Wednesday, March 28, 2012

From Elder Jordan

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From: Jordan
Date: Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:28 PM
Subject: todo esta bien

Dearest family,
  First I will let you know that everything is perfectly fine, we did have an earthquake but the earth just quaked and that was all nothing else.  I was in a families house and the light started swinging and then every thing just felt like jello, it is one of the strangest things I have ever felt.  We looked out side and there was a wall of brick and cement and it looked like pudding just swaying back and forth, I liked it a lot, good birthday present. ha ha Second thank you for all of your birthday wishes,  its crazy how great a few written words can be worth.  I had a wonderful birthday some members invited us over for cake and a little girl that was 8 years old made me a birthday hat and drew me a picture.  Today the zone came over we made pancakes for breakfast and then they made me a cake and sang to me and then we went and played some intence american football.  I am glad that you had a party there as well by Abes faces I can tell it was good and fun, that is what I like.  It was also fun to see the twins in there baptism dresses, they look like beautiful princesses. 
  So you had family home evening with Luke hu how is he has he changed at all, Luke if you are reading this, miss ya man hope you are doing well.
  Down here in santiago in Ñuñoa 3 Elder Palmer and I are just going to town, we have so much fun each and everyday.  The other night while we were making our way to the house we saw a couple making out in the middle of the park, for some reason that seems to be the thing to do here, so we stoped and gave them a Law of Chastity Pamphlet, and very nicely told them maybe they could read it together, before continuing and we left them with that.
  We are working with quite a few people right now 3 of which came to church on Sunday.  I think that they will get baptised within the month of April.
I love you all so much

Birthday fotos

Birthdays, Baptisms and Blessings

It was Jordan's 21st birthday yesterday. I was thinking about him all day, (not that that is a monumental occasion =) and pondering what it is specifically that I love most about him and of course I could think of a long list before I had barely started, but the truth of the matter is that the reason I most love him is simply because he is mine. And that has given me an added insight into the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us, simply because we are his. Satisfaction, peace, hope, joy and so many other feelings are strengthened by the behaviors of our children--by His children--but love has no strings attached. We love our children--He loves His--because they are literally a part of us. If I love my boy this much--if I have this boundless love for all of my children,  I can only imagine how much our Heavenly Father loves each one of us. I am so thankful for my children and for being a Child of God.

This weekend was crazy and busy and fabulous. Fred and I went on our date Thursday, since the weekend was packed. We went to see the movie War Horse. I was a bit anxious because of the themes and because of the rating, but I had reviewed it meticulously. It was exceptionally hard and beautifully done, if you can say that about a movie that shows the waste and evils of war. I was impressed with the restraint used in being visually graphic, but it was no watered down version of war. It was personal and emotionally painful and incredible food for thought. Of course the fact that all the young men were close to Jordan's age and the main character reminded me of Jet, didn't help my emotions, but we had to wait until the credits were almost done rolling just so I could get enough control to walk out of the theater without making a scene. I would never put that weight on my youngest children, but it was a good reminder that no one wins in war and that life--all life--is precious.

We are so glad Mikayla was able to make it home this weekend. She thought she had a ride to come down for Lily and Sophie's baptism, but Monday she found out that there was some miscommunication and the ride was actually going to SLC, not Boise. I'm not sure how that difference could be misinterpreted, but weirder things have happened. That started some stress here at home, and both Mikayla and I were searching and scrambling, but by Wednesday evening we were getting really nervous and had to start looking at all of our options. I sat Lily and Sophie down and started laying out the different choices, but when I got to the awful choice of going ahead without Mikayla, Lily dug in her heels and said, "No! No way! I am not getting baptized without Mikayla!" You don't cross Lily, so we immediately dropped that option, since it wasn't a good one anyway and luckily didn't have to go through with any of the other options as our prayers were answered by the co-worker of the father of a Middleton boy who was also trying tirelessly to get home. Our prayers are constantly answered by people around us.

It was so nice to have all of the family in town, as well as Mom and Dad come for the baptism. It was so nice that you could all help to make the rushed dinner happen and it was so nice to be at the YW conference with the Mom's and teen girls. It wasn't relaxed, but warming just the same. The baptism was a sweet experience and I felt the implications even more keenly, I think because these little girls are my last. I feel so blessed to have the responsibility of these two-at-a-time at the end of this phase of motherhood. 

Yesterday a friend of Mikayla's had his missionary farewell and a friend of Jordan's had his homecoming--both at the same time but different places. We stayed for Mikayla's friend, since he was leaving and then quickly drove over to another building so we could visit Jordan's friend after his meeting. He will be coming over for FHE tonight to share some of his mission experiences with us and we are so excited. 

