Wednesday, September 21, 2011

He Felt Something Different

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elder Jordan...

Mi querida familia,

Im sorry I didn't write you yesterday because it was a holiday, Chilean independance day and nothing was open.  It's so crazy here they celebrate for 3 days straight and have huge BBQ with every kind of meat you can think of.  Sooooo good.  We also had an activity Satuday we played soccer for most of the morning, after that we had a ginormous BBQ which had so much meat they had to use what looked like old bed springs to cook all of it.  After that our Bishop danced the cueca (the national dance of Chile).  We also had some relays and competitions.  The whole day was wonderful and I felt like I got even closer to the members of our ward.

It was super cool this week, on Wednesday we had some extra time and so we decided to pass by a contact that we did earlier on in the week.  When we did out came the dad of the kid we talked to the first time.  He told us that when ever he sees Jehovas Wittnesses or Evangelicos he doesn't leave, but when he saw us he felt somthing different and let us come in.  We shared the message of the restoration with him as well as shared with him the importance of baptism inthw correct manner with the authority.  The whole time he was agreeing with us about everything.  So we decided to invite him to be baptized and he accepted imeadiatly.  It was a beautiful experience to feel the spirit and Invite him to be baptized.

This week was changes and I was called to train,  so this morning we went to pick them up, my new companion his name is Elder Weaver from Austrailia, sooooooooooooooooooooo cool he has an accent and everything. 

President Monson, or one of the apostles doesn´t come until October 15 but I will be sure to tell you all about it.

I love you all so much
Elder Jordan...

The pictures are of our ward activity and the temple trip and an beautiful evening in chile

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