Monday, January 30, 2012

From Mikayla

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From: Mikayla
Date: Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 10:33 PM
Subject: LETTER!

Dear famasham.

Hello Family! You sound like you have had another week of exitment! I hear there are wedding bells ringing and Eden's having a date fest! (Tessia is a dating machine by the way, she has been going on 2 + dates every week for the past month. She was in our room exhausted and saying she just wanted some peace and quiet but I told her that was what she got for complaining!)

I miss the quiet of home! There is noise here always. Even on Sundays because lots of people watch movies here on sundays, ussually the rest of us chill in our room but it makes it for hungryness as it I don't want to make dinner while its on because I know I would accedentaly end up watching and the rationalization monster would emerge. 

Anyway. It's a lot of fun though! I'm like semi- nocturnal now though, I'm on a 1 to 7 clock now (getting up at 7 feels like when I was getting up at 5). 

I am really struggling with this 4.0 thing though, I have A's exept for my Spanish class. It's really difficult for me, I forgot that when learning a new language there is grammer galore. So it's like a spanish grammer class... SOOOOO hard for me! I have been getting good grades on my other things but only because I have really been praying and working like a dog. Time management helps though, because I can schedule in my free time and not feel guilty (because we are supposed to schedule in fun time or else efficiancy will go down when you get burnt out)

As far as the whole missionary thing i can't be sure... It's probably because girls are exhausting and guys are more friendly. =)
Hugo sounds like an interesting movie, I will have to tell Tessia about it! We were going to go watch it happened one night... but of course she was going on a date instead >=! Thats okay they are always playing old movies though.

So What are your guys's valentines plans? Thats coming up soon right? No I'm not engaged if you were wondering why I was asking...

I never really understood how college worked... and I didn't realize that the undergrad degree was just four years like high school! 

And by the way... people don't mature as the grow up... contrary to popular belief... i think it is a common misconception... past about 17 It all stops matting about age... It all starts mattering about what you have done to make yourself so!

Anyway, ya'll have a fun week!



P.S. Don't worry about taking too long to draw the pictures sophie, I'm just glad i have them! 

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