Mikayla had to leave during the block so we took the other kids back to their classes at our ward building and then Fred and I brought Mikayla home for her ride pick-up and then we went back to church. Fred got pretty teary eyed as he backed out of our driveway. Those father/daughter--mother/son relationships are something unique. Our children are our world. She'll be back in 2 weeks for her Spring break. The other kids are out this week. We had a few promising days of weather, but the forecast is threatening the usual Spring break weather of rain. No matter what the weather does, we are going to enjoy being together. Of course Fred doesn't get time off, but we'll party with him when he's here.

A funny thing happened yesterday. At the beginning of our sacrament meeting our Bishop called up Sophie and Lily to recognize them for being baptized. We were sitting on the very back row of the chapel, and they were sitting next to each other in the middle of the row, so when they heard their names they both stood up, immediately turned opposite ways and simultaneously walked up both aisles to the stand. There was a soft chuckle and I heard a few, "that's so cute" comments. It was kind of humorous. They didn't seem to think anything of it. Independent little girls.=)

I am anxiously anticipating the next few weeks and months: General Conference, Easter, Mikayla home for break, and summer just around the corner. The symbolism of the sun and it's effect on our physical and emotional well being and the Son and His effects on our spiritual well being (which encompasses all of our "being") is never as profound as it is when Spring is preparing to emerge. That warmth and light and life is an amazing source of power and with it comes such hope. I love this gospel. I love my Savior. I feel truly blessed.

Quote of the week: "Those who are ruled by others are called slaves, those who are ruled by self are called knaves, but those who are ruled by God are called free men." (may not be an exact quote and I didn't catch who he was quoting, but something I heard Bishop Porter (Middleton 4th ward Bishop) say as we slipped into Luke's ward at the close of their sacrament mtg. and which I thought was profound.)

Lovely Lily

Sweet Sophia
My polar peas in a pod
At the church

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

From Elder Jordan

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From: Jordan
Date: Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 5:04 PM

My most dearest loved ones,
                   Why is life so wonderful.  Me and Coty or Elder Palmer were just talking about how we as missionaries really have the best lives in the world.  We don´t have any worries in the world, assosiated to needs we always have food, a good house, wonderful friends, we help people to change their lives for the beter.  To have the life of a missionary is a blessing and an oportunity that most people only could dream of,  yeah sure there are hard times but if there wern´t life would be boring. If life was just always perfect and there were no struggles there would be nothing to work toward and no chance of progression.  
  Thank you every week for your letters they just remind me of the paradise I have waiting for me back at home as well as well.  Today we celebrated three birthdays that were super close together.  We had a small bbq and then played some american football on a turf field, and to end it off we are going to a FHE tonight that is going to be super wonderful.  Abe that is a sa weet rock you found, was it just down by the cannal sitting there in plain sight.  Mikayla that is so tight that you got to  play in something like that and get third, right on sista you will have to send me some photos from the photo shoot.  Lil and Foff your letters should be there pretty soon I am so glad that you had a good birthday.  Mom what an awesome experience to go see Mikayla do you miss those collage days?    Dad I don´t know if there are any traditions here for 21, but I am pretty much chilean now so I will definantly start something.
Hey I love you guys so much 
Elder ...
P.S. When you see Luke give him a huge hug for me, I heard that he just got home.

From Mikayla

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mikayla
Date: Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:12 PM

Hello All,
I'm starting this letter early to better think of all of the spetabulous things that i have to say this week... 
well, sorry I guess it didn't work. I do have to say that I-cover was soooo awesome! Super scary but WOW! So exiting! 1,000 people pre-ordered tickets but there was also a long line there so i don't really know how many people really showed up, but there were a lot of people there! Before the show we were all sitting in the bands' section and periodically Tessia and Mackenzie would freak out and yell, it was alright though because there was a nice guy next to us calming us down and telling us not to worry about it, he was super good, his band got 2nd place and he was going crazy on the piano. Everyone was pretty funny though and it was just a fun environment! Thanks for coming down mom, I had so much fun! I hope you all didn't pass out on the ride home!

I am sooo exited to come down for the twins baptism! I have a ride down there now so it's a for sure deal! It is so exiting to see that you guys are growing up and going through these amazing life experiences! 

I still haven't found my ipod, i think i might have to cut my losses =(. I wish I could send you pictures!
It snowed here, most people were grumbling about, because they don't like snow haha, oh well, it makes it pretty outside! And it will probably be warm again tomorrow judging by the weathers bipolarity up here!

