Thursday, May 31, 2012

From Elder Jordan

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From: Jordan
Date: Mon, May 28, 2012 at 5:46 PM

My dear family,
   I´m sorry my entry was short last time, I only had 30 minutes,  thank you for writing me every week,  It´s so wonderful to hear how you grow and what you are up to. I grow to understand the value of the family.  Today was changes but me and my companion are staying here still.  I am so glad we have a lot of people who are progressing and I feel that they will be baptised this next change if we keep working with them.  It is very much different working up here, we have to plan well and use our time wisely, or else we end up spending  a bunch of money and waisting time, so far we havn´t had to many troubles, we have been planning things pretty well.  Many of our investigators live miles away so we take buses to get to them, which gives us an oportunidad to do contactos on the bus.
    I am loving every moment up here it is beautiful.  The last couple days it has rained with out stop and so once again there have been rivers in the street.  It got so bad at one point, that in order not to trudge through water that was up to our knees we had to walk in the middle of the road into oncomming traffic, good thing people are kind here and understood our problem.  It make things fun.
   The other day we went to the temple for an investigator of my companion.  Normaly San Jose elders (which is us) get permission to head into the city and sleep in an appartment close to the temple the night before, but us being new here didn´t think about that until 10:00 at night.  We imediatly called and asked but they said no due to the rain and curvy roads.  The session of the convert started at 7:30 the next morning and we had to be there at  7:00 and we live a little more than two hours away.  My companion was a little bit depressed because the buses heading down there didn´t start until 7:00.  He tried calling a taxi but they didn´t answer.  We decided that we would wake up and go out to the road and wait hoping for a chance that a random taxi would pass by or a person with a kind heart would let us hitch a ride.  Seeing that we would have to get up at 4:30 and it was already 11:30, I slept in my coat and suit with my shoes on so we could hop out of bed and go.  4:30 rolled around and I could barley open my eyes.  We got up and before we headed out my companion offered a prayed that taught me a great lesson.  He said Heavenly Father please help us to find some way to get Santiago.  We know we should have prepared before but now we have done everything we know how to do.  He ended and we headed out to the road.  Less than a minute on arriving a bus that decided to leave early came down the road and picked us up. We arrived at the temple a little bit before 7:00.  I believe it was a miracle.  I can testify that there is a God and he does love his children, and he knows even the smallest of our problems.  His greatest desire is that we are happy, not just temporal though, but FOREVER.
Les Quiero Caleta,
Elder ...
Up the canyon by the river

Graffiti Wall
Me and Elder Palmer at an old castle.
Elder Weaver and I at the top of the castle.
I know it looks fake but that is just what happens when you work out.

My back yard

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