Monday, September 26, 2011


There are times when Heavenly Father blesses us with tender mercies that are so meaningful to us but seem so small in the eternal scale of thigs that I KNOW his hand is in my life and I feel his love so strongly. My birthday was one of those days. We communicate weekly with Jordan, but he sends birthday letters and mine  arrived ON the day. Knowing the length of time it usually takes for us to receive or send mail and the inconsistency of it all, I am positive that was no coincidence. It meant so much to me and absolutely made my fantastic day perfectly perfect! Fred made me breakfast in bed. Lori, Liz and Marg made a delicious lunch and I drove over with Mikayla and we celebrated mine and Renee's birthdays and were able to visit for over an hour and then Fred took me on a movie date to see Seven Days in Utopia. Upon coming home I was ordered to the hammock while Mikayla made dinner and sent back out while everyone cleaned up and prepared the kitchen for a party, complete with pie and whipped cream and thoughtful gifts and then we all watched "Goodbye Mr. Chips". I wasn't allowed to lift a hand the whole day which was a little uncomfortable but relaxing and everyone pitched in gladly to compensate. I had to play serious catch up the next day, but it was worth it!=)

Saturday was the general R.S. broadcast and I got to attend with Mikayla for the first time. Elder Uchtdorf's talk was AMAZING--as always. He knows the hearts of women! It was exactly what I needed to hear and from the sounds of all the sniffling in the chapel, what so many other women needed to hear as well. I loved his thoughts about the symbolism of Forget-me-Nots; I will never look at the flower the same again. I want to plant some in the Spring, so I will always be reminded of his message. I LOVE that we have living prophets on the earth. I can hardly wait for General Conference. Fred and I are plannning to drive to Twin Falls to attend the temple Friday, in preparation for alligning ourselves spiritually. I am trying to think of inspired questions--so I can receive inspired answers. October conference is such a perfect beginning to Fall and all of those feelings of family and gratitude and charity that come with the season. We are planning to travel to the conference center next October after the twins have turned eight and Jordan is home from his mission and we're all together again for a brief moment. I know it will have life long impact and be a forever memory. My only other experience with attending a live session of conference, actually inside the building,  was as a teenager on a youth Super-trip and I will NEVER forget the way I felt when President Benson entered the Tabernacle or the absolute testimony that was gained that day that he was a prophet of God.

The Harvest season is in full swing here. Our garden and yard are finally producing food faster than this non-canner can prepare it. I have frozen peaches, canned grape juice, made raspberry pies, cut up baskets of snack beans, peas, peppers, cantaloupe, cucumbers and tomatoes, made salsa and gaspacho and tomato soup and then we have sent the twins excitedly door to door delivering the excess to our friends and neighbors who are so grateful to receive it. I am glad that they can experience the joy of giving in that way and that we are so abundantly blessed that we have somthing to give and I don't have to have non-canners guilt!=) I am looking forward to our Harvest traditions, though that also means it is the time of year that I have to avoid town because of the influence of Halloween. I am constantly seeking ways to make the season more meaningful and less about what we are avoiding and more about what we are creating.  Each year we hope that Ben and Renee will host another extended family party and we look forward to our immediate family Jeopardy Night and Harvest deliveries.=). I know all of that pushing away from a widely accepted holiday and being different has sometimes been hard on my children, but there are consequences of having an overly sensitive mother=) and maybe someday our celebrations will reach such a height that the positives will outweigh the negatives. We're SO close!

Quote of the Week: 
"Let us not walk the path of discipleship with our eyes on the ground, thinking only of the tasks and obligations before us. Let us not walk unaware of the beauty of the glorious earthly and spiritual landscapes that surround us.

... seek out the majesty, the beauty, and the exhilarating joy of the "why" of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The "what" and "how" of obedience marks the way, yes, and it keeps us on the right path. But the "why" of obedience sanctifies our actions, transforming the mundane into the majestic. It magnifies our small acts of obedience into holy acts of consecration. "
(Elder Deiter F. Uchtdorf--Gen. R.S. Broadcast)

It's Going to be a GREAT year--I feel it in my bones!

My Happy 42nd Birthday


A Creative Birthday Pedicure From Lily and Sophie
Waiting For Dinner

21 x 2... And Make A Wish
Hours and Hours...
...Of Homemade Love!
The Budding...

Time Flies When You're Having Fun
Admiring the Scenery
From My Boy...ON the Day!

Sweet Dream Pie

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