It's too bad that our spring breaks don't fall on the same week, but I will be out on the 6th of April and be back for 10 days which will be fun! exited for everything! Yo lo esperanzo estas feliz! 
Love, Love, Love you all!

Life Is But A Dream

"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily--life is but a dream." That is a dream, but not my life!

Friday afternoon, three other ladies and myself loaded into an Excursion, filled with some mysterious oil "coctail", instead of diesle,  and headed to Rexburg to see Mikayla and two of her roomate friends perform in their first ICover concert. The adventure started in Mountain Home, when the oil concoction acted up and we lost power, but the "tough girl" driving, found an auto parts store and climbed under the hood--literally--and changed the fuel filter, while the burly workers looked on with perplexed confusion of why we were burning oil, not diesel.  I just sat in the car, saying prayers and hoping that anyone knew what they were doing. Apparently they did and we made it into Rexburg and back without further troubles--at only $17.50 per person! I don't know what burning oil does to a car's life, but it didn't damage mine, so it's all good.

We pulled in around 8:00 pm and started winding down for the evening, but in the spirit of true college life, our BYU-I girls were just winding up. They left at 10:00 pm for a band practice, which was followed by a birthday party, which was followed by a movie. I checked out much earlier, but Mikayla finally joined me in her dorm-size bed, her at the head, me at the foot sometime during the early morning hours. She seemed to sleep soundly and I slept like I do when camping--up every hour from 5:00 am on, anticipating the morning with eagerness, just so I could drag my stiff body out of bed and end the discomfort.=) And yet, what fun it was! Some of us out-of-towners went to the temple that morning, which was filled with youth temple workers and patrons and St. Patrick's Day wedding parties. Anything good plus youth equals something glorious--and it was. I sat in the Celestial room, which was overflowing with youth reading and contemplating and praying, and felt brimming with hope and appreciation for the gospel and this generation--of which my children are a part--that awes and inspires me.

We returned by lunchtime and split up into families for a little while. Mikayla and I fixed lunch in her apartment then she took me on a walking tour of campus and we  wandered and talked. What a great experience to have that one on one time again! We ended up at the Manwaring Center where we bought pudding and found a gorgeous window nook to eat in and finally realized that time had gotten away from us, as it often does when you are absorbed, so we hurried back to her place at the Colonial, where she got ready for her scheduled sound/light check and left with her roomy band members for a few hours. I snuck in a good book and a short nap. The band girls came home with just enough time to eat dinner and head back up to campus for thier early check in. We didn't see much sense in waiting around so we walked up early as well and were at the front of the line when the doors opened. Being the "adults" that we are we chose auditorium seats and then watched the audience pour in with blankets and pillows and all kinds of energy as they spread out all over the bare main floor and into the rest of the auditorium. I saw a few of my favorite Middleton youth, which was delightful. Pre-sold tickets numbered over 1,000, but they had to start the show ten minutes late because the line to get in was so long. Who knows how many were actually in attendance. I believe the auditorium holds about 4,900, but it wasn't full. There was definitely a weekend party atmosphere going on. It was fun to sit there enjoying the energy and remembering those exciting time, but I was perfectly content to be a mother in the audience--I wouldn't want the whole cumulative experience back--maybe just bits and peices. =)

Thirteen auditioned bands played that night for an hour long concert. Mikayla's band ("A Blonde, A Brunette and A Redhead") was number nine. There was quite a variety of music--some which I really enjoyed--others which were just noise to me, but our girls were just giddy to be a part of it all. Their peers were literally at their feet, with their hands in the air, cheering them all on, and when the audience vote came in (all done with cell phones) they won 3rd place and a band cover photo shoot. I think they were in shock after that--they were still trying to come to grips with even making it past auditions and I don't think the idea of winning ever even entered their minds, so that was FUN!!! It really was quite magical. We left them at a dance that was too energetic for me and drove back that night, getting back to Middleton at 4 am. I'm still exhausted and stiff, but I'm so glad I didn't let that opportunity pass me by. Mikayla was a star for a night at BYU-I. She's a star for us always.

