Monday, September 26, 2011

Facing The Same Direction

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From: Elder Jordan...
Date: Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 1:05 PM

Dear Family from above,

What a week right???  This has been my first real week as a senior companion.  Last change I was the senior companion but I was in a new area and didn´t know where anything was so I followed my companion around everywhere.  It has been a very big eye opener because my new companion does not know a lick of spanish either, ok I take it back, he knows a lick but that is it!  So I have to pay attention much more to what everyone is saying because sometimes I have to translate for him.  He is a wonderful friend and companion and we talk about Austrailia, even though he hasn´t lived there for ten years.  He still has a strong accent and so I told him that we will take turns, one day we will speak all spaninsh and the next we will have, speak like an Austrailian day.  OH MAN I AM SOOO EXCITED!!!!  

On Saturday we were teaching an awesome lesson with a lady that has been keeping all of here commitments and I think we just need to teach her the rest and she will get baptised.  I know that she feels something and she is always so excited to read.  Anyways we were at their house at about 8:30 at night and reading 3 Nephi 11 when all of the sudden the lights went out.  It was compleatly dark.  We helped them light some candles and find some flash lights and noticed that it wasn´t just their house but the whole city was dark.  We got out a radio to see what was going on and found out that half the country was out of light.  That was a little bit frightening.  We got calls from our leaders to just go home if we were not already in a lesson.  So after the lesson we headed home but it was difficult to find where we lived because we couldn´t see anything.  We made it safely and 2 hours after the lights turned on, but it is always a nice little reminder to remember who is really in charge of this small earth and all of our lives.
I also learned a cool lesson as we were walking back on the dark road.  I could barly make out the path with the cell phone light that I was using.  We were walking on the side of the road against traffic and every once in a while a car would pass by with its head lights on full blast.  I noticed that when ever the cars passed us it made it almost imposible to see the path.  Then to our luck a whole parade of cars passed and we just had to stop for a minute or two because I could not make out anything.  I also realized that when we turned around and faced the same direction as the cars, the head lights illunminated the street for many meters.  In that direction it was not difficult to make out the road one bit.

This is how I related it to our lives: 
We have been blessed with modern day prophets.  We have the scriptures as a guide which also tell us of commandments that we must keep.  We have a light to follow in the midst of the dark.  When we are walking against the light we only see them as a hindrance in our lives, and no matter what, even if we try running or hopping or skipping the will not be a blessing to us, unless we are facing the same way.  

I wish all you crazy hoodlums a most wonderful happy week.

I love you till the end of time

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