Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Spiritual Lessons From Geese

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From: Elder Jordan ... (Serving a mission in Chile)

...Wow for me this week was super good as well,  one of my highlights was that we went on a temple tour with a menos activo family that we have been working with to get sealed in the temple.  They have many kids and it was kind of hot out side and I could tell after the first 10 minutes the kids were bothered and the parents were preoccupied with there kids.  And then I started to worry about them because I wanted them to have a pleasant memory here.  Near the end we went into a room, the kids still fussing and wiggling around and then the Hermana said we were going to watch a small video about Christ. When the video started, all the sudden there was a hush that fell over everyone, and the spirit filled the room so strongly.  At the end of the video they asked if there were any comments or questions,  it was silent for a moment and the the Hermano said quietly "this is the third time I have been on the temple tour, but never have I felt the spirit so strong as I have today."   We left the room and got on the bus and I had a hard time not smiling.  I hope that feeling will motivate them to work together to get sealed as a family.

President Laycock always gives us amazing examples in life to help us become better missionaries, but I liked it so much, so here it is. I hope it helps you as much as it has me.

Geese make a remarkable yearly sojourn which is based on instinctive selflessness (Be a giver and a helper not a taker and a user).
• They fly for 1000's of miles with precision with a pinpoint accurate guidance system that takes them to a refuge of peace and comfort (Follow the Spirit)
• They fly in a familiar V shape formation (70% more efficient that flying alone) (Be United)
• As they move their wings, it creates an uplift for those who follow. (Be a voice of encouragement).
• Those birds that fall from formation feel immediate resistance and rejoin the formation. (Help those in need to improve).
• Leadership is alternated as one leader tires, another steps up to lead in his or her place. (Support and sustain leadership and do not aspire to positions).
• The Flock flies with its own rhythm (Be of good cheer)
o The Pulsating sound of the wings excites and energizes the Flock
o Those who fly behind keep careful watch and honk to give encouragement to those ahead
• If a goose becomes sick and has to drop out of formation, 2 geese accompany the one in need and stay with it until they can all return to the Flock together.
• Geese mate for life. They are faithful and true to the end. (Prepare yourself for all the blessings of the Temple)...

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