Meanwhile, in Middleton on Friday, A shy young man, who happens to be a Senior, was backing a boom truck (a massive board, painted with Eden's name attached to the crane) into the Seminary parking lot to ask her to prom. She's only a sophmore so she wasn't expecting that but what fun to get that kind of positive attention in front of all of your peers. She's excited. The young man's mom told me that he has only been on two dates during all of his high school years--one with Mikayla--one with Eden. This will be his 3rd date and possibly one of his last as he is working on his mission papers. His mom said he was exceedingly nervous, though I can't think why. He's often painfully quiet, but he seems comfortable enough around my kids that I've even seen a quirky sense of humor a few times. And luckily, there are never awkward silences when you are with Eden,=) so I am sure they will have fun. Besides, he's a smart boy and ensured a "yes'" by asking a sophomore (whose friends can't go to the Junior/Senior dance w/o invitation) and by asking her over a month in advance!=) He's on my brownie points list for giving us that kind of time to find a dress. In all these cell phones that are constantly glued to these kids, I'm still trying to track down a picture that hopefully somebody took of the whole experience. I hope one exists.

Another fun weekend coming up. Today is the first day of Spring and there is a white blizzard outside? Mikayla is coming to town, Lily and Sophie are getting baptized, and Georgie is turning 21! How did I even get this age. Mid-life is certainly a roller coaster and for this brief moment we seem to be climbing. Hope it last for a while before the next stomach dropping descent.

Girl Band "A Blonde, A Brunette, and A Redhead"
A Video Clip of the ICover Atmosphere

Video footage on the stage screens to announce the girls band
Five minutes after the Third Place announcement and still ecstatic!
Clearer shot--but the expressions aren't quite as candid.

From Mikayla

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mikayla
Date: Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 1:12 PM

Hello All,
I'm starting this letter early to better think of all of the spetabulous things that i have to say this week... 
well, sorry I guess it didn't work. I do have to say that I-cover was soooo awesome! Super scary but WOW! So exiting! 1,000 people pre-ordered tickets but there was also a long line there so i don't really know how many people really showed up, but there were a lot of people there! Before the show we were all sitting in the bands' section and periodically Tessia and Mackenzie would freak out and yell, it was alright though because there was a nice guy next to us calming us down and telling us not to worry about it, he was super good, his band got 2nd place and he was going crazy on the piano. Everyone was pretty funny though and it was just a fun environment! Thanks for coming down mom, I had so much fun! I hope you all didn't pass out on the ride home!

I am sooo exited to come down for the twins baptism! I have a ride down there now so it's a for sure deal! It is so exiting to see that you guys are growing up and going through these amazing life experiences! 

I still haven't found my ipod, i think i might have to cut my losses =(. I wish I could send you pictures!
It snowed here, most people were grumbling about, because they don't like snow haha, oh well, it makes it pretty outside! And it will probably be warm again tomorrow judging by the weathers bipolarity up here!

It's too bad that our spring breaks don't fall on the same week, but I will be out on the 6th of April and be back for 10 days which will be fun! exited for everything! Yo lo esperanzo estas feliz! 
Love, Love, Love you all!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

From Elder Jordan

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From: Jordan Bloomquist
Date: Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 3:32 PM

Well hello there mi hermosa familia,
  I still can´t believe you little twiners are 8 years old the pictures keep wiggin me out, but I am happy to see that you are still those cute little girls that I know.  Eden you look like you are just loving it up there on stage.
 This week has been such a blast, we have gotten a lot of work done but we have had so much fun doing it.  This new ward that I am in has so much energy flowing through it is mixed with elderly and new converts and jovenes, but even the elderly have life exploding out of them.
 Elder Palmer is super awesome as well, we get along really well. Normaly when I have a new companion there is a week were it is a little awkward trying to read them and understand how they roll, but with Palmer and I, we are from the same place so we have the same sort of back grounds, the same dumb humor and even the same exact house. It really is tight,  there is an hermana in this ward that I have gotten to know somewhat because we have been going over to her house in the mornings to paint it.  She is super funny, she is about 55 years old and loves to box, she goes to the gym every morning to practice and the other morning she goes to the temple.  There is a lot of work that needs to be done in this ward but the members are super strong and helpful and I am excited to work hard.  We will show them how Middleton boys get things done.
I love you guys a heap load
Elder Bloomquist

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Know Thyself"

It has been one of those Survival-of-the-Fittest weeks and I'm not at all sure I am among the fittest! Somehow,we made it through, despite my limited emotional capacity, and am pleased to look at the calendar and see that it is much less colorful this week. I like happenings and activity, but when I am part of the planning I do have a limit and the effects of overdose are not flattering or healthy.--you know that only too well. =)

