Monday, July 15, 2013

Sister Mikayla: Good News, Bad News

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From: Mikayla Bloomquist
Date: Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 12:16 PM

Hi all! Good news bad news epiphany for me this week =). Also, forgive me if I fail to answer any questions that were asked in previous letters, I believe I have read them all by now (now that mom resent the letter that didn't get to me last week) but as I have said before, and I am realizing ever more, I have a terrible memory, but I try my best. I have lost several large no very losable items since being out on my mission and I haven't the slightest idea as to where they have gone. In the end its a blessing and a curse, but mostly a blessing. I have learned to become less attached to material things because they run away from me all the time anyway, and I've learned to rely on God for the missing pieces of history in my life that have left and make life confusing. Isn't it wonderful the trials we are given, when we realize that having the trials actually make us happier than not having them? =) 

Anyway, sorry about that random thought.

After several weeks of receiving the answer to my prayer for charity and humility I am finally coming back up to the light. (only for the present of course =), God is all about pushing us to be better).

We were sharing a message with the Zellars (I don't know if I've mentioned this, but he is a recent convert, baptized in April, so that is why we teach their family) Anyway, I wish you guys could meet their family, but they are some of the most Christlike people, and brother Zellers said something that was profound to me last night. I will try to get this as close as possible, so this is a quoteish, "We just have to open our hearts and love everybody, and get rid of our walls, we have to be going down this two way street of either receiving or giving love at all times, only when we break down the worldly walls can we feel the love and light of Christ reflecting in our lives."

I've been learning how true this is! We have to be willing to say I love you to the people who will laugh at us for saying it, we have to be willing to pull the weeds for the neighbor down the street, even if she yells and says were doing it wrong. We have to be willing to tear open our hearts, and pour our souls out to any and all of gods children, even when there is a high possibility that we will be laughed at by them. The key is not to make our hearts strong from the outside in, by building a hard crust around our hearts and making ourselves oblivious to the people around us! No we have to strengthen it from the inside out, by letting every person in, every kind person, every mean person, every person at all. It is such a scary thing to leave the heart open. Its so vulnerable! But when we allow everyone in, and turn to the other cheek when it gets bruised and love them again and again and again, fully and openly, it becomes strong and so full our lives just burst and overflow with happiness.

A few days ago the Sister Trainer Leaders (they are like the Assistants to the President, but girls) came and stayed the night with us. One of them could tell I was sad, and even though she is a complete Stanger she came over to me, gave me a giant hug and said "I love you sister Bloomquist!" And strangely I knew that she did! that's the power of charity and Christ's love, we can love even complete strangers as deeply and sincerely as our family through Christ.

"Whosoever shall loose his life for my sake shall find it!"

Well your guyses 4th sounds like it turned out exciting! The parade sounded like it was spiced up more than usual! (poor little girl!) But even though not many people were able to make it I bet you all had a wonderful time with the Joneses! They are wonderful people! I love them so much, they are all great examples of charity and service, and full of the Spirit! It beams off of them!

Lily told me that they set off another "bomb" firework! Fun =) Did you feel the heat from it like last time? Middleton is pretty intense! 

Summer sounds like it has been full! with so many fun things. I remember summer reading time, which was wonderful- reading Hank the Cow dog underneath the trees on the farm, great memories =).

So I'm guessing that mom went on that new ride at roaring springs right? The one that takes 4 seconds to get down? Remember the "Wicked"...? Ya sorry about that. Anyway, Abe said he went down, were there any other braves? 

Man, I haven't really told you about specific experiences this week and I've already written a long letter!

Well its all good, everything is sort of a blur right now...

oh Ya! We met with President Murdock and Sister Murdock this week! They are amazing and are going to add so much in their own way to the mission! Its their 2nd week I believe and our zone was the 15th one they were meeting with so they looked pretty exhausted, but it was really cool to meet with them!

Anyway, have a beautiful week with all of your escapades! Sweet that you had a family bike ride! I think me and sister Betts are going to start doing that in the mornings for workout! 

Love you all!


Favorite Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13:2-7, Moroni 7:45, 1 Corinthians 10:31

Me and my letter-writing hick outfit (I love the hat and the shirt and the pants, 
so I wore them all together, even though they are all different styles haha)

Skeeter the Clown, who we helped for the day 
(Sister Betts is afraid of clowns and was very quiet all day)

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