Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sister Mikayla: Family!

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From: Mikayla
Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 10:59 AM

Hello hello! I'm so excited this week! There have been miracles around in Meeker! We are promised miracles if we are exactly obedient and that's what we've been striving for!

I am so excited to hear about all of life pushing forward in Middleton! Its crazy and exciting and fun, and a little melancholy, but I wouldn't want to stay in one place and not grow so I guess that just goes with it hu? =) Good News: We live for eternity so I guess growing up doesn't matter. =) yay!

Eden what in the world? I was just 17 like yesterday how are you getting to turn 18 soon already?! Get ready for a fun ride =)! I had a lot of spiritual mental growing pains from 17-20 they are super hard but make life so full of joy after you learn some hard lessons! It might be different for you, because we all have different things at different times but don't worry it will also be full of an amazing overflowing amount of happiness and fun!

You are all probably camping and fishing right now! Love it! We should always go camping and fishing and to the ocean even when we are all old a senile!

Anyway, our first little miracle: We went out this this lady's house on Friday, her name is Phillis and she is a member but less active, her husband went to college and got a degree in theology and now does sheep farming, he is sort of anti, but he is really nice to us and sits down and chats with us sometimes. We help her with service, but we've never really taught anything. Anyway, only Phillis was there when we got there and we sat down on her couch and started a little bit of small talk and then started talking about the church and she just opened up to us about how she always felt degraded in the church and how nobody would answer her questions, and that she still loves the Mormon values but everyone told her not to be so analytical when she asked questions and just all of these concerns poured out. She is a very smart lady and just retired as the VP of some big environmental company a few years back and everything she was telling us seemed really valid.

Honestly after about 15 minutes of her explaining to us why she doesn't believe in the church anymore I didn't know what to say. At all. Mind blank moment (don't you love those). I sat there for a moment and remembered the scripture in D&C that says something like -open your mouths and they shall be filled with the words of the spirit- (I can't remember the exact scripture). So I was sitting there on the couch, in awkward silence with this intelligent lady after she had just poured her heart out to me and my mind was blank. I realized this must be a test of faith so I just said, "alright heavenly father I'm going to open my mouth, I'll start out with I think and you'll go from there if that works with you, I'm out of ideas."

I don't really remember what I said but I remember feeling the spirit and I could see in her eyes that she was somehow touched. Sister Betts said a similar thing happened to her, she didn't know what to say but a scripture popped into her head and she wasn't sure why but she read it anyway. The spirit was super strong there and she asked if we would find more scriptures that we could read with us. And asked if it was okay to ask questions- she didn't want to be offensive. We told her of course she could ask questions! Ask all the questions! We gave her big hugs and planned to come back. I just love her so much! I can still see the little fire-testimony burning!

Second Miracle(I'll make this one shorter):

While teaching one of our investigators on Friday, (and getting a little discouraged because she's been off and on lessons since 2009 because she progresses a little and then stops) we noticed a man (who told us later that his name was Tim sleeping on her couch. When he woke up sister Betts began to talk to him and all the sudden he sat up and got really excited and started saying "Ah you guys are angels! I can just feel the power, I just really need this right now..." He seemed a little drunk but we set up an appointment to meet with him anyway. He was really excited and just kept saying that he needed this right now. On Wednesday we went to his house and taught him the first part of the restoration. We invited him to read and pray about the book of Mormon and he accepted and said he would read the restoration pamphlet. A little later we talked to his xwife on the phone and she started crying and told us she had been praying for him to find the missionaries. On Sunday he came to church with us, and after church we finished talking about the restoration and before we ended he asked us what he needed to do to get baptized and when we could baptize him and If we could go down to the river beside the park (where we were teaching him) and just get baptized right there.

He is so ready its crazy! I love it!

Anyway, that was this amazing week! I love you all thank you for your letters and thank you for your emails mother =) love you all so very much have a beautiful week!

P.S. I can't remember if I told you this already, I might have, but funny story-

I got out of bed the other night and started making it and this big old wolfie spider crawled out of my bed. (Think farm-house size) I was a little shocked, but he was booking it out of there so fast that I thought it was sort of funny and couldn't help laughing. It was like he was saying "ohshootIsleptinI'llbelateforwork!"

From last P-Day--Hiking up "China Wall"

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