I enjoyed going to our first ever political caucus on Tuesday. The energy that night at the Idaho Center was fun! At a crowd of 4500, we only had half of the capacity of the Ada County crowd, but it was such a potent, hands on experience to see the political process in action. We only had to vote twice, (my parents county had to vote three times) but with the size of the crowd, we were still there from 6:00-11:00. It was a nice social atmosphere, even with groups in support of all 4 different candidates. We saw many from our stake and even ran into Aunt Linda and Uncle Bruce, so there were people to visit with, but next time I will bring a book. We didn't get an actual candidate at our forum--with all of the caucuses going on in the country they all sent surrogates, two of who seemed to be local supporters with sadly unimpressive speeches. One candidate sent a video that was nicely done, but Mitt Romney sent one of his sons, who was charismatic and lent an important, personal feel to the night. I haven't always felt decisively pro-Romney. I like things lined up neatly in rows. I like blacks and whites and he has been a complex political candidate from the beginning. Fair or not, I tend to be harder on public figures who are members of the church, but over time he seems to continuously emerge as a man of integrity and unique economic experience, one or both of which the other candidates seem to lack. It's a tricky business trying to find REAL information. The news is biased--talk radio offends me--so I end up searching it all out haphazardly on my own. Stumble, trip--stumble, trip. That about sums up politics and life for me.

Lily and Sophie were both sick this week with aggravated cold symptoms, and devastatingly ended up missing their school field trip. We took our own field trip (in our little white bus) to the Doctors office and ended up in the living room park for our picnic. The twins weren't quite convinced that they still weren't missing out, but we tried to make the most of it. It sounds awful, but having my little kids home sick makes my days so much more meaningful--it adds purpose that I miss, when they are at school. Even so, after 2 and 3 days out of school, I was so grateful that they both finally registered normal temperatures on their birthday and they were so relieved that I allowed them to return to school. Their teacher said if they hadn't come back that day, he was going to bring his whole class over on a walking field trip, which was a kind sentiment. Lily still has cotton balls in her ears and is fairly deaf, but at least neither of them are in pain anymore. We had a little school party, while I was in volunteering on Friday, then Fred and I took Lily and Sophie on their birthday date to Wahooz. They have a new bowling alley there, which felt so nice and clean and refreshing--at first--but they had music videos on HUGE screens at the ends of the lanes and some of the 80's video's were so inappropriate.  By the time we left, the place was filling with families, but the atmosphere is inconsistent and often not family friendly. It's sad that entertainment anywhere seems to have dark influence invading from some corner. Luckily, our innocent little twins were intrigued with this novel game that they had never experienced, and were so excited that they were beating their parents,=( that they weren't paying as much attention to the screens as I was. Unfortunately, we were in such a huge hurry to move through there in order to get back for Eden's play that I didn't take the time to express my concerns to management, but I was offended enough that writing a thoughtful letter this morning is at the top of my to-do list.

Moral Dilemma #5,089 in my life: Where is the line between prude and pure? Really--I want to know! This week, Eden was involved in the musical Oklahoma at her high school. Of the cast over half were strong, dedicated LDS youth. So, here's my dilemma. Our family really enjoyed much of the show.The youth were incredible--such fun to watch--amazingly talented and so hilarious, at times, that I was truly in awe, but it has been a LONG time since I have seen an "Oklahoma" production and I was surprised by how dark some of the themes were and how much sexual innuendo was swirling around the script. Eden was a background character, so those parts didn't directly affect her scenes, but she was in the play, nonetheless, which is a definite support of the production. It was a deeply memorable experience for Eden and created some tight bonds and friendships which have meant so much to her. I've tried to give her opportunities in areas where she is talented and interested, but community theatre proved to be too much of a conflicting commitment for our family and enrolling in high school drama has seemed too chancy. When they announced the high school's first extracurricular Musical, we thought this would finally be Eden's chance, but I was disappointed that a different play wasn't chosen--something more pure. These kids and adults put in countless hours of volunteer time and dedication and provided the community with much to love. Of course they were "only playing parts" which were in no way indicative of who they really are, but shouldn't they be? Questions, questions! Where is the line? I wonder if there are other's, like me, who are confused and frustrated, but like me, are tired of causing a fuss. The energy in the community, among my friends and peers makes me feel that I'm alone in my confusion and when you are constantly alone, you start wondering about yourself--A LOT! It all makes my head feel murky and muddled. I don't like grey areas. I want things clear-cut. Right! Wrong! Always! Forever! The one thing I do know is that when I saw "Jud" on Sunday, standing up at the sacrament table in his white shirt, light shining from his eyes, that was right, and I was happy.

