Monday, October 3, 2011

The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning

General Conference was incredible! Fred and I traveled to the Twin Falls temple Friday and went through a session to try to slow down and prepare our minds. Of course I wasn't driving, but I thought it was such a relaxing, enjoyable experience. I have taken the closeness of our local temple for granted. We were gone for almost 9 hours to attend one session. It really made me appreciate the new announcement to the Temple attendance fund for those who don't even have that once in a lifetime opportunity. What an incredible, life changing and eternal blessing! And what a place of peace.

I recognized an old friend of my older sisters that I hadn't seen in over 20 years, there in the temple and was able to talk with her in the dressing room. It was a neat experience. I don't remember much about her, I'm getting forgetful and I couldn't attach any particular memories to her; I didn't even remember her name, but standing there in the temple, I did remember one thing --that she was always kind to me, the little sister. Fred and I were also able to have a long conversation on our way home, about our individual struggles and things we were hoping to receive personal answers or encouragement for during conference. Every single thing we talked about was specifically discussed during one of the sessions. The Lord loves us! My only disappointment with this conference was that Elder Holland spoke at the priesthood session instead of to the general body of the church, but Fred just pulled the talk up on the church's web site and though it wasn't directed specifically to me, I felt his power and conviction and it made me even more committed to "unbind [my] tongue. His presentation is so much less delicate when he is talking to the priesthood brethren. I think maybe the prophet Jacob's concerns may be part of the reason there is a separate Priesthood meeting.=) Fred says the brethren are always more bold with the men of the Priesthood and though I always revel in their tenderness toward us, I love his boldness...the Spirit of God like a fire is burning! He is another "Lion of the Lord".

There were so many talks that I loved and though I took many notes, I will be excited to get the conference Ensign, so I will have the talks in their entirety and the quotes completely accurate (I have slow brain cells and I often forgot parts of quotes, mid-writing=). I was riveted by Sis. Dalton's talk. She is such a beautiful example of femininity and strength. I have met her in person and talked to her individually and I admire her greatly. Her demeanor heightens my great desire to work diligently at being such an example of a virtuous, feminine daughter of God.

Favorite Conference Kind-of-Quotes of the Week:
"To memorize a scripture is like forging a new friendship." (Elder Scott)
"The Holy Ghost satisfies and fills up every vacuum of our hearts" (Sis. Thompson)
"Compared to God, man is nothing, yet to God man is everything." (Elder Uchtdorf)
"Motherhood is not something you do if you have time, it is what God gave us time for." (Elder Anderson)
"Identify the time wasting things in our life that need to be figuratively ground into dust." (EItlder Arden)
"Look up. Step up. Cheer up." (Elder Carl B. Cook)
"Only repentance leads to the sunlit uplands of a better life." (Elder Christofferson)
"Be ye holy in all conversation." (Elder L. Tom Perry)
"In our Gethsemane we are not alone, for He who watches over us shall not slumber nor shall he sleep." (Elder Hales)
"Personal purity will give you power." (Sis. Dalton)
"Create a home where children learn to value, not just learn about values." (Elder Richardson)
"It is never too hard or too late to make correct choices." (Elder Bennett)
"God will not infringe upon our agency, so we must ask for his help." (Elder Cornish)
"And Jesus listening can hear the songs I cannot sing." (Elder Quentin L. Cook)
"May God give us each the strength, ability and determination to play our part well." (Pres. Monson)

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