Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sister Mikayla: Hello Family!

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From: Mikayla
Date: Tue, May 28, 2013 at 11:33 AM

Hey Guys! Sorry I didn't email yesterday! It was memorial day, so the Library was closed! I was kinda bummed, but we wrote some random letters to people and since it was p-day we washed our car and then went over to this less active families house and helped them with their horses and made some dinner and played on the tramp with their kids (and let me tell you, playing on the tramp with kids is extremely difficult when they can't sit on your lap, and you can't tickle them or anything.) It was a great day! And we roasted some weird key lime pie marshmallows. (you should try them mom, I bet you would like them since you don't like regular ones, they are really good.)

Anyway, I'm trying to get my pictures to work, but they are being stubborn. Colorado is beautiful though! Growing up I didn't believe that Idaho was a desert, but now I do! I didn't realize that grass can grow other places than in peoples yards, and that dandelions can grow in beautiful yellow fields! I'm in a place called Meeker. Its up in the hills and has that back woods feel, in the people and in the things that they do. Everyone Hunts and fishes and stuff like that, I think they have a social class based on how enormous your stuffed elk or bear or mountain lions you have on your wall- the bigger and the more you have, the higher the rank you have. Haha, yes it is interesting, but I love the people. We have been teaching a few different people here, and in this mission we use something cool called the "prayer approach" that is when you go up and knock on someone's  door and then ask them if you can offer a blessing of peace and comfort on their home. We were driving up in the hills and decided to stop at a certain lady's house and she told us she wasn't interested in religion because she was Methodist and we asked her if we could offer a blessing of peace and comfort on her home and she told us that we could, so we knelt in the moist grass and offered a simple prayer to bless her and she seemed to be more open to talking afterward, we didn't teach a lesson, but maybe that will plant the seeds for missionaries later.

Eden! You are thinking about going on a mission! That is so amazing! It is a different experience than I expected, but almost in a better way. Its all about the people, almost nothing else matters, the purpose is to invite them to come unto Christ, and sometimes people don't want what you are giving them at first, but it is amazing to see them open up the second and third time you come around, after they have prayed, and are starting to have faith. If you decide you want to go I know you would be an amazing missionary!

Thank you for the pictures! I love it! You all look like you are having a wonderful beginning of the summer!

We are having a zone conference on Thursday, and president said it is okay for us and the Spanish sisters to sleep over and all go over to the conference in the morning, which will be pretty awesome. One of the Spanish sisters is named Sister Incarnacion (I don't know if she is from over the mountains). Type that into google and you will come up with a picture that looks just like her, its really funny, people make fun of her for it.

My trainer is named Sister Betts, I have a picture, but they don't look like they are going to work. She reminds me of Eden, but she is yellow-red instead of yellow-white (she took the test). She is awesome and we have had some great teaching experiences together!

Abe, you are going to explode one of these days because of sugar and butter overload =) haha, just kidding! Your Young! Maybe you will recover!

I love you all super muches,

love ya!

Me and Sis. Collins (MTC companion)
Running up the wall
Beautiful Colorado
Me and Sis. Betts

With President and Sister Maynes in the mission home.

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