My sister throws some great kid parties--every year--for every child. I always tell her she's crazy but I'm sure her children adore her for it and we think all think she's amazing . Planning a first ever friends party for the twins, after our packed weekend, made me think I was insane. Preparations made me almost neurotic--even just figuring out who to invite was tricky--and I even made some mess-up omissions there, (I'm an overanxious anticipator) but once the party was started we had lots of fun and I learned some incredibly important lessons. It is little moments like these that help me to see clearly my weaknesses and the incredibly generous and loving natures of other people on behalf of my children and our family. Some people are so thoughtful and selfless--truly--in such different ways. Before the party started, one of Lily and Sophie's friends was dropped off a little early so her Dad could make it to a meeting with his son. He covertly asked for a butter knife because his daughter had made all these beautiful hair ribbons by hand and on the way over had discovered that one of them had been glued shut. It was sweet to watch him in our kitchen "making things all better" and then before he left, he got down on Lily and Sophie's level, expressed his sincere appreciation to them for inviting his daughter, and hugged and kissed them both (very Pres. Walkerish--like father, like son). He made them feel so incredibly special. My sister, knowing that the twins had been wanting roller blades and that they weren't getting them because we had bought them scriptures this year, bought them each a beautiful pair. A pair to share would have been generous, but two pairs was truly benevolent. That made me feel incredibly special and completely inadequate.  I called her and told her I didn't know if I should strangle her or fall at her feet in humble adoration. Of course she tried to dilute the whole thing and give Annalie and then Chris credit for the generosity. The truth is, they are just a generous family. There were so many other kind things that day--my brother offered all of the cousins rides to and from the party, which took a burden off all of their parents and made it possible for them all to be here. A sister-in-law called with a sincere desire to present a personalized, thoughtful gift--which she did, and another sister was so kind about my blunderings to invite the appropriate children in her family.The girls were all good to each other and made the morning enjoyable.The one thing I do regret is that when I looked around I realized my house was full of only LDS girls. It wasn't intentional, but it emphasized my tight knit circle. I struggle with how to expand that. Invitations to classmate parties come in constantly. I don't feel safe letting my children go to a strangers house, (LDS or not LDS) no matter how much I like the children. Twice I have caved--once with Mikayla in Mccall, and once with the twins here, but only with me in attendance. That usually makes the hostess nervous and both times, adults were drinking. I'm sure there are hundreds of families who live in good environments, but you can't just guess and if you plan a meeting and then you feel uncomfortable it makes things even more awkward. And since I feel that way, it seems hypocritical to invite those children to my girls party. Another dilemma in my enormous pile. I'm not a lover of most things attributed to ancient Greece, but what trouble the phrase "Know thyself" consistently causes me!

Quote of the week: "Earth's crammed with heaven... But only he who sees, takes off his shoes."--Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Birthday Date Bowling
Sophie's Unique Style...
...and Lily's rare form
Make a wish...
...and then you blow
Beautiful hair accessories...
...on beautiful birthday girls.
Dress-up time... Crazyland!
Enjoying birthday wishes come true...
...and Spring!
Eden in Oklahoma
Singing her heart out

Monday, March 12, 2012

From Mikayla

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mikayla
Date: Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 9:21 PM
Subject: slacks

So I heard that the twins birthday party was great! Soooo awesome! I still didn't hear about Oklahoma though, how did that all turn out? I hope beautifully!  Its almost time to start the next semester which is kinda sad because everyone will be leaving. Nancy is graduating, and Kenzie is going to go to BYU w/ her missionary instead of BYUI... and Tessia will be leaving halfway through the semester (leaving me roomateless, which is depressing.) And Katelyn doesn't know yet, but she will be off track. We have all had sooooo much fun together! This semester has been awesome and their haven't really been any problems, everyone that lives here is really fun to be with! I'm just glad I have people I know with me for this first semester! Making new friends will be good to, I just hope we don't get too many crazies ( I know, like thats fair to say when I am one).

Anyway...Today was a little bit crazy! So first of all I have been sleeping in Kelsey and Kenzies room because I don't like sleeping alone, so we stayed up really late (like 3) taking pictures and then Kenzie kept crinkling a wrapper with her toes right when it was super quiet and so I smacked her and she beat me with her stuffed cow (actually she just thought she did, I rolled away). And then she was making weird moaning noises and I smacked her again and the cycle continued and Kelsey didn't sleep talk, but she usually does. The night before me and Kelsey were just taking pictures of each other in the dark and Mackenzie while she was sleeping... needless to say we didn't get much sleep. But it was fun, and better than sleeping by my self.

So then we all went to church (on even less sleep because it was daylight savings and we have early church). And when we got there I about had a heart attack several times because  at random periods in the meeting the microphone would cut out and this super loud white noise sound would blast (like the sound of the tv, but really loud). 

