Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sister Mikayla: "Its amazing what can happen"

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From: Mikayla
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 10:45 AM

well- this week was interesting... we were sickly and had to go home and sleep some days so our brains didn't explode because that wouldn't be very efficient for missionary work. Also sister Baker's esophagus is eroding so we had to go to the doctors for that. Gary Zellers thought it had something to do with her sleeping folded in half (yea weird right? haha) She is still alive though, they just had to shove a camera down her throat to figure out what is going on, but she is getting better so its all good.  Poor sister Pearson had to be our mother and she's only been out for 2 weeks now so I'm sure it wasn't super fun for her, but good experience right?

Also sacrament meeting was a little crazy. First off, when I grabbed the hymnbook from the wooden holder the whole holder broke off of the wall and hit the ground and it wasn't all the quiet. Our whole row started giggling in their arms while trying to sing the hymn. When everyone finally stopped giggling this little 6 year old boy came walking down the isle with his pants and everything around his ankles. That's not something you see every Sunday.

Any way, on a more spiritual note,Tony Collins got baptized this week which was awesome! I think he is going to be a strong member for life, he is super golden! We also had some awesome experiences with talking to people on the streets. We haven't really done that in the past because Meeker is half the size of Middleton and not a lot of people are wandering about, but we decided to have some faith and try it. So we parked our car and just started walking around and a crazy thing happened, everyone and their dog decided to come out of their house and walk around town. Pretty awesome. So we are supposed to avoid going up to people and asking to share a message, instead they want us to strike up a conversation with them and then talk about the gospel. So we talked to some girls sitting on the side walk, a lady on her porch, and a group of rough looking guys who I think were trying to blow the bass in their speakers out. We invited them to church  and they didn't seem super enthusiastic, but ya never know! Anyway it was about time for us to head in and then sister Pearson saw this really tall guy with dr dre's on practicing basketball by himself in the quarts. She is a really good athlete and plays ever sport so I think her radar was going off.  He was pretty far and looked occupied so we hesitated and started walking back to our car. Then sister Pearson turned around and said "hey I've got an idea!" And yelled through the fence "hey you! Come here!" He strutted over to the fence and took his dre's off and was like "wha?" then she was like "I'll play you at horse, if you loose you get to come to church." The guy shook his head and said "whoa I don't go to church" so sister Pearson walked into the court and said, well you better not loose then. She took the basketball and started making all the shots he was loosing and shaking his head for the first part. In the end it was tight and he beat her, but I think it was a good experience anyway because all his friends came over to watch and we got to talk to them a little about the gospel! Its amazing what  can happen when you turn your time over to the lord!
 Love you bunches!


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