Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bus Rides and Promptings

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From: Elder Jordan
Subject: ¡el fin esta cerca arrepiente todo!

     ...So this last week at least 4 people have come up to us and asked so what do you think about the world ending in 2012,  I have a feeling that people are going to be starting to look for the truth and salvation or just party it up because it is the last days.  We have had some good lessons though and it is so comforting to already know what is going to happen.  People have been talking about all kinds of crazy stuff,  Earthquakes and tornado's, shootings, protests, plane crashes.
     So something really cool is that President Monson is coming to Chile October 15 to come talk to us and the members.  I will possibly get to shake his hand ...wait what??????
     So I had a cool experience this week,  so to start off we ride buses here sometimes and you have to pay to ride, but instead of money we have a card that we charge in a story and then you just scan it when you get on.  So the other day we got on, I scanned my card and it beeped and then another person got on and sanned it but denied it so they went and sat down with a worried look on their face.  I had a feeling to scan my card again for the person.  So I did.  We were riding for a little bit and then the police stopped us got on and with their own scanner began checking everyones card to make sure they paid.  If they catch someone that has not paid there is usually a fine of 200 dollars.  They checked mine and I told them I had paid for the man.  They saw that I had paid twice and went on.  They checked everyone and then got off.  I was so grateful to have received that small prompting and to have gone through with it...

Constanza and Constansa who danced the cueca a chilean dance for the talent show.

Elder Romero and Catalina a recent convert that was baptised
last sunday and my boy Gasper

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