Then during our ward devotional there was a girl in the next room singing her little heart out and playing the piano (LOUD!) think pride and prejudice style Mary playing the piano. The door was shut but I don't think that was doing anything. It was pretty awkwardly funny.

Friday me and Kelsey and Kenzie got pizza and made this super chocolate cake and ate it...all. I know were pathetic, but it was good, and we were enjoying the sun and trying not to be sad about our ride not going through, but we are better now, because we realized that we will be home soon! 

So we found out that I-COVER is a lot bigger than we thought it would be! Remember that auditorium that the talent show was in? That is where it will be, and they said that there are going to be thousands of people there... scarry!!! There are like 12 groups and they give out different prizes to the groups like band photo shoots and recording contracts... haha well... seeing as our band only knows 1 song I don't know how that would work out for us but a band photo shoot would be fun, not that we are a legit band but I think it would be fun anyway!

I love you all soooooooo soososososo much! I hope you have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 9, 2012

From Elder Jordan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jordan
Date: Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 3:49 PM

Dear Bloomin Famskeets,
    There is so much I have to tell you this week, first of all i just want to thank you dad for your idea, that would be a sweet way to find investigators, it would definantly be a cool way to shake things up a little.  I will give it a try and let you know what happens.  
   It sounds like things are getting intence up there baptisms, stake conference, Oklahoma plays, Birthdays, Abe, Work, school, moody weather, 2nd comming.  All kinds of Crazy stuff.  Eden who are you playing in Oklahoma?  Can you take pictures all dressed up and such?  Pictures have become one of my favorite things here in the mission they say millions of things.  
  This past week we also had stake conference.  It was broadcast from Saltlake and Elder Anderson, Sister Beck and Elder Perry all spoke, it felt very personalized when elder Anderson and Sister Beck spoke, because they actually spoke in spanish, not saying that Elder Perry was not good it was just special to here it in spanish.  Over all the messages were incredible.  So little pre story time... We have an investigator (Ramon) that went down south for his vacations but the day after he got down there he fell and broke his foot and had to be on bed rest the whole vacation, stinky vacation right, but that is not the story.  This week he got back, we went by and visited him and he said he was having a super hard time just walking around the house.  We invited him to come to the conference with us he said he really wanted to go but it was so painful to walk that he didn´t know if he could make it. We offered to find a ride and he said ok, we told him that we would come and pick him up at 9:30 in the morning. That night I prayed that he would be able to go and that his foot would be bareable.    All the plans that we had for rides fell through, we finally decided to call a taxi and just go with that but when we arrived at his house, the only thing that came out or made a noise was his dog.  Needless to say I was really disapointed,  we called off the taxi and took the bus which was much cheeper and arrived at the stake center 15 minutes later.  As we were walking up to the gates of the stake center we saw to our suprise Ramon slowly making his way in with a cane.  He said that we were't there at 9:30 so he just left walking.  I was astonished and amazed, he loved the conference and has a deep desire to learn more.  I know prayer works and that miracles are real.  President promised us that March will be a month of Miracles so be looking up there as well.  Speaking of miracles almost a year and a half a crazy kid left from Middleton Idaho to serve a mission in Chile Santiago,  nearly more than half a year ago another kid left from Middleton Idaho to serve a mission.  Today we had changes and my new companion is Coty Palmer.  I was so excited,  this change is definantly going to be a good one.
  I love ya all and hope you have a sa weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet week.
Dad I don´t know the address to my new apartment but I will let you know what it is next week.  those mountains are impressive arn´t they, we will have to do our next father son up here.

From Mikayla

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From: Mikayla
Date: Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 7:25 AM

Yesterday was CRAZY! Just because I was doing something all day from 9- 10 at night! I did feel pretty cool though, we had to do a prep video for icover yesterday and we had to play our song while they had these professional cameras on us and all these crazy colored stage lights, I felt like we were famous or something... haha no but we do have to go in this week to practice with the stage presence coach which will be really cool. All the bands get to do this and I think it will make me less nervous... because I just found out the number of people that actually go to this on their icover thing it said thousands of people! AHAHHAHAH! Its okay though we are going to keep practicing... and practicing and practicing! 

I am soooo super exited to come down for the twins baptism! It does seem weird that they are in that stage of life! All of everyone is growing up! You know what this means don't you? Not less crazy children, but MORE!!!! HAHAHA pretty soon you will be bombarded with a stream of endless crazy grandchildren that will progressively get more insane as the years roll on! I know I've said that I want to live out of Idaho but I think that I just want to travel around to other places but live here. It's nice here, I love Idaho, some of my friends were talking about how they don't have mountains where they live and I think that would make me go crazy! I also just love all the nature and the people and everything. So I hope to live here it's a good environment!

