Monday, June 18, 2012

Oh So Glorious!

We sure loved celebrating Mom and Dad's birthdays and Fathers Day here with Lori and her children and Liz. We're sorry that you had to come down because of a funeral but it sure made things more convenient for the rest of us!=) It was a nice, cozy gathering and lots of fun. It was great to see Dad in one of his silly moods and watch Mom enjoying it as much as the rest of us. We sure do love both of you--so incredibly much!

Last Friday Fred and I had our date night in Eden's room, cleaning and organizing. It was a bit daunting at first, but we whipped it into shape in a couple of hours. Eden came back from camp happy and fulfilled but looking like you do when you stay up until 2 or 4 AM every night for four days in a row. She crashed during the party and barely stirred when Grandpa sat on her and kissed her goodbye. She's a CRAZY and we missed her! She spent an hour last night rubbing my back and just talking about her Light Leader experiences (while Abe made sound effects and pounded on her=) He never wants to go to bed whenever anyone else is up--he's very social and I am sure will bask in having Jordan back in his room for a few months!

Abe, Lily and Sophie started swimming lessons this morning. Sophie has my disposition and is terrified to stick her head under the water. I even tried to get her to do it in the bathtub afterwards, but she just looks at me with these scared, sad eyes. The teacher is pretty gentle and not demanding which will be good for Sophie's comfort level, but may not necessarily help her advance her skills. In hindsight, it probably would have been better to invest that money into a swimming day at the pool with Fred, but we'll see how it goes.

I was just noticing, out in the yard, that we have 9 separate seating pieces and they are all tied to Fred. Two were gifts to him, one is a gift from him and all of the rest he has purchased. Three are in the process of restoration. He has a thing about having places to sit. The irony is he is rarely in any of them--I spend more time than he ever does just sitting and enjoying the great (WARM) outdoors. Maybe if he were ever home before he was exhausted he would get more use time. I know he'd be overjoyed to have more time to just sit and relax--maybe if one of them was an actual bed instead of just a hammock.=) He does enjoy his Sunday naps.

Somehow Jordan had his e-mail set up to send Fred a Father's Day  letter on Sunday, even though it wasn't his P-Day. The letter said it had been mailed 6 days previous but it just came into his mailbox on Sunday. That meant he got letters from both Jordan and Mikayla which made the day special for him. Those darling kids of ours just keep being good to us!

Life is complex and oh so glorious!

Quote of the Day: 
"You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make.
--Gordon B. Hinckley

Our Family Easter Puzzle
(500+ crazy pieces and 9 weeks later! We can't bear to take it apart.)
Eden's-room-in-need-of-Rescue Project --Pre Girls Camp
Room Rescued--Post Girls Camp
Father's Day
Climbing on knees, patting cheeks and great big kisses!
Warm Apple Pie and Weirdness
A LITTLE less weirdness
Oh yes! He is definitely mine!
68th Birthday Mom--71st Birthday Dad--and Father's Day Celebration!
Having Fun
(Dad blowing "hot air" and Mom snuffing with raspberries)
Being Silly Behind Mom's Flowers--I'm so glad they're ours!

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