doors for an hour or two.  I love doing it because I feel much more bold, I don´t know why but I do.  Anyways we found this kid named Cristian, it was late and he was studing but we told him it was something important, so he let us in and the spirit guided us the rest of the way, we taught him about prophets and the Apostacy and the restoration,  we also invited him to be baptised and gave him a book of Mormon telling him that this is on what rested the church.  It has been said many many times but in this moment I realized how true it was.  If people will just read at the least one part of the Book of Mormon, Think about it and then pray and if they recieve an answer, which they will if they really want to know everything else falls into place, everything.  I invite you all to read the introducion of the book of Mormon as a family it really helps to understand more fully what this book is.
  I love you bunches of bunches, and want to see more pictures of the family reunion.
Elder ...
The pictures are of me and my companion Elder Jofre he is in the blue and white shirt
The fruit I got all of it in the feria for less than 2.00 need I say more
The Zone playing a game where you had to get to the other side of the stand with out touching anything inside of a ten foot perimeter.  It was fun but at the same time super dificult.

Monday, August 1, 2011

From Elder Jordan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elder Jordan...
Date: Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 5:11 PM

My dear gringo family,
   As you can see the loosing 10 lbs thing isn´t going as well as I would love.  I can control my workout schedule but the diet thing doesn´t work out so well because we are always eating with members white bread and lots of it don´t get me wrong I am definantly happy but just not as thin as I used to be.  Quack.   This week we had a ward activity of the movies.  A guy in our ward works in the cinimas and had a projector and a huge sheet.  To watch the movies on.  We invited all of our investigators and quite a few showed up.  They watched ONE GOOD MAN I don´t know if you have seen it, we didn´t watch it but they said it was wonderful.  It is from the same producers as CHARLY.  We also had a ward conference on sunday and we had more people in atendance than we have had for a long long time.  It was full and it seemed like just a huge family. 
   The weather here is super strange on saturday it was really warm like spring and I was getting hot wearing a shortsleaved shirt, but yesterday I was chattering my teeth out with a longsleeved shirt, sweater, coat and scarf with two pairs of gloves.  Is it the same there or is it pretty constant. 
  So by the pictures I recieved I am glad to know that you all have not been taking your crazy pills in quite a while.  And to let you know my pictures I did not eat them like you saw raw I cooked them nice and well. so do not fret.
   One less active that we are working with is named Alvaro he is super he has two little kids and lives with his girlfriend but we are helping to remember the importance of his baptism. 
   With the Book of Mormon hanging on the door way,  we havn´t had that happen yet but on ocacion we see people selling them in the Feria.  So we stand in front of their stand and anyone that tries to buy the book we but in real fast and give it to them for free... no just kidding we don´t do that, we don´t like black eyes.
  These new pictures are of my street where I live and me coming out of my house.
I love you all a billions
The will to win all depends on the will to practice.
I cant remember who said it but I like it.

From Elder Jordan