I'm super exited to vote today! A lot of people are going now, even this guy from Arizona who is going to see if he can vote here now because he has lived in Idaho for school without going home for so long. I am really exited. Also they give you fun chips to vote with so that will also be fun. Good news mom, I believe that I am becoming evolutionary more effective and productive. Its natural selection, If I don't I will die! So I do. Also I might possibly be getting better at my spelling, and actually, funny as it sounds Its because of spell check, I always look to see how I've spelled a word wrong so I can remember it for later. Gotta love it.

Well love all ya'll! Sorry I didn't get this to you Sunday!

Love, Mikayla

[All grown up and still drawing us little pictures!=]

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Back In My Place

It was stake conference for us this weekend and our turn to have a visiting authority. There has been a little buzz around Middleton this week that the direction had been not to have any prepared assignments for any of the sessions. I don't know how things like that get started or circulate so quickly, but it's always a cause for mild concern as you know it means the meetings will be open for spiritual spontaneity. The rumors were only partially true as there were short remarks prepared by our stake president and mission president on Saturday and then the visiting Seventy and his wife spoke and the remaining hour was filled by members being chosen out of the audience to answer gospel questions, then members chosen out of the leadership on the stand to expound on the same question and the General Authority doing follow-up on each question. The members who were put on the spot reacted with great humility and thus gave powerful insights. I will admit that our visiting Authority was a different kind of leader than I usually expect for a member of the seventy--very casual with his vocabulary and demeanor, and a little brusque. It took me off guard and I have to sadly admit that I was a bit disappointed. The adult sessions are always more intimate, which usually lends to a more comfortable atmosphere, but I usually find that engaging. For some reason I was feeling a little edgy on Saturday--sometimes I just feel punchy without being able to attach any reason and I was then.  I did feel the Spirit there in abundance but there was just this occasional internal grating for me, whenever the General Authority addressed us.

This morning, Sunday, I rose early so I'd have time to ponder  and mentally prepare to receive personal revelation during this conference session. I was already aware of the personality difference of the visiting authority, so I tried to acclimate myself to that as well, and the change in me was incredible.  As the meeting started there were some inspiring remarks by some leaders and some converts; there were some impressive testimonies by a few youth who were called out of the audience and given a topic as they passed to the pulpit and given a 10 minute time slot to fill. Unnerving and beautiful. And then Elder Webb and his wife took the remainder of the meeting and I was spiritually riveted. His demeanor hadn't changed--it didn't need to--but mine had, and what the night before had seemed to me as casualness and even calousness now appeared as a humaness that was profoundly relative and the messages sank deep into my heart and my testimony of weak things becoming strong in the Lord was once again strengthened, as it always is when I am able to briefly overcome my natural man tendencies.  I love literary eloquence. It is natural to be inspired by the words of Winston Churchill, who spent excruciating time preparing words, but it is profound, with unscripted, unsophisticated words to be seared by the Spirit and not by the speech or the speaker.  A quote from Pride and Prejudice sometimes seems appropriate for me. "My, but you are a snob!" Yes, and the Lord continually find ways to lovingly put me back in my place.

This is a big week. Caucuses are on Tuesday. Eden's High School performance of Oklahoma, which has been a time consuming commitment for her is scheduled for it's 3 big performances Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. In the midst of all that commotion Lily and Sophia will both turn eight and are in high party planning mode--two days strong, since this is the first year they have had a friend party. 

It is a tradition in our family to get a nice set of scriptures as the gift for your eighth birthday, so Fred and I  went on an excursion to Deseret Book this past week. We picked out scriptures and covers and waited to have them embossed without batting an eye, but when we got back those personalized copies and walked out of Deseret Book with two quads for such little girls, it was a little unnerving. It has all come so quickly.  Their baptism's are coming soon on March 24--the day before Jordan's 21st birthday.  It is strange to realize that a lot of these milestones are probably last's in our parenting sphere. What a final, reflective kind of feeling.

Mikayla and two of her roommates auditioned and made it into ICover, which is a campus-wide concert of student bands. She is so excited. What fun opportunities college life extends and she is balancing it all beautifully, which is an incredible accomplishment in and of itself. 

Quote of the week:  "A man sometimes devotes his life to a desire which he is not sure will ever be fulfilled. Those who laugh at this folly are, after all, no more than mere spectators of life." --Ryunoske Ahutagawa