Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sister Mikayla: crazypazzyweekstuff =)

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From: Mikayla
Date: Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 12:35 PM

Hey Guys!
I love you all!

Haha just kidding, but sometimes I wish I could beam the full impact of what I mean when I say I love you and then there would really be no need for me to write anymore =), but that wouldn't be as interesting, so here we go!

This week is a smear of color and Its getting harder and harder to remember the things that happen. Its weird, we are living our lives at such a slower pace, yet I feel like we are running around so much!

I had a sad experience this week and it has made me think about our purpose in life. So we had tracted into this lady about a month ago and she said she wasn't interested and was pretty firm about not letting us in. We gave her a pass-along card with our number on it and told her to call if she needed anything and she just kind of shook her head and laid the card down and shut the door. Nothing too unusual, and I'm getting used to that kind of response, but I didn't think anything of it. This week she called us and asked us to come and help her put her mom into her chair in the mornings and into bed in the evenings. (the lady we are helping is named Vi, she is in her 70s and her mom is 97, we don't know her moms name, vi just calls her grandma, so we do too). Anyway, we got into the room and there was a crumpled old lady sitting in a chair in the corner, Vi said she is only 70 pounds if that and I wouldn't doubt that, you can see her bones sticking out everywhere, sort of like pictures you see of people in concentration camps. She had a lost look in her half open red eyes and scabs all over her small body. Every time we come we try as gently as we can to put her in bed, but no matter what she always cries out, in her soft lost sounding voice, "Mama! Mama! Help me mama! Don't hurt me! mama, oh where is mama?" It just makes me so sad to see her like that, Like her spirit is yearning to return back home. It just opened my eyes a little bit. Life is so short 97 years isn't really long at all, and though there is suffering here we will all come back home some day.

On a lighter note, I'm glad you got to talk to Brother Zellers! He actually showed me because he was excited, because he has been trying to friend everyone in the family so he could get some contact with you guys, and it finally happened 1 month later haha =). Anyway I read some of what he wrote, and lest you be confused about his termige, what he means when he says he is sometimes "irreverent" are experiences like the following.

So we were doing a big service project over at their house shoveling gravel for about two hours and everyone was exhausted so Gary decided to take us all out to lunch. We all ordered and the waiter brought out the plates and set them in front of us and Gary and Laurie started eating. Sister Betts was like, "so are we all saying our own prayers?" And Brother and sister Zellers eyes both got really big, Sister Zellers stuffed her hands by her side and then brother Zellers opened his mouth, spit all the food he was eating back onto his plate and said, "Sorry I forgot!" It was a very unexpected thing to do, especially in a restaurant and the table was giggling for a while and it was a little while before anyone could keep it together enough to offer a prayer.

We are all going hiking today, but I will try to write some hand-letters =) It looks like Abe's birthday was fun, sorry for turning him into a Whovian (jejejeje....)
I love hearing about you all =) And I'm sorry you broke your heel off mom, but I'm sure it will be a funny memory later =) Nerds rule abe...! You will be like Dr. Who one day (I only say one day because he kisses a girl in one episode).

And I love the Zooey Deschanel quote, inspiration can come from many places, and it soo fits in with all the lessons I've been learning about allowing myself to be vulnerable.

We have to be vulnerable, its hard for us, but it allows people to love us freely!

I hope you all have a fanstappodanstapoodle week.


P.S. sorry the writing turned into italics, There was no way I was going to be able to spell Zooey Deschanels name with out copy and pasting.

P.P.S. if you ever get another dog, get a Labrodoodle, its a poodle/ lab mix, so they are as big as a lab, and they look like labs but they have curly hair, one of the family's here have one, super cute.

Connor and Alexis--Teaching on the tramp
(Teaching teenagers is different sometimes) =)
Extra materials for Pioneer Day...
Dinner with the Neilsen's granddaughters
Sister Eisenhower--Bishop's wife-- going back to South Carolina
for a few months, so we probably won't see her again before we get transferred =(

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